My Life In Mystic Falls

Chapter 1

Moving. Not a word every girl wanted to hear.
I mean, why would I want to. I loved where I was and I loved how everything worked here so why.
Mom just didn’t understand. That’s why. She just had to ruin everything. Nothing pleased her not even the fact that I got ok grades and had friends who cared about me.
Or. Or, it could be the fact that my dad just said they were getting a divorce and I was moving with him. So she decided she was going to help me get everything 2gether when in all honesty I didn’t want her help. I just wanted to be left alone to think about what this new place will be like.


“Nicolelee, you really should fold everything when you put it into these boxes. All of ur clothes will be ruined and wrinkled.”
That’s another thing I hated about my mother. She was all primped and proper. Nothing could be out of place or she would have a conniption fit about it.
I guess you could say I was more like my good old dad. He was really layed back and didn’t have a care in the world. Yea, he made bucket loads of money and was well off, but everyday after work off went the suite and on went the cargos, white beaters, and flannels.
“Why would I care? I’m just gonna fold and hang everything when I get to the new house.” I stated a-matter-a-factually.

“All of your stuff will look cheap and worn out. And what in the world is this?” I turned and looked at her. She was holding up a pair of my pants that where coming apart in 3 places and had a hole in the butt.
“Oh, those are a pair of my skate pants. They have to be ripped or falling hurts extra wore.” I stated knowing that she’d believe what ever I said. Actually they were a pair of my party pants that got ripped in a fight.
“Oh, ok then.” She then threw them into the box of clothes and moved onto my other things.
“So, what’s Brandon saying about the move?” She had a smirk on her face and knew she hit a rough spot.
“He doesn’t know yet. I’m telling him tomorrow.” I swear I could have killed her right then and there.
“Right before you leave? What a shame. Guess he’ll just have to deal without you then.”

You see, Brandon was my boyfriend of just about 2 years. We’re not completely perfect but we make things work. We have been each others first on a lot of things and its been kinda hard to find the right time to tell him that I’m moving. And there is also the fact that he’s been acting weird lately and he won’t tell me what’s wrong.
“Yes, mother, he will have to deal and at this point I have more things to worry about then him having a problem as to where I’m going to be.”

“So, are you two going to stay together while you’re away or are you going to break his heart?” I could hear the smirk in her voice. I spun around and looked her in the eye.
“Don’t you dare talk to me about breaking peoples’ hearts. If it wasn’t for your spending and cheating problems we wouldn’t be in this mess!” I yelled. She looked at me hurt.
“I would nev-“
“Don’t you even try to lie to me you bitch. I know for a fact that you’ve been sleeping around with our pool boy and you’ve been spends all of the money you could get your hands on. Did you not even care to even wonder why dad put you on a budget?” I saw pissed at this point and I couldn’t contain it any longer. She has been riding my ass about how Bran wasn’t good for her “little princess” and all that shit and I was done with it.
“Listen here you little brat,” she threw my stuff down, “I love your father very much and I would never cheat on him. The reason the pool boy likes me so much is because I pay him so well. And correction I spend the money I MAKE. Your father’s money goes straight to his banking account so before you start making accusations on MY SPENDING, you should think about WHO’S money I’m spending.”

She left my room without even another word and I was happy. I giggled to myself as I finished packing.
After about three or so hours I was just about complete except for my pjs I was wearing to bed, the sheets on the bed, and the outfit for tomorrow. I looked around my now bear room and frowned just a little. Tomorrow I would be telling Kara, Bran and the gang good by and I’d be high tailing my butt to Mystic Falls with my dad.
“What the hell am I going to do?” I said to my self as I slid under the covers and closed my eyes for the last night I’d have here.
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Ok so writing his was sorta like a spur of the moment and now i kinda like it..
None of my stories ever kept my atention long enough to finish so plz give me some feel back. :)