Status: In progress.

Summertime Suicide.

Chapter Three.

*Jeff's P.O.V.*

The sounds of alarms rang through my ears loudly, waking me up instantly. Sitting up, I rubbed at my eyes and glanced around. Matt was already up and dressed, which made me look at the clock. It was one in the morning.

"What's going on?" I mumbled.

"I don't know. The hotel staff wants everyone out for a moment. There's a power problem" Matt said.

I pushed the covers off me and got out of bed, quickly slipping some pants on alone with my shoes. Matt and I both headed down to the lobby, taking the stairs.

"How long has the power been like this?" I asked.

"For an hour or more. They put the back up generators on to power some of the lights and what not, but I haven't heard anything else" he answered.

Other people were heading down the stairs as well and once we reached the lobby, there were a lot of people hanging around, and a lot of them had migrated outside. As we walked for the front doors, I noticed police officers heading in towards the area where the hotel pool was. I pressed on and went outside with Matt, and I instantly spotted Randy standing out there. Immediately, I headed over to Randy capturing his attention.

"Hey man... What's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know completely, but there's paramedics and police here. I think something happened in the pool room. I over heard them talking and saying something about finding someone in the hot tub" Randy explained.

"Shit... You don't think that... well, whoever got Punk if that's the case, struck again?" I questioned.

"It's impossible. We're in another state, Jeff. This was probably something accidental, and probably nobody we know. So don't think like that" he spat.

I decided to drop my assumptions, because Randy was right. That would be crazy talk to think something of that nature would happen again. Right then, one of the hotel staff members came out, getting everyone's attention.

"Oh behalf of the staff and hotel management, we need everyone to get their belongings, and clear out of here. The hotel is closed and we need everybody out" the man announced.

This couldn't be good.

"Hey, come on Jeff. Let's get our things and get out of here" Matt said.


Matt and I headed back in going directly to our room, gathering up our things and leaving. It was on to another hotel to sleep.

"What do you think happened?" I asked, as Matt drove.

"I don't know, Jeff, but it couldn't have been good" Matt replied.

"Randy said he over heard the police talking.. Something about finding someone in the hot tub" I responded.

"Damn. Well, I'm sure it'll be on the news, we'll find out" he acknowledged.

* * * *

That morning, while Matt and I were getting ready, Matt's phone went off. He instantly answered it, only to tell me that Vince needed everyone at the arena, now. This felt like deja vu.

"Did he say what it's about?" I asked, in the car on the way there.

"He said he had news about the hotel situation, and he needed everybody there", Matt said.

"This can't be good, man" I mumbled.

"Let's just hope it has nothing to do with any of us" he replied.

And I was doing just that. I didn't want to see anyone else get hurt. Getting to the arena, we all gathered in there, waiting for Vince. Only Vince didn't come in. Instead, it was Shane McMahon.

"I need everyone's attention. My father, Vince, couldn't make this announcement 'cause he's comforting Stephanie right now. Last night, as you all know, there was an incident at the hotel. We kept it quiet so nobody would be upset that night. Paul Levesque, better known as Triple H, was found dead in the hotels hot tub in the late part of the night. From the looks of everything, they feel it could have been suicide" Shane announced.

"There's no way Paul would have done such a thing!" Randy shouted. "He was fine the whole night! He has kids, he loves Stephanie!"

"Yeah, why would he do such a thing?" Ted added in.

"Nobody knows. It could have been accidental as well, no one is sure" Shane cleared.

"It was either an accident, or someone got him the same as someone got Punk" Randy stated.

"Look, Randy, the authorities are investigating, so leave it to them before you jump to conclusions. Until then, you're all excused, and there won't be a show tonight. There's going to be a tribute to Hunter" Shane responded.

After those words Shane left, leaving all the guys here. I couldn't believe this. First Punk, and now Hunter. I stood up and left the room, only to have Matt follow.

"Would you say it's two for two on the karma path?" Matt asked.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I questioned, stopping in my tracks and looking at him.

"It seems like every time someone crosses your path, they bite the dust" Matt retorted.

