Status: Just something that popped into my head

I Cause the Bad in Life

Let the Flames Begin

The lone boy walked through the crowded streets of some town he took no notice to. Males and females stared alike in awe of this being who gave off such strange vibes. They were drawn to him, yet an unknown fear crept into their core, warning them to never approach him. As he walked in a straight line, people either went left or right to get out of his way. He was someone you would never be able to forget as was long as you lived, yet the moment they blinked and his figure was out of sight, they forgot. Their eyes would go blank for a nanosecond and then they were on their way as if nothing happened.
This strange boy did not care though, for he had a far more important purpose on his mind than wondering about the forgetfulness of the people around him. He kept walking at a leisurely pace, knowing well that he would not be late for his appointment. He eventually made it to the residential area where the houses were pretty and had massive backyards complete with swimming pools and woods.
"1093." The young man muttered to himself as he passed the wrong numbers. He frowned when he realized he was on the wrong side of the road. He pursed his lips to the side and turned on his worn soles. He started reading again and finally came to the right house. Without any thoughts about trespassing, he opened the gate to the back, and started through the toy littered back yard.
"Hey young man, watcha doing!" An older gentlemen yelled from the back door. The man continued on as if no one had spoken, causing the older man to come out onto the porch. "Hey! I be talking to you!" As the young man in a worn green sweatshirt, black jeans, and duct taped boots approached the line of trees, he looked back at the angry gentleman. With a emotionless smile, the young man disappeared behind the trees, leaving the gentleman mildly confused to why he was on his back porch. The gentleman shrugged and headed back in to his house, while the young man walked briskly through the woods.
The young man could not complain about this part of his job, he enjoyed the serenity and music of nature. He never rushed when it came to his job because it was not in his nature to, plus what was the point of rushing when it would happen all in due time. He finally came to an old, rotting tree and sat down to wait for darkness to envelope the quiet woods. The hours passed slowly, but he took no notice as he sat with his eyes closed.
Finally the hour came and the man stood up and started walking again. A faint glow was a couple hundred feet in front of him and he quickly found what he was looking for. A few drunken teenagers were smoking and goofing around. The man looked down at his watch and circled around the trees that encased the teens. He took a breath and blew out a gentle breeze that ended up catching a cigarette butt and sending it into a dry dead bush. Within minutes the teens were screaming out of the woods as anything flammable lit up and brightened up the dark night. The young man walked away as dozens of firefighters rushed to the scene to put out the three-alarm fire. He did not even glance back as the fire ate away everything in its way.
Without another thought, he reappeared on the bad side of a town in some place thousands of miles from his last destination. He walked calmly through the drunk and sex infested streets as if it was the cleanest place you had ever seen. It was dark and many thuggish looking fellows stared at him, thinking of ways to rob him. However, the young man had nothing to fear as he left their sight and they found better things to do than mug a forgotten man.
The young man walked to a certain dark alley and leaned against the graffiti brick wall. The time came and a young woman came sauntering towards him. "Hey sugar, how you doing?" She grazed a long painted finger nail down his chest. He did not reply but merely slipped into the alley, making sure he was still within her sight.
"Where you taking me?" She purred as she followed him. Once she was far enough in, he disappeared into the shadows and crept away, staying out of her sight. She looked around a little confused and then shrugged as she headed out of the alley. He kept a straight face and never looked back as the young woman was dragged back into the dark alley screaming. He hated the sound of screaming, but it was part of the job description not that he actually read what his job entailed. His pace quickened until he was out of the bad part of town and near a diner. He leaned on the glass and slid down until he was sitting to regather himself. He rubbed his face and looked up only to see a familiar stranger. His eyebrows furrowed as he took in the stranger's hypnotic green eyes and auburn hair. The green eyed young man cocked his head to the side as if wondering if he had seen this strangely depressing young man before him. He could have sworn he'd seen the man before, but any memory of him escaped the green eyed boy. He wanted to stay longer, but he had to go; a surgery was about to occur and he needed to make sure everything went smoothly.
The green eyed boy bowed his head in acknowledgment and disappeared; both young men forgot the other and their lies went on as usual.
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Here's another chapter to s story that may never get anymore. Cheers!

Ps. All chapter titles are Paramore song so, credit to the band!