Status: This is a work in progress, so even though I have about 30 parts written already (the length of each will vary), I will only post once or twice a week until I have it all completely figured out. Sharing this and getting feedback is my motivation!


Chapter 18

Fun, exercise and sugar helped keep everything that had upset Frank out of his mind for a while. It felt good, so he didn't want it back in there. He didn't want to talk about it, just to let it go.

It was no surprise when he got home one hour later than he should have and yet his mother didn't scold him. He'd known she would feel guilty, and for a few seconds, it gave Frank certain satisfaction. When he dispatched her overly affectionate question about whether he'd had fun with a dry "Yes," his mom clearly understood that he was still mad. 

She then tried apologizing, telling Frank that her stupid friends were just getting on her nerves and she hadn't meant what he heard; that she also didn't expect him him to be like Ray. None of that changed Frank's attitude, who walked past her and towards the stairs with an "It's okay, forget it." It wasn't okay, but forgetting it was what he planned to do, so his mom might as well do the same.

It wasn't long until his dad knocked on the door of his room, wanting to know what had happened between him and Linda. Frank couldn't tell if the man honestly had no idea, or he just wanted to hear his side of the story. Either way, the only answer Anthony got was another "Forget it, it's okay."

Thinking sleep was a good way to force oblivion, Frank went to bed without dinner.


Everybody acted like nothing had happened the next day, probably because Frank's family knew that was what he preferred. Frank tried to keep the interaction to a minimum anyway, wanting to avoid painful conversations.

He spent most part of Sunday having a Snowboard Kids 2 battle with his brother. Although Ray said his friends had all deserted him, Frank had the feeling that he'd stayed home for him. The older never asked anything, but obviously knew something had happened the previous day. Frank would be lying if he didn't admit he took some of his remaining anger on his brother snowboarder, hitting him with everything he got. It was therapeutic.


If Frank was hoping for at least a calm day at school on Monday, though, life disappointed him once again. 

He was reaching the bathroom in between classes when he heard muffled screams coming from inside. Just then the door was kicked open, almost hitting him in the face, and out came Steve looking smug. He only gave Frank a smirk before walking away.

Rushing in, Frank found Brandon and Adam's younger brother Zach curled up against the wall. His left eye was swelling up and his lip was split open, blood staining his light blue t-shirt. He looked up at Frank with an expression that fell somewhere between embarrassment and pure fear as he whispered, "But I'm not even gay..." 

When Frank knelt down and asked if he was okay, all Zach did was beg him not to tell his brothers; Steve was their friend, he said. Frank thought that was more of a reason to tell them, but then the kid confessed that his siblings would be out of the team if he spoke. He had been threatened with that.

Nothing made sense to Frank. He hadn't been around those two boys long enough to figure them out. They seemed nice, but he couldn't understand how they didn't already know their brother was one more victim. Sure, their friends didn't beat Zach up as often as they did other kids -and it had never been this bad before; but didn't they put two and two together the times it did happen? Was Zach that good at hiding it? 

Frank didn't waste any time voicing that, anyway. He made a mental note to open the two older Phillips' eyes later -no matter the consequences- and instead helped Zach up and took him to the school nurse.

After they both argued with the woman to convince her to not call Zach's brothers, Frank left the boy there and returned to the bathroom. He was already very late for the current class so it was pointless to go, and his bladder was still painfully full.

While he was doing his thing, he heard someone open the door. He stiffened and even held his pee in for some seconds, listening for any new sign of violence. It was silent.

Frank left the bathroom stall and took a brief look around, confused as to where the person he'd heard opening the door a minute ago had gone. The rest of the stalls were obviously empty, since no door was closed.

Shrugging it off he went to the sink. Entertained as he was washing his hands thoroughly, he didn't glance up at the mirror until he was done. He then saw James, standing awkwardly near the entrance. When Frank turned around to face him, the boy got visible nervous, shifted his weight from foot to foot and looked down.  

"Are you alright, J?" Frank asked, getting closer.

"I...yeah. I was waiting for you, actually." James' voice sounded strange and low to the point that it was hard to hear him. That was definitely not normal. The guy was one of the loudest people in the school.

