Status: This is a work in progress, so even though I have about 30 parts written already (the length of each will vary), I will only post once or twice a week until I have it all completely figured out. Sharing this and getting feedback is my motivation!


Chapter 19

Frank didn't dare tell Gerard about his conversation with James. Not on that same day. No matter how many justifications he tried to come up with for his actions, remorse still ate at him. For worse, Gerard had noticed something was up; it wasn't normal for Frank to be so quiet. So, the boy had mumbled an improvised excuse about not feeling too well and then just felt like an asshole when his friend checked his temperature and asked if he was getting sick.

The same guilty feeling returned stronger that night, not letting him sleep. After tossing and turning for what felt like an eternity, Frank decided to amend at least one of his faults. He needed to tell Gerard what he had done before he found out by himself. Before the suspicious communication going on between him and James made him curious.

In a nutshell, Frank had taken advantage of James' crush on him in the name of their cause. Gerard would have never approved of that, and he would feel rightfully hurt if Frank hid it from him on top of all.

Frank was thankful that nothing that could have exposed him happened before lunch time, when he took Gerard by the wrist and dragged him apart from the rest of the guys.  

With both sat at the table that had been Frank's for years, Gerard's whole face denoted confusion. "What's happening?"

The red Tupperware container in Frank's hands suddenly became the most interesting thing to set his eyes on. He got into a pattern of removing the lid and putting it back on as he tried to find the right words. " know how I told you I wasn't feeling well yesterday? Well...I lied. I just...I had something to tell you but... I mean, I knew I had to tell you, but I didn't want to yet. Or...I wasn't ready's not something bad. I hope not. This...this thing I did. I mean, it's probably just...unfair? But I..."

Gerard let Frank ramble for a moment, giving him time put his thoughts in order. But when the younger one didn't seem to get anywhere and the fidgeting became annoying, Gerard snatched the container off his hands and gave him a stern, yet worried look. "Frank...what did you do? Don't scare me."

Now deprived of his anxiety relief, Frank started to play with his hair, tucking and untucking it behind his ear. "Well...uh...James kissed me in the bathroom," was the first meaningful sentence he could get out, although not the most important he wanted to communicate.

Due to the unexpected nature of the confession, Gerard's reaction was also far from sensible. "Wow, James likes guys?"

"Both girls and guys, apparently. You hadn't noticed? You spend more time with him than I do..." Frank felt a little more relaxed now that they were actually conversing. It would make what came next easier. "Well, I guess it takes one to know one."

Gerard could have told Frank that he kind of was one too, but he wasn't really listening anymore. Instead he was mentally rewinding to what Frank had said before. "Oh...wait a minute. You said he kissed you? What the f-" He stopped himself when realizing that he was about to sound like a protective big brother...or something. He had no reason to. James was nice, and he and Frank got along pretty well. It made sense. "And you...kissed back?"

Frank blushed, somewhat ashamed. "I...I kinda did?" When he looked up, Gerard's odd expression was one he couldn't figure out, but it propelled him to clarify what he had said even if he knew he didn't have to. "I was my first kiss, you know? Caught me off guard."

Gerard was smiling now, albeit still weirdly. "I understand. you don't-"

"I don't like him that way," Frank rushed to say, catching the idea. "I mean, I told James that, which is the truth."

"And that's what you say was unfair?" Gerard felt unexplainably relieved. "Frankie you couldn't pretend, it wouldn't be good for any of you. You shouldn't feel bad..."

The younger boy's nerves kicked back in. "I know, it's not that."

"What then?" Gerard questioned. "I'm scared again."

"Okay." Frank took a deep breath. "Let's make this quick."

"Come on, Frank."

"I...uh...kinda told James I'd tell the football team that he's gay if he didn't keep Matt and his friends away from the kids," he mussitated, secretly hoping Gerard hadn't understood him.

"WHAT THE FUCK, FRANKIE?" Gerard raised his voice, appalled. Had he heard right?

"I know, I suck, I just..."

