Status: Keep or delete?



Pathways 10
He didnt ask for anything that night, he actually sat next to me and scratched my back for awhile. It was nice and eventually he had me stretched out beside him on my stomach, near purring in happiness. It took me a while until to figure out I was exactly the same way he left me last night, stark naked. Blush began to creep up onto my cheeks and then started covering myself with the blankets once more.

"No need to be shy now, darling. I've seen it all." He chuckled, bringing his fingers down my sore back once more. "I've certainly beat you up though, I'm sorry. Ill try to be more gentle, I tend to let my wolf over power me."

I giggled a little and snuggled deeper into the bed, curling around his leg and nuzzling into it. "It's fine."

My eyes slipped close, slowly filling into a sleep filled bliss. Darren began softly stroking my hair and I drew more and more into sleep. Eventually I was completely out of it. Nuzzled into him was the only way I slept peacefully anymore. I don't understand how I got to this point, but I was stuck here. When he was gone I had trouble sleeping, nightmares even. Yet when he was here I slept peacefully though out the night.

Eventually he woke me up, presenting me with dinner. I awoke with a bowl of vegetable soup in front of me. Slowly I sat up and wrapped the crimson soft blanket around me, attempting to conceal the fact that I was naked. He chuckled at me once more before handing me the bowl and then sitting beside me. We ate without talking to each other, in fact we both watched out the windows at the sunset. We were both content like this, we had had enough talking and fooling around for the week. If I wasn't pregnant it would be a large surprise. The fact that a wolf pregnancy took almost half the time as a human pregnancy would loomed over me. In six months time I could be a mother. Luckily that meant that by the end of the month I would be someone showing and we would know.

After dinner Darren turned to me with concern in his eyes. "Rose?"

I turned to set my bowl onto the night stand, then turned back to him. My body shivered a little and I tightened the blanket around me. Darren sat across from me on the bed, leaning against his pillows and slouching.

"Yes?" I hummed slightly. Brushing the wild hair away from my face and yawning slightly.

"I didn't hurt you to bad, did it? I know I was rough." He whispered, leaning his body completely onto his pillows. "I just got to into it. I was ready, and your scent didn't help that. I got carried away. I even heard you whine at one point, but I didn't stop. I should've, I was well aware that I was hurting you."

My heart went out to him. I honestly didn't remember much of our little episodes. I tried to block out the parts that hurt me, and the rest of the time my wolf had taken over. Slowly I shuffled my way a crossed the bed and leaned in to press my lips softly to his forehead.

"I'm fine." I hummed, curling back up inside my blanket.

"Rose, you've been laying here all day." He growled. "You were whining in your sleep every time you moved."

I laughed at his anger, he is just to paranoid. "I am fine. Yea so I'm a little sore, and maybe sleep deprived but I'm fine."

He didnt ask any more questions after that, in fact I ended up leaving him in bed and wondering into the bathroom for a shower. Within the shower I simply allowed the water to massage me and loosen my sore muscles. I even found myself stroking my stomach, smiling and thinking about what it would be like if I was. I would be a mother, would it look like Darren? Me? Hopefully it's a boy so it can take on the role of alpha.that would be nice, even though I'm sure we would have more children because that's what's expected from the alpha.

Before I got out of the shower Darren entered the bathroom and began talking to me again. I think he knew that my maturity level on children was about zero. I never had a mother to teach me about this. All I knew was how long the child was carried, nothing more.

"After we find out if you are pregnant you can't change into your wolf anymore, darling. It's to risky to even let her take over." He talked though the shower curtain and seemed to talk distantly. "I'm going to go into super protective mode, and you may not like it. It's a wolf thing. You're are going to have morning sickness, and many other things going on. Ill help if I can."

He is right though. I'm not educated on this. I've said this before and ill say it again, am I ready?
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I haven't grammar checked this yet!

Twitter @acookieissam

Forgive me for being late and giving a shit chapter.