I Love You...Like A Gun To The Head

I'm So Addicted To All The Things You Do

Another week. Another stage. And another night so full of sighs & screams, it's almost a crime to even write about it. But that was typical Blaze. And Josh was becoming all to familiar with it.

It seemed like every night as soon as Candy Hearts For The Illiterate's set was finished & Flyleaf was to take the stage, there she was. Strolling along with sweet glistening down her porcelain like skin, hips swaying in an almost mesmerizing manner. She would strut right past him, winking innocently. And as soon as Josh was done with his tech job, he'd go looking for it.

Wasn't very hard to find her either. She would always be waiting in some back room where no one could find them. Or better yet, where no one could here her (or him for that matter) scream. Sometimes he'd find her dressed in only very lacy, very sexy undergarments & other times there was nothing at all but her ink injected skin.

It seemed like Blaze was becoming more & more devious as the hours & days passed. All feelings that tainted her when Alex had been there had certainly disintegrated by now, leaving her with not a single care in the entire world but herself. Just as it should be. And Josh was caught up in the entire mess.

Truth be told, he was beginning to fall for her.

Sure she was manipulative, ruthless, selfish, back-stabbing, anything else negative you could think of. But to him, she was beautiful & highly addictive. No matter how hard he tried to resist her, he just couldn't. He was wrapped very tightly around her little finger & there was nothing he could do about it.

And she was very much aware of it, which made it all the more fun. All she had to do was call his name & he'd come running. It was as if all self control he once possessed now belonged entirely to her. And boy was she loving this.

Night had dawned in around her now. The lights, the fans, the temperature of the air. It was all so intoxicating. Josh watched her from the side of the stage. Her body swaying with the music as the words to Candy Hearts hit single "I Feel Perfect"* rang out over every screaming fan. They all sang along, but Josh couldn't hear them. He was entirely focused on her & only her.

"The other day I had to stop & think
And boy I love the way you get to me"

Her eyes seemed to meet his in a wanting flash as she sung the words with such passion, Josh could barely handle it. He could see the ring of red around her eyes. The ring he had become all to familiar with over the past few weeks. He knew what would happen as soon as she left the stage. But he'd be waiting.

He knew it was wrong. Falling for someone like her. She could have any guy she wanted at the snap of a finger, yet he was so intrigued as if he was addicted to heroin.

And that's what she was! She was his heroin! And no matter how hard he tried to stay away, to say no, he couldn't! He needed that hit. He needed to be alone with her every second he could because he was entirely addicted to her! And he was beginning to hate it.

Maybe it was only lust. He told himself this quite often. He didn't want to be falling for someone like her. But she was just too addictive, too hard to say no to. And tonight would be no different.

Here she was now, walking slowly off the stage as her hour of glory faded. He was waiting for it, same routine as every night. The little wink, teeth slightly biting at her bottom lip. Sexy little pout around her small nose. It would all be the same.

But as she appeared closer & closer to him, none of it happened. No wink. No pout. Not even any eye contact. She completely ignored him!

"Josh! Quit day-dreaming! We've got 15 minutes to get this stage set up!" Rang the voice of Randy, the head Tech Man.

He shook his head in attempt to be more focused on the job at hand.

"She's probably just toying with me" He thought. "I'll go find her when I'm done."

Twenty minutes later, he did just that.

Josh walked up & down all the back hallways of the building. Searching every mysterious door in hopes of finding her, waiting naked as always. It seemed he had searched everywhere she could possibly be & he was beginning to give up hope.

Somberly Josh walked into the nearby Men's Room to splash some cool water on his face. But as he entered, a familiar sound rang through his ears. The sounds of someone (or someones) sighing & gasping & moaning. And it wasn't just anyone. It was Blaze.

Awkwardly he cocked his head to the side, seeing two Converse adorned feet with jeans dropped at the ankles. A hand came over the top of the stall grasping it firmly, & immediately he identified it as Blaze's. Even the moan that escaped her lips, he could tell it was her.

She was pinned against a dirty bathroom stall with some guy she probably had only met a few moments ago.

A little piece of Josh's chest sank a bit. But only for a moment. He wasn't going to stay mad. No, he had something better planned. He was going to do the exact same thing. Find the first beautiful girl he came across, take her some place quite & let lose.

If Blaze could do, then why the fuck couldn't he!

He heard Blaze's moans of pleasure as he walked with head held high out the bathroom door. But all he did was smirk.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was somewhat a filler but I actually like the way it turned out in the end.
& sorry that this one was so delayed.
Had to work all weekend & had no time to get this out.

As for the * next to "I Feel Perfect", that's to point out that the song is NOT a song I made up. It is in fact a real song by the band Porcelain And The Tramps. & for those of you who do know the song, I'm probably gonna use every Porcelain & the Tramps song as a Candy Hearts song.
I just love Porcelain's voice & the style of music goes well with Blaze's character.
Just wanted to clear that all up.

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It would be forever thanked.