I Love You...Like A Gun To The Head

So Fragile, Yet So Devious

Blaze was a devious being. Nearly every person she had every known knew this little fact about her. It wasn't that hard to hide, not that she was trying. But it was there. And you didn't have to look very far to find it.

At first glance you wouldn't believe it. That's how things always started. New men were always being warned of her fastidious tactics from people who claimed to have once been a part of them. They would never believe the warnings.

At first glance she was this innocent creature. A sexy innocent gleam shone on her near flawless countenance. It was always a confident expression, though. She would smile sweetly, giggling at every word uttered no matter how ridiculously cliche or corny it may have been. Instantly grabbing your attention, drawing you in like a fish on a line.

And that was the whole point wasn't it? To draw you in like moth to flame?

She would do whatever it took to intrigue you, make her your greatest desire. And it always worked. Because no one expected such ruthlessness from a form as beautiful as she. An evil being with the face of an angel. That's what she was.

Big dark brown eyes bore straight into your soul. The color always mimicked her feelings, too. Red for lust, black for hatred, & though she would NEVER admit it they would turn an almost grey color when she cried. Her hair was every changing between dark brown, dark purple & the current black with a few thick red strips accenting her side cut bangs. And always was her hair cut short, just above the shoulders. Her body was petite, too. Only standing at 5'1.

Nothing from her appearance dared to reveal her true self. It was not until she had drawn you completely in, seduced you, then tossed you away like nothing that you ever realized the REAL Blaze Thomson.

Devious, yes. And ruthless, heartless, evil. Perhaps apathetic as well. Blaze had not a care in the world other than herself. And people just loved to hate her. But it was always what she wanted.

All eyes were drawn to her at all times no matter where she went. Sneers of attitude from envious girls. The whispers they spoke of her to one another. And her favorite, the way the jaws of men dropped at the sight of her. That power was probably even greater than the power of her voice. The power to make all heads turn in her direction. The power to get whatever & whoever she wanted.

I guess you can say she was an attention-whore, for lack of better word. But with a body & face as sexy as hers, who wouldn't be? The epitome of sex-appeal, & everyone in the world would know it.

But there was also another side to Blaze. A side in which only the closest of her friends knew of. It was a soft side. A fragile side. A side in which she didn't like to show. Because to her it showed weakness & she hated that with the passion of a million burning fires.

Only one man had ever been able to release her true hidden fragility. But he was gone now, & no one would know of this. In fact, this part of her was so foreign that she herself barely even knew it had ever existed.

Candy Hearts first performance of the tour had just now ended, & Flyleaf was to take the stage at the Texas Stadium in Irving, Texas. It was a complete rush. Seeing all the screaming fans who seemed to know all the words despite the fact that most were there to see Lacey & her crew.

Josh had been ignoring her all day. Acting as if she was never there, something that was really starting to set her off. Because as said, she was an attention-whore, & all eyes must be on her at all times. NO MATTER WHAT! And right now she wanted, scratch that, NEEDED Josh's Hazel/Green eyes on her & only her.

He was talking to some bleach-blonde tramp near the concession stands. Probably just another groupie wanna-be. Blaze hated girls like that. So fake & trashy that would do anything to sleep with someone famous. Blaze never had to try very hard, that's what made it so perfect. She also had respect for herself. Besides, SHE was the one being desired, not the other way around.

She walked right passed them, as if they hadn't been there to begin with. Her frustrations beginning to show in her movements.

"Hey, you're Blaze Thomson, aren't you?" Came a sudden male voice from behind.

Now Blaze normally didn't answer to this question, but she turned to see the owner of the voice was quite handsome. Your average tall, dark & handsome cliche, but with a laid-back style. She also noticed from the corner of her eye Josh watching the two.

"Indeed I am." She answered with her signature innocent tone & sweet smile.

"Oh my God, I love your band!Your voice is absolutely incredible!"

She laughed lightly. "Well thank you. You're so sweet." There it was again, signature Blaze.

"Hey, do you think I can get an autograph?" He asked with enthusiasm & excitement.

She leaned close to his face, "I'll give you a little more than that." She whispered lustfully into his ear. "Come on."

Taking him by his hand she led him into a near-by door. It happened to lead into an empty fire-scape. Drafty & dark. But it would work just fine for what she had in store. And very slowly she dropped to her knees in front of him.

Josh watched the whole display take place up until they disappeared behind the metal door. His green eyes never left it. Even as his bleach-blonde rambled on about nothing, unaware that he no longer comprehended a single fake laugh or word uttered. Truth was he had not the slightest care, anyway.

Was it jealously he was beginning to feel? No, it couldn't be. He had only known Blaze for not even 48 hours. Yet his gaze still stood. Never once breaking away in the time it stayed closed.

Minutes later the both emerged. The mans face was utterly flushed, & Blaze's signature expression never fading. It was almost a permanent part of her face.

"Dude, where have you been?" Came another male voice as Blaze's new groupie slowly seemed to stumble toward him.

"You'll never believe what just happened. Blaze Thomson just went down on me!"

That caught Josh's attention. Very fast.

"Yea, fucking right man. You want me to believe that THE Blaze Thomson sucked your two inch dick?"

"Man fuck you! I swear to God! She's standing right there! And she signed my boxers!"

All eyes shifted to her now, even Josh's of course, just as she wanted. She looked at her groupie & his friend giving a cute little wave in their direction.

"See man! I fucking told you!"

She looked at Josh now, finally acknowledging his presence, giving a sexy wink. He shook his head, lips curved into a half-smile. He merely left the blonde standing with a very agitated expression on her Botox injected face.

"Treat all of your fans like that?" He asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

She wiped seductively at the corners of her mouth. "Just giving him something to remember. Ya know, share with the grand kids."

He shook his head again, giving a slight chuckle. "You AMAZE me"

Blaze smiled satisfyingly. "I get that alot." Her voice was low. But then she noticed her twin up ahead. "Well, I'll catch ya later." She said, mocking his words from the previous night before stalking off to join her sister.

He merely stood as usual, watching, arms-crossed, head still slightly shaking, & half-smile never fading.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh yes, another update =]
Man that Blaze Thomson is so evil ;]

& mean THE WORLD to me.
They are ALWAYS appreciated & the favor is ALWAYS returned.

New update maybe tomorrow.

Thank you all for reading!

xoxo, BLAZE <3