Status: This is a work in progress, so even though I have about 30 parts written already (the length of each will vary), I will only post once or twice a week until I have it all completely figured out. Sharing this and getting feedback is my motivation!


Chapter 27

The following day, James' party was apparently the only conversation subject among most guys from the last two years. There was general excitement about it. Frank heard them pondering about what to wear, throwing costume suggestions -either seriously or in joke- and in some cases sharing names and descriptions of the girls they'd invite. 

That's how Frank found out that they could take someone with them to the party, a detail he had missed the previous day -if the spacey host had even mentioned it at all. Wanting to make sure it applied to all goers, Frank asked the impossibly smiley James, who startled him with a loud, "Of fucking course, my awesome Frankie-friend!" 

As far as Frank could see, he was the only one invited from 10th grade or below. It didn't make much of a difference to him, anyway; everybody he hanged out with was older. What's more, the green light given to them to invite one person each, most probably meant Marina and Mikey would be there too. Perfect.

Something else Frank had taken notice of, was that Matt and his closest friends didn't seem to partake in the party discussion.They sat talking in a group near the gym walls, occasionally directing undisguised mocking glances to the rest of guys. It was more than evident that they were criticizing something, be it the others' enthusiasm, someone's costume choice or the party idea itself. Frank had heard them say they were going, though, so it would make no sense if it was the last option.

Out of all Frank had seen and heard that day, however, it was Gerard who truly surprised him. Frank had perceived Way as more of the shy type that wouldn't be too happy with those kind of parties -or parties in general. He thought Gerard would probably just grab one of the monster masks he had seen lying around his room right before leaving for the party. 

Oh, how wrong Frank had been. It looked like he still didn't know his friend well enough after all, because Gerard was quite excited about Saturday himself; very much so. The moment they met by the school gates, he hadn't hesitated to tell Frank that he was already decided on a costume. Frank didn't even need to ask him what it was, since all the information was included in the same sentence. Gerard would be a Ghostbuster, inspired by one of his favorite old movies.

After making the mistake of telling Gerard that he already had his costume, the expected "What is it?" came right away. But as much as Frank was dying to answer, Gerard only got a "You'll have to wait..." in return. 

Gerard didn't accept the mysterious answer so easily. He insisted, asking once and again and arguing that he had told Frank first. Frank resisted the temptation like a champion; the idea of surprising Gerard was stronger. He didn't think Gerard would ever guess -although he did try, and he really wanted to see his face when he saw him. 

By the end of the school day, Gerard had finally admitted defeat and agreed to not mention the subject again. Frank hoped it was true, otherwise it would be hard to spend time at his friend's house without giving in.


There was an unusual silence at Gerard's house that evening. His dad was working, his mom grocery shopping and Mikey out with friends. Enough natural light still fell over the coffee table next to the window, so that was where Gerard and Frank sat quietly doing their respective homework.  

Frank had finished his math exercises long ago, but he kept checking them over and over to make sure they were correct. Truth be told, they always were, but taking it for granted would make him feel presumptuous. He didn't consider himself infallible.

Finally bored of revising the same numbers and symbols always obtaining the same result, he closed his binder and contemplated the still-life drawing Gerard was finishing for art class. 

What stood out the most to Frank over the soft brown background was an elegant, transparent jar with a silver spout and handle. It contained the same reddish liquid -red wine, Frank guessed- as the tall crystal coup to its right. To the left, a white platter only partially held a bunch of purple grapes, the extremity hanging out. Three red apples sprinkled with yellow filled in the spaces, everything resting on a cloth of a vivid blue color.

If he hadn't seen the first stages of Gerard's work, Frank would have sworn it was a photograph. Those grapes looked so alive and delicious that they made him want to reach out and take one, and he couldn't understand how glass and its glitter could be recreated so truthfully with a few traces of pencil. Even more admirable was that Gerard had refused to wait until the next class, when he would be able to see the set of objects again, to give the last touches. He'd said he had a picture of it in his mind and wanted to finish while he was inspired.