"While you should be in class? How did you...?"

"I was going to my locker for something I forgot and saw you enter the bathroom and I thought..." James took a deep breath and, instead of finishing what he was saying, he gently pushed Frank against the opposite wall.

The younger boy frowned, lost with his friend's odd behavior. They hadn't fought, there had been no trouble between them. Had Matt forced James into beating him up? Was he going to hurt him? He felt like he should be covering his face, but the way James was looking into his eyes kept him nailed in place. "What are you..."

"Just..." James gave up on fulfilling Frank's doubts with words. He placed an open hand on his friend's cheek and kissed him by surprise. A little peck on the lips followed by an expectant look.

Frank had flailed for a second but then froze. Many questions in his mind. Many certainties too. Mostly, he was sure he felt nothing beyond the friendly level for James. But he was a teenager, and his traitorous hormones were freaking out, and his only working brain cell at the moment was screaming, "Oh My God, Frankie, you got your first fucking kiss!"

"I really like you, Frankie." James must have mistaken Frank's lack of reaction for approval because, before he had the chance to say anything, there were lips on his again. 

And Frank had no reason to be kissing James, and he knew he had to tell him that he wasn't interested. But...hormones; they liked it. It was their fault that Frank found himself kissing back. Or at least trying to. He had only practiced on his hand while he and Marina would fantasize about how their first kiss should be. She had suggested that they practiced with each other, but Frank had made a disgusted face and refused.

Now, James' lips were nothing like Frank's hand. They were far softer and warmer and fitting. To make it worse, they tasted like watermelon bubblegum. But as much as they were enjoyable lips to kiss, Frank forced himself to remember that he didn't like their owner like that.

"" He pushed him apart apologetically.

"I'm sorry I...that was too much, right? But-"

"No it's not! Or...yeah, but..." Frank gulped. He didn't want to hurt James. "What I...what I wanted to say is...I don't like you that way. You're a great friend, funny and awesome and kind but...sorry."

"Oh." James looked at his feet, disappointed. "Sorry, I thought... kissed back?"

Frank blushed with shame. " was kind of my first kiss, and I was confused and a little bit excited and...I didn't realize what I was doing? Sorry to get your hopes up, J." He gave a sad smile.

James opened his eyes comically big. "What the galactic fuck? How come it was your first kiss? You're so pretty!" he blunted out, looking embarrassed right after. "I mean...uh...fuck, I'd have never thought...I...otherwise I wouldn't have done it this way. Fuck, I'm an idiot, I ruined your first kiss."

Frank felt his heart ache a little. He hadn't thought of it that way. He still didn't think of it that way. "No! No, you didn't. It was...yeah, surprising and you should have maybe asked me first if I was interested? But...I was the one who kissed you back, right? was actually nice. Not like it's really useful coming from someone with no other experience but...I think you might be a good kisser. You'll do good when you...find someone that, you know, likes you back the same way." He patted James' shoulder.

"Really? You...sure you don't wanna try?"

Frank shook his head. "Sorry. I still want to be your friend, though. Do you think you can?"

"Y-yeah, sure. I swear I won't make it weird for you."

"Thanks for saying I'm pretty, by the way."

"You are," James remarked. "So, do you have someone in mind? I mean, do you like someone?" 

Frank thought for a while, although he had no idea why he needed to think. "Nah, not looking for a boyfriend for now. You're gay, then? My gaydar kinda caught something at a point, but I thought it was just your weirdness that confused it, or that the alien signals communicating with you had affected it."

James snorted. "Very funny, Frank. I'm bi, but I never...oh my God. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," he started chanting as he spaced out.


"They can't know!"

"Who?" Frank grabbed James' sleeve and shook him.

"The football team!"

Frank raised his eyebrows. "Are you kidding me, James? You don't fear them. Come on, you could kick Matt's ass if you wanted."

"Maybe.'s not that kind of fear. It's like...a rule for them, you know? Sure, it's a stupid, discriminatory one, but those assholes made it. spite of them I love the team, I love playing. And I'm not exactly among the best players. If they found out I like guys too, and especially that I kissed you, pretty sure they'd find a way to get me kicked out."

