Status: In Progress~

Concerning the Young Man in the Woods...

The Publishers' Note

Publishers' note:

We, the publishers of this story, have taken special care, in order to ensure that each bit is in perfect condition. We have changed no bit of information, save for spelling and all the grammatical errors we could find (it is quite difficult to discern handwriting, after all). That said, the following story is actually a collection of journal entries, from a young woman named Agatha Blake, who had requested that certain entries of her journal be published.

Of course, we did not originally think that it was a good idea to publish the journal, saying as we had never heard of her from anywhere else, and believed that she might have been insane and/or delusional, to be frank. But, after much insistence on her part, to the fact that it was “actually a fantasy-ish thing that I just wrote when I got bored! Some stuff might have a little bit of reality sub-text though...” we finally took the selected entries to publish.

With all that in mind, we ask you, the reader, to remember that these events are nothing but fantasy! Or…at least she said they were. Why someone would write these as fact, we do not know; but, after seeing her receive a letter of permission from the parties involved, we began to question how factual this truly was. Either way, we, the publishers, encourage anyone who reads this to take it as only fiction, like we said before. We would also like to thank you for reading this, and invite you to relax and enjoy.

The Publishers
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Ah, the publishers...what a way to start a story!
I hope you all like it, feedback is much appreciated and, I'm still a novice so, mercy and understanding is very much appreciated and, perhaps, a bit needed to...
thank you for reading, and be sure to tell me what you think in the comments (for future chapters more so, as this is just a prologue =P)~