Status: This is a work in progress, so even though I have about 30 parts written already (the length of each will vary), I will only post once or twice a week until I have it all completely figured out. Sharing this and getting feedback is my motivation!


Chapter 8

Truth is, Gerard didn't believe that a week of knowing Matt gave him enough confidence to attempt to opine about his behavior. Nor did it give him much hope that Matt and his friends would take his petition into consideration. But he thought they might at least listen and wouldn't dare snap at him. They wouldn't risk losing Gerard's "friendship" so soon, would they? It was worth a try and it couldn't wait much; kids were being hurt for no reason.

The impotence in Frank's eyes, seeing that cheerful kid suddenly so upset even though he was spared of the bullying himself, had made Gerard want to help actively. He had never been bullied either -not physically at least, but he had seen it happen a lot at his previous school. Back then, he had been unable to do much about it except for informing some teacher, which was only a momentary solution. This time, Gerard was inside the problematic group. Maybe his social experiment could turn into a more righteous cause, after all.

Gerard's priority was to talk to Matt, yet making sure the rest of the bullies would be around to hear. He hadn't found the right opportunity in between classes, but the team had after-class practice that day. The only other time he'd been to one of those so far, the guys hadn't seemed to be in a hurry afterwards, so waiting until then sounded like his best chance.

Now, Gerard liked nature, he liked being relax. He, however, hated that they had to have football practice outside, and in the middle of that weird Fall heat wave. He was sure that he would melt soon. Then again, he supposed that having a bunch of boys run around inside a gym, throwing a football and tackling each other, probably wouldn't go over well.

Gerard took his position in the line of defense, wondering why he was even playing football. Besides wanting to talk to Matt, he really didn't have any interest in being there after school. He could have faked being sick or having somewhere else to go, but it was important that he fit in with the group. Make them think he was one of them.

He watched Matt catch the ball, gearing up to throw the pass. Gerard was right there. There was a clear space between him and Matt. He could sack him and let his team have the ball. But...well, he didn't feel like it. He pretended he was busy trying to tackle someone else instead, halfheartedly.

The game went on and as Gerard watched the guys he barely knew play, he noticed that they did exactly like they acted in real life.

For example, Bob was rude for the sake of it. He tackled people he didn't need to, like he just wanted to blow some steam. James would start staring off into space at random moments in the game, as if he could actually see aliens or flying saucers in the sky. Needles to say, he was yelled at all the time. John dedicated each minute to praise everything Matt did and seemed to only play with him. Steve didn't appear as devoted, yet his moves were a nearly exact copy of Matt's.

Matt himself was arrogant, always acting like he was the best damn thing to grace the field with his presence. He belittled others. Except, of course, when he pretended that Gerard was actually doing well in the plays they were executing.

Gerard knew that was a lie. It was too hard to concentrate when his mind wasn't in the sport at all. It didn't help that this time he was extra distracted trying to come up with a way to approach Matt. However, the guys hadn't commented on his doubtful performance so far. They were probably so convinced that he was great that they'd remain in denial for a while. Just in case, Gerard had casually expressed how hard it was to get used to a new team.

He was sick of it all, didn't want to be there. But, he had to stay; if only to continue his social experiment.

Gerard smiled convincingly at everyone at the end of the practice, practically running over to his bag and grabbing a bottle of water.

As they all sat on the bleachers to cool down before going home, Gerard talked to James and Keenan briefly about the practice, what a prick the math teacher was, and the last UFO sighting -that was James.

While his mind was half on the conversation, his eyes were on Matt and his closest friends, waiting for the moment. He could see the leader's lips moving now and then, but his head wasn't turned towards his partners; he was staring to the front instead.

If one just looked at Matt's face without really seeing -Gerard thought, they'd say he was menacing, even mean-looking. You could think he didn't deem any of the people around him good enough. Gerard, on the other hand, saw a hint of a secret truth in Matt's eyes. Something he obviously tried to hide but didn't fool a good observer. He couldn't exactly guess what, but it was something that hurt. There's usually something behind a violent behavior, and this boy wasn't the exception. Nevertheless, he was still dangerous.

