Status: Keep or delete?


I Don't Know

This city was amazing. I swear I was gawking the entire time I was led through it. The giant brick houses were astonishing and lived up to every expectation that I had ever had. There was a camouflage of moss and bushes disguising the front of each one, and not only did it make them stand out with beauty but it also proved to me that I was in Darren’s pack. Every story that anyone had told me about his pack had involved these beautiful homes. Now I was seeing them for myself and it was amazing.

Darren reached back to grab my hand, tugging me through the crowds that were looking at me like I was looking at their houses. They stopped in the market place, stopping their shopping to stare. They paused in the street to watch their alpha led someone who they considered their enemy. Simply by the looks that they were giving me I could tell that getting them to accept me would not be an easy task.

I could hear his sister behind us, muttering to some people. Agree with them that this was a stupid idea. I really tried to ignore her, but no matter how much I looked up at the blue sky or the beautiful landscape I simply couldn’t stop hearing her snide comments about me. That was proof that we wouldn’t be getting along, at least not for a while.

Because of the cobble stone pathway that he was leading me down the only sound echoing through the town was the sound of our boots. Occasionally the sound of muttering people, or a couple of growls. Darren did snap at the people who growled which made me feel a little safer, but I still felt like one of his wolves were going to murder me in my sleep. I wouldn’t feel so threatened if I were in my pack territory, where I knew I could run if something happened. Here I would get lost in a split second then get taken down by one of them because I’m a terrible fighter.

Eventually we made it to the front steps of the biggest house I had seen yet. It was a three story, red brick house. It didn’t take me long to figure out that it could only be Darren’s home. He was the alpha, it only made sense for him to have the biggest house that over looked the rest of the town. Would I be living here with him in that god damn palace? That would be a bigger adjustment then I originally thought. Darren glanced back at me and then dragged me up the stone stairs to the double bright red doors. I thought for sure he was going to pause up there and turn to his pack, explain to them why I was here. That terrified me because I was just kind of shy, I already knew they were mad about me being here. What would I say to them? Thankfully he just jerked open one of the doors and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind us.

“Man.” He groaned, letting go of my hand finally and then leaned against the back of the door. Rubbing his hand over his eyes.

I hung my head a little and fiddled with my hands. “They….looked pissed.”

I saw him jerk his head up out of the corner of my eye, and I did the same out of spite. I thought for sure he was going to snap at me, but he didn’t. “I don’t give a shit about what they think, you’re my mate and no one can change that. Besides, even if you were raised in the enemy’s pack you are still a part of mine. Your fur at least proves that to me.” He then stopped leaning against the door and moved over to hug me quickly. “I do have to find a way to break it to them though, even though my sister has certainly already spread it around.”

I shrugged out of his grip and looked at him with worried eyes. “What are you going to tell them….and when?”

He looked at me then. Giving me a serious look. I could tell that at he was unsure about what he was planning on telling them as well. I mean he was their alpha, he shouldn’t be able to mate with someone from the enemy pack. I felt like a war prize, that one war prize that no one wanted but was stuck with. Will he simply send me back the pack that didn’t want me in the first place, will he keep me here as his mate, hell he could even lock me up and only see me when he felt the need to. I don’t think that I would be happy about that. Although I guess it would be better than being locked up forever without contact with anyone.

He sighed a little then and leaned against the door once more. “I don’t know, darling. I just don’t.” Shit, should I leave now before something happens?
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I was planning on this being alot longer but i ran out of time lol i hate school homework >.<