Gerard rested his head on the table for a moment before looking at Frank again. "You blackmailed James?"

Frank scowled at that. "HEY, you too with that word?"

"What do you want me to call it?" The older tried to keep his voice low now to avoid getting anyone's attention. He wasn't angry. What he felt was closer to disappointment. They couldn't use people in the name of their cause. "He's our friend and he's a sweet guy! And...and you should know it's not right to play with those kind of personal things!"

Frank had never handled disappointed looks well. Not when coming from those he cared about. Especially not when the person was right to feel that way. However, he was also one to defend his ideas until the end once put into action. "I'd never really tell anyone, Gee! I just...want him to think I would."

"It's just not right. How will it even work? I don't-"

"Wait..." Frank interrupted him.

While they were talking, Matt, John and Steven had neared one of the other sectors of tables across from them, where Alex sat talking to his best friend Victor. Frank couldn't hear what was being said between both parts, but the physical language was enough of a hint. He wasn't going to wait to see what happened next.

"Shit. Wait here, Gee."

Thinking Frank was about to directly interfere, Gerard attempted to stop him, his fingers only grazing the boy's back when he sprinted out of the bench. But he didn't need to get up and run after him. He soon saw that his friend wasn't going towards the zone of conflict.

James was involved in an apparently very deep conversation about the cosmos with Brandon when Frank approached him. It wasn't an ideal situation, since he suspected Brandon didn't represent any real danger to James. He wasn't an asshole like most of the team and probably wouldn't delate him. The same, Frank had to try; if only as a reminder for James to pay more attention to what Matt was doing.

"Hey, J!" He waited for both boys to notice him before he continued to talk. "I was told that you know of a gay bar where they let minors in? I'm really curious to visit one and rumor has it you're the man to go to!"

James went white. "What the FUCK?" he exclaimed. Brandon was staring at him, waiting for the answer. It might have been only out of curiosity, but he seemed eager to verify if Frank was right.

"Pay attention, James," Frank stressed. But he wasn't talking about his question. To make that clear, he inconspicuously pointed with his head to where Matt now had Alex on his feet with his back pressed against a tree. Once he knew James had gotten it, he giggled and added, "I was joking, dude! You should have seen your face, and Brandon's!"

Frank could hear James' muttered "Fuck you" as he patted his arm to then walk away, back to Gerard.

"What was that?" Gerard asked.

"Just watch..."

They both saw James make his way to where Matt was screaming insults at Alex and shaking him violently while Victor pleaded besides them. Again, Frank and Gerard weren't close enough to hear what James was saying, as he spoke in much more normal volume. After a few-seconds-long argument, Matt let go of the smaller kid and followed James back to their table.

Gerard was impressed. "Wow. What did he tell Matt?"

"No idea." Frank shrugged. "I just told him to stop them, he could choose the method."

The other pursed his lips, still not liking the situation one bit. "And what did you tell James?" Seeing Frank's doubtful face he added, "The truth."

"I...asked him a random something that you'd normally ask a gay person so Brandon would hear?" 


"Just to catch his attention!" Frank alleged. "Once he got it, I told him I was joking. It worked, right?"

Gerard shook his head. "I guess but...I really don't like the method you came up with. We're not supposed to hurt anyone -and that includes their feelings- with our plan. Well, anyone other than maybe the bullies."

Frank couldn't argue. Gerard was right, and now he desperately wanted to fix his mistake. "I know, it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, I d-"

"But it's true that we need someone else to watch over the kids until we come up with a better plan, so.."

Those words perked Frank's interest. " my idea wasn't that awful?" he asked hopefully.

"Your idea was terrible," Gerard maintained, the pout returning to Frank's face.

"I can just tell James that he doesn't h-"

"Let me finish! The idea was terrible, but the result is not bad I have to admit. Just...make sure you don't actually reveal James' sexuality with your jokes." 

Frank smiled, but still looked down like a scolded little kid. "I won't, I promise." He raised his right hand.

Gerard chuckled and kissed Frank's head. "Better eat now," he said as he gave the red container back to its owner.