Status: There might be a Louis part so look out. And feedback makes me smile.

Don't Forget About Me


{The hardest thing I’d ever do is say goodbye and walk slowly away from you…}

Harry knew this was going to be hard, in fact it was probably one of the most difficult things he has ever done. He didn’t want to do it though, why would he want to do something that would cause him some of the worst pain in his life?

He didn’t want to end things with Louis but everything was becoming too much. He wanted to go public with his boyfriend of two years but the label would have none of it.

They just absolutely could not have two members of their world famous boy band come out, and come out as a couple nonetheless. It was like profit suicide to them. And that’s what angered Harry the most, the total disregard of their emotions. It was one of the things that made him absolutely hate his job. These money-hungry assholes treated them like pawns in the game that was the entertainment industry. They wanted them to perform like a well oiled machine; no flaws, no imperfections.

{If it’s for the best then I wish you well if it helps to say our life was a living hell…}

Life was turning into complete and utter hell. Every interview, every public appearance, every performance was emotionally taxing. Harry could do nothing to claim Louis, to let the world know that they were in a very healthy, or what was healthy, relationship.

It was hell for Harry having to hear Lou talk about Eleanor and how much of a wonderful person she was. She was driving a wedge in their relationship and Louis didn’t seem to notice. The fact of the matter was she was causing problems when she was supposed to be preventing them. Well that’s what their management team says anyway and yet they seem to be blatantly disregarding all the problems. It’s complete BS and causing all of this tension between Harry and Lou.

{Don’t you ever forget about me when you toss and turn in your sleep}

Harry knew that he wasn’t going to be able to forget about Louis. There was no way he was going to be able to forget those deep pools of cerulean that would always shine with mischief. Or the little half smirk that would grace his lips when he got an idea. Nor would he be able to get the older lad’s feathery caramel colored fringe, which was oh so soft to the touch out of his head. The feel of that would be implanted deep into Harry’s brain for the rest of his life.

Harry didn’t want to forget about the striped shirts and the oddly colored, ridiculously tight trousers. Nor did he want to forget about the over-sized jumpers, the rolled up jeans, or the TOMS that made themselves at home right by the front door. Harry knew he wasn’t going to be able to forget the peaceful look that always graced his boyfriend’s face when he was sleeping. It was one of his favorite things in the world. Lou looked so much younger and a lot less stressed out. He looked like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders and Harry would keep Louis in his dream-like state if it meant that Louis always looked like that.

That’s all Harry wants; for Lou to be happy.

{Don’t stop thinking about me}

And Harry would never stop thinking about Louis. Harry wanted to remember him; he wanted to remember everything no matter how much pain it caused. Harry knew that thoughts of Louis would plague him for the rest of his life; they would swirl in an endless tornado of emotion in his skull. But he was never going to stop thinking about the best part of his life. He was never going to be able to forget the exuberant twenty year old he had called his boyfriend.

Louis Tomlinson was unforgettable.
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So I was inspired by Scene Four- Don't You Ever Forget About Me by Sleeping with Sirens. Those are the lyrics I have sprinkled throughout the story.
This has been swimming around in my head for the longest time, I'd say about a month.... and there might be a Louis part. Idk I shall start writing it and see how it goes.
I really don't know what to say here.

massive thank you for reading this :)