Status: On Hiatus

Forever Is a Long Time

Go on and play the leader

Cosette's POV

I woke up because my stomach was killing me. The sunlight from outside was not helping. I sat up in my bed, which was a bad idea, the quick movement caused my head to throb. I grabbed ahold of it with my hands. The room was spinning, this was probably the worst hangover I've had, ever. I was all alone, and still in my dress from last night. I don't remember last night, except playing circle of death in Max's basement. How did I get home. My stomach began to twist again, I felt the vomit coming up.

I sprinted to my bathroom and dunked my head into the toilet. I threw up gallons worth of god knows what. I stood up and walked towards the sink to wash my mouth and face. The reflection looking back in the mirror wasn't me, it was a crackhead. My eyeliner was smeared all over my eyes. My hair was tied up in a tangled ponytail. I was missing an earring and there was only mascara on my left eye. I quickly washed my face and teeth. I pulled my hair out of its up-do and began to comb all of the knots out. Once I was done I changed into some sweats and an old hoodie from high school. I slipped on my purple house slippers and made my way downstairs.

I heard loud chattering coming from the kitchen, I walked in and soon everyone's eyes were on me.

"Good morning" I mumbled walking towards the medicine cabinet. I was shocked when I opened it because the cabinet was empty.

"Where's the medicine at?" I questioned turning around looking directly at my grandfather.

He was sitting on his usual seat at the table with a cup of coffee in his hands. "Sit down Cosette, we need to talk" he stated sternly after clearing his throat.

"Talk about what? Why the medicine cabinet is empty the somebody steal-" I was cut off by Liam "Please, just take a seat Cosette" he said calmly.

"Okay" I mumbled and sat on the empty chair next to Harry. His body seemed to tense up when I sat down. I looked up at him, he didn't look at me though. I turned my attention towards my grandfather who was clearing his throat again.

"I know about your problem" he started. My eyes quickly glanced towards Liam how was sitting beside him.

"You told him!" I yelled at Liam. All the boys got up and left the table. Leaving me with Liam, my grandparents, and my uncle.

"I had to tell him Cosette what you are doing is un-" I cut him off
"It is not unhealthy don't you dare bring up health into this situation! You never hear about people overdosing on weed do you? No because its healthy, the only 'bad' thing about it is its label which is illegal. Besides Its been a help for my mental health, which you fucked up" with that I snatched the piece of toast off his plate and stormed off to my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but it's the filler I need for the next chapter which you are all going to love! Trust me. Thanks for the recs and comments. They mean a lot (: so I'm working on another story right now, it should be up later today it's called "In too deep" and it's crazy good haha. My sister and I are writing it and I just know you are all going to love it! Thank you for everything! Stay lovely