The other guys were a different matter. The blond Brian and Steve were rather cocky and strived for attention, but Gerard didn't perceive anything deeper than a love for power -which could be bad anyway. John was a simple follower, always desperate to impress Matt. Bob was a short-tempered asshole, repeating insults that didn't even sound sincere and he couldn't reasonably justify when asked. The rest, including Gerard now, were just there. They hanged out with the most problematic group and functioned like friends, yet didn't appear to share many of their opinions and ideas. When they didn't like where a conversation was going, they'd subtly evade it or simply walk away. Just like during games, they didn't argue.

"Sorry guys...I need to talk to Matt 'bout something," Gerard excused himself.

He went down a few steps to reach the tough boy on the bottom one, quickly deciding that sitting down on the floor was a better idea than standing in front of him. If Matt thought he was trying to intimidate him from the start, things could end up badly.

Having already caught the other's attention, Gerard started, "Can I ask you a question?"


"Why do you beat up those kids?" Direct, to the point. There was no other way to address it.

"'Cause...they're fags? We don't like fags here." Matt shrugged before drinking from his water bottle.

Hearing him say "we" when it was obvious that only a few agreed was nerve-racking enough, but Gerard kept his composure, just listening.

Matt went on. "Why do you care, anyway? We've never touched your new little friend. Are you a fag, too?"

"I'm a human being, just like them," Gerard replied. That guy didn't deserve any more concrete answer. "I don't like to see anyone being hurt, even less for no fucking reason. But what if I was? What if any of us here was gay?"

"What the fuck? Speak for yourself, Way. Matt knows us well," Brian chimed in, deliberately blowing smoke in Gerard's direction.

"Yeah, he knows I'm no damn queen," Steve added.

Matt continued to stare at Gerard, smirking. "Are you?"

"What does it matter? Anyone could be, no matter what they say. Anyone could be keeping it to themselves to save their asses from you. Have you thought of that?" Gerard pressed on. He liked the effect he was having in Matt. No matter how much he tried to hide it, Gerard was making him think, doubt. Matt looked nervous. It was evident that no one had ever dared question him like that.

"We have no fucking reason to lie, what the fuck is your problem?" Steve intervened again.

Brian gathered his stuff and got up, mumbling that he had better things to do with his girl. "Make sure he understands, he's a smart boy," he told Matt.

"You two need to speak less, gimme a fuckin' headache," Matt dismissed his friends. "Way. I don't give a fuck what's inside your heads as long as it stays there and I don't have to know it, see it or hear about any of you tainting the school's name in public. Urie and his...boyfriend, for example, couldn't keep their hands to themselves. They had it coming. At least the other queer was smart enough to leave..."

"My father went to this school, and you all know he wasn't just one more student." Gerard didn't even try to make his fake smile look real. He hoped that bringing his dad into the conversation would get him some points and keep the other boy calm. "Well, he was the one who taught me to accept people the way they are, to never judge or insult them for being different or thinking differently to me. So don't fucking tell me what you do has anything to do with the school. You're not defending the school's honor, at least admit it's your own issue."

He could tell that part of Matt looked ready to kill, indignant with the tone he was using and dying to tell him how much he was annoying him with his speech. His other half, though, kept remembering him who Gerard's dad was.

"What if it is? I'm not the only one who wants them out."

"So you're gonna beat those kids up until they ask their parents to get them out of the school," Gerard summarized, wishing for Matt to become conscious of how terrible it sounded.

"Brian was right, you're smart!"

It was hard for Gerard not to punch him in nose then, even if he knew he could never win a fight. "Not sure I can say the same about you, Matty. What are you gonna do if they don't leave? Kill them? Dude, I barely know you, so I have no idea why you feel the need to hurt those kids. But take this as an advice from a friend: stop. What you do doesn't make you look tough or important. They fear you, but they don't respect you. Makes you look like a brainless idiot..."

Matt grabbed Gerard by his jacket collar, forcing him to stand on his knees and dragging him closer to his face. "I'm no fucking idiot."

"Never said you were," Gerard pushed the other's hand away, getting off the floor, "but you certainly look like one if you're not able to just ignore whoever you don't like and let them be. Think about it. I'm not trying to fight you."

With that, Gerard walked back to where his bag was, threw it over his shoulder and left without any other word.
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I'm posting later today because I always revise yet again before posting and I felt like modifying several things for this one!