I Love You...Like A Gun To The Head

She'll *** You Just For The Taste

A deep breath of fresh salty air engulfed Blaze as she retreated from her tour bus. She always loved that smell. It brought with great memories of her teenage years when her entire family would escape here for the entire summer. Her favorite place besides Seattle, her second home. Orange County, California.

"Feels good to finally be here again." Came Maribeth's voice as she came to stand beside her sister outside of the hotel in down town Huntington Beach.

Blaze looked to her sister & smiled. "And to think we get to just relax here for an entire 2 days. It'll be just like old times."

But inside Blaze sighed at her own words. It wouldn't be the same. Not really. Alex wasn't here this time, he was off touring the country. But the thought was quickly replace by a better one. It didn't matter that he wasn't here because all of her old friends still were. Josh was there as well. And she was free to do whatever & whomever she pleased.

It didn't take very long for Blaze to become restless waiting to see her old friends. She always was the impatient type.

"I'm gonna call Val." She spoke to no one in particular, though her twin was sitting right across from her.

"We just got here. You don't wanna relax for a little first?"

"I'm too restless! I need to get out! Plus I haven't seen Val or the guys in forever!" She complained, arms flailing.

"Guess you got a point. Call her."

And she did.

Not twenty minutes later were the entire crowd driving through the streets that were all too familiar to Blaze. She had practically lived in this neighborhood, & it hadn't changed a bit since the last time she visited. Massive houses lining the neatly paved streets with the Pacific Ocean clearly visible in the back round. That was always her favorite sight.

The bus pulled up in front of another place that was very well known the entire Thomson crew. A man with arms covered in tattoos stood waiting along with a very pretty blonde women as the members of both Candy Hearts & Flyleaf came strolling off the bus.

Blaze & Maribeth almost had to fight one another as they ran eagerly out the doors & to the two people standing. They were almost knocked down by the force of the twins hugs.

"SHADZ!! VAL!!" They both shouted in unison.

"Good to see you guys, too." The man said chuckling, arms around Blaze before switching to give Maribeth a hug.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting out back." The women said and all began to follow.

The excited smiles of everyone never left there sun kissed faces. They could all hear laughter & almost ran towards it. Party time had arrived!

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the gorgeous Thomson Twins!" Came a voice as soon as the group was in sight.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Zacky Vengeance & Mr. Johnny Christ." Blaze mocked, but instantly embraced her friends.

Josh watched Blaze for a long time. He was at a distance being introduced to the other few people by Michael & Dave, but he as uninterested. He was only interested in Blaze at this moment.

He saw her excited smile, &giggling face as she talked to these two. What was with her & rock stars? His jealousy was once again rising.

"So when do I get another piece of that lovely ass of yours, Blazey." Asked the taller of the two men.

"I believe it's my turn to have my way with her, Zack." Said the shorter one as an arm slinked around Blaze's thin waist.

"Johnny does have a point my Vengeful lover." Blaze answered, kissing Johnny's cheek.

"Fine, I get Mari then!" And all began to laugh.

It was definitely just like old times, Zacky & Johnny always fighting over which twin they got this time. They hadn't changed a bit, but both sister's were completely fine with it.

Hours of drinking & catching up passed. Everyone was very intoxicated & running around like animals. It was like they were teenagers again.

But the one person who didn't seem to be enjoying himself was Josh. He sat sipping his beer, watching as Blaze hung all over Johnny, forgetting entirely that Josh had ever been there. She hadn't spoken a single word to him since arriving in Orange County.

"Is she really that heartless that she could forget all abut me just like that?" Josh thought. He was beginning to feel sick.

"I gotta piss!" Blaze yelled as she tossed her empty bottle of Coors to the side before stumbling her way into he house.

Johnny followed her, also stumbling, into the kitchen. He grabbed her waist, spinning her around to face him.

"Going somewhere, sexy?" He slurred, eyes glossy.

"Why don't you show me that room of yours, doll." She said in that lustful tone of hers.

Outside Josh's thoughts were running wild through his head. He couldn't concentrate on anything the man in front of him, Matt, was saying to him, Dave & Michael. All he could think of was Blaze. Seemed like that was all he could think of these days. My God, maybe he was really beginning to fall for her.

"I gotta go talk to her." Said his thoughts as he scanned the yard for her, but to no avail. She was nowhere in sight.

He stood instantly, eyes now skeptically searching for her beautiful face.

"Have you seen Blaze?" He asked Mari, who was trying to get a tipsy Zacky to dance.

"I think I saw her go inside with Johnny."

He nodded lightly & turned to enter the house. It was dead silent & dark. No sign of anyone. But it was a big house so he further began his search for her.

"Blaze?" He shouted into the darkness.

No answer.

He began to ascend the stairs knowing it was the only other place she might be.


Still no answer.

But then he stopped. At the end of the long, dark hallway a crack of light shown through a door that was slightly ajar. But not only that, he heard a faint noise. At first he couldn't make i out, it was too distant. So he crept closer & closer. And the noise to seemed to grow louder, clearer & his stomach began to turn.

He peered through the crack in the door hoping to disprove his suspicions. No luck. His suspicions were true. Blaze was being her signature sex-crazed self going at it full force with Johnny.

Josh turned away in disgust & anger. Why did this always seem to happen when it came to her. He was beginning to learn who she truly was. At first he didn't want to believe it, or maybe it was that he didn't seem to care. But he was too far in now. How could she just do that with no remorse what-so-ever!

He was done with her. Or so he told himself. No more would he put up with her manipulative, wanting ways. No more!

But deep inside he knew he was only fooling himself. He was too far in now & nothing he tried to tell himself could stop him from falling harder & harder for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not the happiest with this chapter.
I would've liked more time to work on it but I didn't post it when I said it would so I couldn't prolong it anymore.
I hope you all liked this one.
Please comment & let me know if this chapter sucked & if you like where this story is going..cause to me it all seems kind of repetitive =\
I swear my next stories will be more planned out!

But thank you all for reading & commenting.
Makes me feel better about it

xoxoxo, BLAZE <3