"That makes no sense..."

"I know but please, Frankie, don't let anyone know..." James was pleading on his knees now, hands pressed together against his mouth and little eyes peeping up through some stray locks of hair.

"Uh...James, get the fuck off the floor. We're in the bathroom, it's gross," Frank squeaked out nervously. 

The situation had gone from weird to weirder. Or well, maybe this wasn't weirder than having one of your new best friends who was part of the football team kiss you; but it was still pretty uncomfortable. Frank felt bad for James. The fact that he had to be so worried about the team finding out he was bi was just wrong. No one should have to worry about their sexual orientation interfering with the things they loved. 

Frank wasn't going to tell anyone. He had no reason to. He'd never out someone who wasn't ready. However, seeing James beg, seemingly sure that he was thinking of telling, had given Frank an idea. 

It was a nasty idea that made him feel guilty just by considering it. He tried to push it away as he remembered that they should really go to their respective classes. was a possibility, and the purpose was noble. It could make him lose a friend -he hoped not- but it could also contribute to keep many kids safe.

"Frankie?" James was looking at Frank from above again, fear still written all over his face and gestures. He wouldn't leave the bathroom until being sure that his secret wouldn't be revealed. "What are you thinking? Please..."

Frank felt like the biggest asshole. He was going to use his friend. His friend who liked him as more than a friend and had maybe had his heart broken by his rejection, to start with. "I'll...make a deal with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I won't tell anyone if..." Frank had to stop to mentally reassure himself that it was for a good cause. "...if you stop the guys from hurting any kid."

James' mouth fell open and he swept the hair off his face, inspecting Frank's. He probably expected it to be a joke and was searching for signs of amusement. "Are you serious?"

"Very." Frank nodded. No matter how noble the reason, right now he felt like he was going to hell. He had to bring back Zach's terrified face from a moment ago to stay firm in his decision.

"'s not fair! I'm your friend, Frank. I just told you that I like you and now you're blackmailing me? Holy shit, kid. I can't!"

Frank thought of a way to defend his idea. "Yes, you can! You're stronger than them, I'm pretty sure many of them fear you."

James rubbed his forehead, sighting. "Didn't I ever tell you? They don't fear me. They don't fight me over things like sitting with Gerard 'cause my cousin has a bar and lets them drink though they're underage. But they wouldn't let this pass."

"Oh." Frank was about to change his mind at this point; maybe the plan wouldn't work. "No, I didn't know. I still think you can kick their asses if needed."

"Frank...fucking please."

"Don't think of this as blackmailing," the boy resumed the argument, "just a friendly push to help you fight for your rights. You're one of us, after all!"

"I am. That's why you wouldn't rat me out," James stated.

And no, Frank wouldn't. He only needed him to think otherwise. "I don't believe anything like you imagine would happen if I told them. I'd be doing you a favor. Anyway, I won't as long as I don't see any kid getting hurt."

James seemed confused. "I...fuck, I can't even get mad at you! I admire you for caring so much about those kids and know... But how do I stop the guys?"

"I don't know, just...threaten them with making them try their own medicine?" Frank scratched his scalp, thinking. "Or tell them your cousin hates homophobes and there will be no alcohol if-"

"My cousin's worse than them."

"Well, shit." Frank waved his hands desperately. He was running out of things to say. "Then just tell them you can make your cousin stop the benefits!" 

For a moment he thought James would finally tell him to fuck off, but resignation took up the boy's features and he said, "Okay. I also need an excuse for suddenly being actively interested in the cause, don't you think?"

"Nope. They obviously know you're against what they do, and that you're my friend now. That's enough."

"I don't-"

"Gotta go or I'll miss the next class too. it the way you think best, okay?" Frank smiled innocently and used James' shoulders as support to prop himself up and kiss his cheek. "And we're still friends, don't worry. Good luck!"
♠ ♠ ♠
First, I hope you all read the previous chapter! I didn't update before 'cause i was, again, waiting for someone to comment on a forum where I'm not allowed to "double post". But I'm done waiting.

This one is much longer than what I've been posting lately, and it'll hopefully give you more to comment about!