I Love You...Like A Gun To The Head

And You Blush, What A Rush

Grey, misting clouds, dreary, gloomy skies, everything utterly dull. All of which described the morning that now arrived. The morning that followed Blaze's evening hidden away with Alex between the sheets of a bunk that didn't even belong to either of them. It was just another one night stand, something that was very common to Blaze. Almost all of her relations had been this.

But when she awoke on this particular morning, she didn't feel satisfied like she normally did after these occasions. In fact, her mood fit almost perfectly with the clouds that blanketed the sky above & the lifeless color that surrounded her in all directions. Kind of ironic, don't you think?

Alex was gone. He had left shortly after their long awaited reunion. Back to his own tour & his own life.

She knew it was inevitable. Even before they locked themselves away together. But what she wasn't expecting was to feel so negative. So helpless. So entirely unhappy. She hated it! Hated that a man could ever make her feel this way, even if it was Alex. Alex who had always been the exception to the rule. Hated that he always seemed to make her care about someone other than herself. She was angry, & everyone was going to know it!

There was more irony to this day as well. It seemed Josh's mood had undergone a significant alteration from the previous nights as well.

He awoke feeling refreshed, a giant grin on his face as he stretched his stiff muscles. Stepping down from the bunk he had occupied on the Candy Hearts bus last evening he appeared to be rejuvenated. And as soon as his Hazel/Green eyes fell onto the anger prone, lonesome face of Blaze, an almost remorseless feeling overcame him. He was the uncaring one now. The one who would feed off of others suffering. And truth be told, he was kind of looking forward to it.

"Ah, such a lovely morning!" Came his enthusiastic voice as he seemed to appear from nowhere.

Blaze turned, shocked to see him on her bus. Everyone else was gone. Out to grab some breakfast before the show tonight, leaving her to her thoughts outside of Stubbs Amphitheater back in Austin.

"Why the fuck are you on my bus?" She snapped, eyes slightly narrowed at him.

"There were some...disturbing noises below my bunk last night. So I came here to crash." His face was adorned with an all too cocky smile intentionally directed towards her.

She glared, not at all impressed or in the mood to deal with any of his bullshit. Today was not the day. And she knew that he was aware of this as well.

"So, where'd everyone else go?" He asked, hands rummaging through each of the cupboards.

"To get food." She replied with a hint of attitude.

"Why aren't you with them?" He pressed on further, knowing very well what he was getting himself into. That was the joy of it.

"Cause I'm not fucking hungry!" She once again snapped harshly.

"Jesus, why you so fucking pissy? Mr. Atreyu finally leave?" His voice was even cockier now & Blaze's eyes appeared almost black as she dangerously glared.

"You really wanna start with me now, Josh?" Her voice was very low. Very threatening.

"Yea, I think I do," he smirked again, "It's pretty fun pissing you off." His eyebrows were raised in interest & anticipation as he awaited her reaction.

"Fucking cunt!" Roared her powerful voice.

Almost instantly & her fist came crashing into the left side of his jaw causing him to stumble backwards slightly. He was not expecting that.

"You're fucking insane!" He screamed, a hand now pressed to his throbbing face. Blaze may have been small, but her punch felt like a brick against the frail bones.

She said nothing, just stared ahead, fists tightly clenched & chest heaving up & down in deep, uneven breaths as she tried desperately to contain her anger even more.

An abnormal feeling began to sweep over Josh as he looked upon her. The way her chest was rising & falling very quickly. And also the way her cheeks took on a deep reddish flush of madness. God, she was even sexier when she was angry. If that was even possible.

And as she peered at him; those intense green eyes, cheeks tinted pink as well; her heart began to flutter uncontrollably. Her huge black eyes had formed a ring of red around the edge. A ring of Lust.

Yes, she was angry, as was he. But through all of that anger came an intense urge. An urge to release the madness upon one another in the only other way Blaze knew how.

Grabbing him by the back of the neck, she roughly crashed her lips against his. And he returned the gesture. His hands had harshly gripped her waist, fingers digging painfully into the soft, pale skin of her sides.

Both bodies fell onto the couch in a tangled heap, her hands around his neck, his still dug into her skin. She didn't much mind the pain, though. In all actuality she kind of enjoyed it. A bit of a masochist she was.

She bit at his neck as his fingers dug deeper, a soft moan rising from her throat. His removed his hands from her sides & brought them to the hem of her shirt, lifting it easily over the top of her head. Hers moved to his pants, eagerly pulling at the zipper. She didn't want to waste a single moment.

Josh flinched as her delicate fingers passed over his sensitive skin. She loved the way he shuttered, & how his cheeks were ever more flushed. She pushed him down onto his back. If anyone was going to be in control, it was her. Always the control freak of everything & anything she was apart of.

His shirt was gone now, & she admired the lovely tone of his stomach. She traced a finger down the center of his well defined abs, stopping at the top of his pants before pushing them, along with his white & blue stripped boxers just enough to release the ever increasing bulge.

Her pants had long been gone by now & they each just stared at each other in great anticipation. But she wasn't going to waste anymore time. She was still angry. And what better way to relieve this anger than with sex. After all, "the sex is so much better when your mad at me."

Josh, who was still on his back, tightly took hold of her waist again. And Blaze, hands tracing every ripple of his chest, slammed her body down, hard onto him.

Instantly the motions began. Her body coming all the way up then dropping down roughly. His hips bucking up to meet her every move, yet he could barely keep up. The motions were quick & hard, just the way she liked it.

"Is that all you've got, you piece of shit!" She screamed, slapping his face as she slammed down once more.

"I'll show you what I've got you fucking bitch!"

He pushed her off before repositioning him above her. This was new. She was usually the one on control.

"Bring it on, lover." She said. Her deviousness once again shining as bright as the sun.

Josh laughed. She had no idea what she was asking for.

Almost immediately he thrust himself full forced, earning a loud gasp from Blaze. He wasn't sure if it was a gasp of pleasure, or pain...or both for that matter. But right now he didn't care. All he cared about was the feeling. The intensity as each thrust became harder. As their hips met simultaneously. As they both spoke in breathless mumbles that made no sense.

Nothing ever lasts forever, no matter how much you want it too. And soon their moment of angered bliss was finished. Both releasing at nearly the same time. Josh collapsing down tiredly onto her. Her breathing heavy as she reached for a cigarette.

"You're not as bad as I thought you'd be." She said as she took the first drag of her death stick. "But I've had better." There it was, that cocky, uncaring attitude once again returning.

He stared at her in disbelief & the anger once again began to boil. "Go fuck yourself next time then!" He yelled, jumping up from on top of her & putting his clothes back on.

"Love you, too, doll face." She smirked, waving him goodbye as he returned to his own bus, middle finger raised behind his head.
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Comments are LOVE XD

More to come probably Thursday.

xoxox- BLAZE <3