I Love You...Like A Gun To The Head

It's Not Like You To Turn Away

Bright shining sun came dancing in through the slightly parted blinds. The distant sound of waves crashing to shore in the back round alongside laughing, cheery voices & singing birds. Was this a dream? Was this paradise? No, it was both. It was Huntington Beach, California.

Blaze stretched & yawned away her peaceful night of sleep. First time in a while she had slept on an actually comfortable bed. But it was then that she realized whose bed it was. She saw the short man still lying there, his black & blonde hair disheveled from last nights antics. He was so cute when he slept. She just wanted to pinch his little cheeks.

He began to stir as she smiled upon him.

"Mmm, what time is it?" He asked sleepily, eyes squinting from the brightness of the sun.

"It's 11:32. Go back to bed." She said in a hushed tone.

Instantly he rolled back over with heavy breathing shortly following. Poor kid, she really wore him out last night.

1 hour & 25 minutes later after Blaze had showered, eaten breakfast & straightened her hair, she decided to take a walk to the beach. It had been so long since she had just walked alone admiring the beauty of this place she loved so much. And since everyone was still passed out cold from a long night of partying, what better way to spend her time.

Blaze let the cool, wet sand seep between her small toes. It was a feeling she both loved & hated at the same time. She watched the teenagers surfing along & the little children falling over as the tide began to recede. She remembered those days when that would happen to her & Maribeth & Michael, their parents taping he whole thing from a slight distance.

She was so caught up in her remenissions that before she could even realize what was going on she smacked right into another body.

"Jesus, I'm so sorry." Blaze began, brushing her self off, not bothering to look up at this person she had run into until he spoke.

"Blaze?" This man questioned.

And it was then that she looked up into his face, a face very familiar, a face that made her smile & her heart warm. "Brandon? What're you doing home? I thought Alex said you guys were touring."

"We were. We just got back to OC about 4 days ago." He said.

"Where's Ektor at? I wanna go see him before we leave."

"He should be at the house. But I think he's busy at the moment. You might not wanna bother him." Brandon's voice had taken a weird tone, but Blaze didn't seem to notice. She was to excited.

"That's alright, I'm sure he won't mind, especially when he sees it's me."

"I dunno, Blaze.." he began to trail off.

"It was great seeing you B, tell the guys I said hey!" And before he could protest, she was running off.

It didn't take long for Blaze to walk from Matt's house to Alex's considering they two house were only a few blocks apart. Each step she took was a step of excitement & anticipation. Alex always made her feel that way.

She walked up the steps now, deciding to ring the doorbell this time instead of barging in like she normally did. She wanted him to be surprised to see her. And surprised he would be.

A minute of two passed before he came to answer the door. Mumbled of aggravation clearly heard from inside. But when he opened the door & saw that small, sexy form standing there, his jaw slightly dropped.

"Jessica. Wha-What are you doing here?" His voice clearly showed his surprise.

She smiled up at him, his shirt was off showing his nicely sculpted stommach that was gleaming slightly with little drips of sweat. "What, not happy to see me Alex?" She said innocently flashing her long eyelashes. That was always a weakness he had.

"N-no. It's not that. I'm just...surprised to see you." He was stammering.

"You just gonna let me stand here or are you going to invite me in?"

He eyes took on a skeptic look as he uneasily scratched at his dirty blonde hair. "I was kind of..in the middle of something, Blaze."

She rose an eyebrow suspiciously. "What's going on? And since when did you call me Blaze?"

He began to stammer again, inaudibly until another voice broke the tenseness. "Alex, baby? Whose at the door?" Came a female voice from inside.

Alex looked at Blaze, a shy smile of slight embarrassment as she stared upon him with an amused eyebrow raised & lips parted.

"Just a minute!" He called back.

"Oh, I see how it is. So that's why you didn't want to see me." Blaze spoke dangerously & low.

"It's not like that, Jess. I jus-" He was fighting for words, but drastically losing the battle.

"Save it Alex. I'll leave you alone now.....Goodbye, Ektor."

When Blazed arrived back at the house, temper risen to a fiery level, there was only one person she went n search for. Josh. She searched every bedroom until finally finding he one he occupied. He was still asleep & she clapped a hand over his mouth.

He awoke in a panic. "Shh. It's just me."

"What're you doing?" He asked, sleep still apparent in his eyes & voice.

"I was doing this."

She attached her lips to his forcefully before climbing on top of his thin body. His hands instantly found her waist as their tongues massaged each other slowly, but fiercely. She was here for one thing, & one thing only. And as soon as Josh began to come to his senses of the reality of what was going on, he did something unimaginable. He pushed her away.

"What the fuck are you doing, Josh?" She spat. Never once had this ever happened to her before.

"What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck are you doing, Blaze? You show up at all hours of the night & day with only one intention & just expect me to be up for it? And then I do like the idiot that I am only to find you the next day with someone else doing the exact same thing! I can't take these fucking games anymore Blaze. You wanna fuck someone, go fuck someone else, because today it's not me!"

She stared in shock, her anger had well reached it's peak. It was so intense she was shaking in anger & she could tell her eyes were black. No one turned Blaze Thomson down. NO ONE!
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I liked this chapter...alot
You should thank my twinzie Marii for this one.
It it wasn't for her, who knows when I woulda got around to posting it.


xoxoxo -BLAZE