I Love You...Like A Gun To The Head

Before I Cross My Heart & Hope To Die

Like light & dark, day & night. Some things just seem to go together in a never ending process of Life & Death. For Jessica "Blaze" Thomson the combination was an almost deadly mix that most people could only dream of; Sex & Rock n' Roll.

Blaze had a voice that was unlike any other. Raw & depth less, yet filled with such an overwhelming passion & emotion that you could almost see it. Feel it. It was a power all of its own, bringing an immense amount of intensity to the music.

And with such a pure talent such as that, it was no wonder her band Candy Hearts For The Illiterate was becoming an overnight success across the globe.

With her twin sister Maribeth on bass, younger brother Mike on drums & best friend Dave shredding on guitar, nothing could stop her. She was at the top of the world & there was nothing that could hold her down.

Sure, she was caught up in the glitz & glamor of stardom that had destroyed so many before her. But never in a million years did Blaze think anything would happen to jeopardize all that she had worked so hard to build. Including herself. And for the time being there was no such need to worry. She was living the life that nearly every person could only fantasize about. And she was loving every sex-filled second of it.

Candy Hearts was currently set to spend the entire summer touring the U.S. with Flyleaf. The two bands had met at an event in Seattle, Blaze's hometown. Lacey Mosley had been so blown away by the band that she insisted that they tour together.

And so here they were, nearly six months later ready to spend the next 2 months on a 26 city tour across the United States. Today was the day that journey would begin.

Blaze & her comrades were just now arriving into the Austin International Airport in Austin, Texas, about an hour away from the hometown of Flyleaf. Stepping off of the jet, Blaze was nearly blinded by the bright rays of Texas sun. She flipped down her thick, white rimmed sunglasses to shield her sensitive eyes. Lacey stood awaiting them.

"Hey guys! Did you have a good flight?" Came her cheery voice as she greeted her emerging tour mates.

"It was good." Blaze began. "I think we're all a little hungry though." An innocent smile had formed at the corners of her mouth.

"Yes! Me need food!" Dave yelled, rubbing at his stomach as they all erupted into laughter.

"We're all gonna get something to eat in a bit & discuss the tour arrangements." Lacey started. " You have your own bus, of course, which is right behind me."

Sure enough, right behind her tiny body sat two immense buses. It was then that Blaze noticed a figure she had never seen before. He wasn't a member of Flyleaf, she could tell because he was standing amid them. He was tall, maybe 6'1, young looking, no older than 23 clad in plaid shorts, a black TAP OUT t-shirt & plaid Fox Racing Hat shielding part of his face. She didn't know why, but Blaze was instantly intrigued, as she was by most men she met. But something was different about this one. She could almost sense it.

"Whose the kid?" She asked Lacey, a nod in his direction.

Lacey turned her head in order to see who she was referring to before answering. "Oh that's my little brother, Josh. He's gonna be touring with us, helping out the Tech Crew. We should get going, though, if we wanna keep on schedule. I'll get the guys to help you with your luggage."

Blaze simply nodded before walking toward the buses. She could feel her twin sister's eyes upon her as she walked.

"What?" Blaze asked, not bothering to turn her head.

"I saw the way you were looking at Lacey's brother." Mari said quietly, now standing beside her sister.

"And your point, my dear?" She asked simply.

"My point, dear sister, is that he's Lacey Mosley's kid brother."

Blaze laughed. "Doesn't mean I can't have a little fun." She said, giving a devious sneer to her twin through her sunglasses.

"You're so bad, sis." Mari said with a grin.

"I know, love, I know." That devious sneer still lingering as she walked upon the bus.

Dinner was over by now. Few had left the table as other's sat chatting. The entire time Blaze had sat there she couldn't take her eyes off of Josh for more than a few seconds at a time. There was just something so intriguing about him. How he barely said a word, yet she noticed his eyes upon hers a few times.

And what lovely eyes they were. Probably the most intriguing part of him. Bright Green with that little hint of Hazel thrown in. They matched nearly identically to a certain Vengeful Lover she knew.

How she envied those eyes, yet never wanted his gaze to leave her for a single moment. Never wanted them to set sight on anyone but her. She wanted this boy, that was a given, & what Blaze wanted Blaze got. No was NEVER an option.

And so here she was walking out the restaurant doors to find her new interest leaning against one of the buses as he had before. She acted as if she hadn't noticed him standing there, though she could feel his eyes burning into her as she searched for her lighter. He seemed to watch in interest as she dug through her purse.

"Need a light?" Came his simple voice.

She looked up, as if surprised by his sudden presence. "Please & thank you?" She smiled sweetly.

Slowly he began to step towards her, lighter in hand. She took notice to the way his feet seemed to glide across the pavement. He was in front of her now, hands very close to her face as he lit the cigarette that was securely pressed between her snake bitten lips. It was now that she noticed just how tall he was. Especially compared to her petite body.

"So you're Lacey's kid brother?" She asked casually, letting the deadly smoke escape her lips.

"Yep, Josh Mosley. That's me." He stated, eyes never leaving her as he scanned her body up & down. She smiled inwardly at this motion.

"Nice to meet you. Jessica Thomson. But I prefer you call me Blaze." That innocent yet devious tone still lingering in her voice & upon her face. Signature Blaze style.

"How'd you get stuck with that name?" His tone was simple, & boring. As is he really didn't care, just wanted to make conversation.

"Well, when I was a kid my guitarist, Dave, accidentally ran into me causing my books to fall. Needless to say I was angry & began to yell, for at the time I didn't know who he was. And he said 'Jeez, settle down Blaze' When I questioned him about the name he said it was because I had a blazing temper. Then the name just sort of stuck & so did Dave cause we've been best friends ever since."

Josh merely nodded. "Fascinating." He stated.

His tone & stance suggested he could care less as he stood with arms folded & back leaning this time against the building. Yet inside he truly was fascinated. Fascinated by the sex appeal she had about her. The way her lips hugged around the toxic stick as she sucked in then released the smoke. The way her eyes took on an almost red shade as she stared.

"Well, I'll catch ya later." He spoke as his sister emerged from the restaurant, closely followed by the others.

Blaze nearly stood in shook at how ignorant he had been. Yet an unruly smile soon spread across her thin pierced lips. If he wants to play hard to get, then so be it. Two can play this game. And she sure was going to have fun with this one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes! First chapter to my original!
I hope you all liked it so far.

PLEASE, & I cannot stress this enough, PLEASE comment.
It's not that hard.
If you read this story & liked it then TELL ME!
I'm writing this for all of you!

Thank you for reading,
xoxo, BLAZE <3