"That looks so fucking awesome, Gee," Frank voiced his admiration.

Gerard looked at him briefly and shrugged. "Thanks! It's not exactly my thing, though. I like to draw people more."

"I imagine that being damn hard. Drawing people, I mean. I don't think I could ever get someone's face right. I can copy things more or less decently, but when it's a human face there are so many details to have in mind... It amazes me how artists can do it!" Frank gestured.

"I think one of the most important things you need, is to be a good observer -which I am," Gerard shared. Rethinking his words, he realized he probably sounded like a bragger. "I mean...I have that one down at least. I'm a good observer. But I didn't mean to say that alone makes me a great artist or anything. I can't give an opinion about my own art... But, back to the subject, I find it easier when I come upon a face that really captivates me, which can happen for many different reasons."

Frank was absorbed in Gerard's words, finding the passion behind them highly interesting and inspiring. His friend could talk about art and the motivation behind it the whole day, but evidently tried to keep it short in fear of boring someone. Frank didn't think Gerard could ever bore him, though. 

As he was browsing through some of Gerard's older drawings, still listening intently, a few certain words the other said after a pause caught Frank by surprise.

"You're perfect..."

Right away Gerard took conscience of how random and weird that had sounded out of context. He cursed his spontaneous loud thoughts once again. If he at least spoke out his whole thoughts and not just a part them, he wouldn't get himself into those kind of situations.

Frank raised his eyebrows, feeling abruptly jittery. He wanted Gerard to explain his statement, but all he could think of saying was, "What?"

Gerard seemed nervous and fidgeted a little before speaking. "I mean...uh...your face. It''s perfect. F-from an artistic point of view. So...symmetric, with delicate lines and features. Imperfect faces are always interesting to capture, the uniqueness of those imperfections. But to get a face like yours right? To respect the perfection? It's a real challenge."

Frank had never known how to respond to compliments. He liked them; they made his heart warm. But they were also the cause of the most awfully awkward moments. They didn't fail to make him blush embarrassingly. No one had ever talked about his face from an artist perspective before, though. That was new.

It would be better if he didn't tell Marina about it -he thought. It was a perfect excuse for her to go back to accusing him of like-liking Gerard.
Intending to break the still-present awkwardness, Frank grinned and said, "You're not thinking about drawing me, are you?" just as his friend had the same idea.

"I'd like to try drawing you some day," Gerard let out over Frank's voice. He laughed at the coincidence, but was curious about the way Frank had asked his question. "Why? You wouldn't let me?" 

"Do you want to paint me like one of your French girls, Way?" Frank questioned in a mocking tone, taking a hand to his mouth in feigned shock.
The other couldn't hide his renewed nervousness. "Uh...what? You! I just want to draw your face, Frankie, f-for fuck's sake!" he stammered.

Frank snorted. "It's a joke, Gerard."

"Oh. Okay..."

"Haven't you seen Titanic?"

"Only once long ago, not my thing," Gerard replied. "I knew of that line, though. Yeah."

"Awww, I love that movie!" Frank commented. He chose to not make more fun of Gerard; the boy's face looked like a tomato. "I'm sorry. Anyway, I'm not ready to be your model, I think. It'd embarrass me a little to just...sit there as you stare and...dunno how to explain it."

"Oh no, it's ok, I get it. You don't have to pose for me, though, I can use a pic," Gerard clarified.

"Oh...I could deal with that, maybe..." Marina would definitely not hear about any of that from Frank.

Seeing that Frank had gone back to his no-doubt already solved and perfect exercises just to escape the subject, Gerard thought that he was probably being too insistent. "Doesn't have to be now, don't worry." He laughed. When Frank nodded and abandoned his math homework, Gerard remembered something and couldn't help himself. "On a different topic, won't you tell me what-"

"Nope. Not telling about my costume."
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas, readers! :) You get a longish one.