"Don't you even put this on me! We fucking room together, and you know I'd never do anything to harm anybody!" I snapped.

"I know, Jeff. But think of how it would look" he added.

"But I haven't done anything, and words alone don't kill people" I retorted.

"No, they don't. But still, you've gotta be prepared. We're all going to get questioned again. Especially if it wasn't accidental" he reminded.

"Yeah, I know... Trust me" I said, sighing after.

"Keep cool though, I know you're in the clear" he replied.

"I hope so".

Matt put his left arm around me, hanging on my shoulders, and we walked off preparing to go and say a few words about Hunter for the tribute show.

* * * * *

Once everyone had finished, we all prepared to head out to the hotel. Matt and I arrived, only to head for the doors and see a few of the guys standing around, talking outside.

"Hey, Jeff" Randy called.

"Hey man" I said, walking over there.

"I'm heading up to our room" Matt announced.

"I'll be up in a few" I acknowledged.

Matt nodded, and headed to the hotel, leaving me with the guys.

"How are you holding up?" I asked, looking at Randy.

"I don't know. All of this seems like a nightmare. I mean, nobody has suspected this. And for them to say that Paul killed himself... It's bullshit!" Randy declared.

"I know man... Paul would never do that. We all know it" I insisted.

"Exactly. But who would do something like this?" Ted questioned.

"I don't know. No one does" Randy retorted.

"I don't think it was suicide. And I don't think it was an accident" I stated.

"What do you mean?" Jason, better known as Christian, asked.

"I think somebody is out to get the wrestlers" I announced.

"That's crazy talk, Jeff" Jason scuffed.

"Is it? First Punk, now Paul. Someone could be next. That's all I'm saying. We all need to watch our backs" I proclaimed.

"And what the fuck are we supposed to be watching for? Huh? Some psycho killer?" Ted spat.

"I don't know! But we need to look out for ourselves" I stated.

"This isn't a horror movie, and nobody else is going to die. So let's all stop talking about this" Randy spoke.

"You can't say that Randy. We didn't think this would happen, but it has" I added.

"You know, I find it funny that this is all coming from you, Jeff" Ted said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well, it always seems like as soon as someone argues with you, or crosses your path, they end up dead" Ted retorted.

"That's bullshit! I would never do such a think and you know it!" I exclaimed.

"Let's think about it boys, who in the business always gets screwed over? Who always gets ridiculed in story lines? Jeff Hardy! That's who" Ted insisted.

"That is so fucking ridiculous! I'm always with Matt, and he can prove that!" I responded.

"Knock if off!" Randy ordered.

"Yeah, I better before I end up dead" Ted laughed.

"Stop it! Pointing fingers isn't going to solve anything, and I know Jeff better than half of you", Jason defended.

"Thank you" I spoke.

"You're welcome. And I know you wouldn't do this" Jason added.

"We all need to stop and think. Maybe Jeff has a point. Maybe there is something going on" Randy agreed.

"Thank you for trusting me" I replied.

"I trust you. But we all need to look after ourselves, and each other. Maybe get more security guards, any thing of the sorts to make sure everyone is protected. From now on, we look after each other. Got it?" Randy stated.

We all nodded.

"Good. Now let's all go to bed" Randy ordered.

We headed inside with Randy and I trailing behind.

"I'm sorry, Jeff" Randy noted.

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"The way Ted acted. That wasn't right, and he should know better than to accuse you" he responded.

"Yeah, well... I could see where I'd be the main suspect. But I swear, I'd never, ever harm anybody" I defended.

"I know you wouldn't and didn't, And besides, an argument shouldn't pin point you as a suspect. Like you said, you room with Matt, you have a solid alibi. So don't let what Ted said get to you" he reminded.

"Than you, Randy" I smiled.

"Welcome, kiddo. Now go get some rest" he grinned.

"I will. I'm just going to grab a drink, and call it a night" I noted.

"Alright. In the meantime, watch your back" he warned.

"Don't worry, I will".

Randy headed off to his room, and I went to grab a drink. I needed to think and allow all of this to settle in.

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Small updated. :)