Heavy Rain


Victoria Hall had become a drag on her husband's life. She no longer catered to his needs; she had become as bitter, twisted and worthless as everything he had always despised. And what does one do when everything he loved becomes everything he hates?

Why, he kills it of course.

Jack had even planned a spot to dump her body. One of the many perks of living in rural Scotland was that it provided excellent facilities for disposing of...unwanted rubbish. He had found a perfect little lake, mostly hidden by reeds, but more than deep enough. Here he would throw the ghastly little thing, frame haggard and bent beyond it's years. Oh how he had envisioned the face he had begun to despise lately frozen in terror, the stupidly powdered lines around her lips and eyes and nose to be forever rigid in fear. How he longed to see them disappear under the cold, murky water and never again surface. Patience, my friend, he would remind himself. Patience. These things could not be rushed. He needed a perfect moment.

And he would wait as long as he had to.