Morte et Dabo

Before the Daemons created Soteria, there was a world below called Elvin, the first world. Elvin was a world bathed in blood and darkness of the Human's many wars among themselves. Growing tired of seeing their brotheren race destroy themself, they created a Utopia in the skies above Elvin. This "world" would serve as Salvation from the birth home of both Daemons and Humans. But now, war has broken out in Soteria, and the hope to save it, lies in the hands of an Elv.

[Elv is a human(slightly different features) born and raised in Elvin, those who chose to hate Daemons and Soteria]

[Daemons are known as a "brother" race of Humans, difference is that they posses magic and their true form is not that of a Humans, but can alter their form to Human appearances]

[Soteries(sounds like the name of the world above Elvin) are people who are born and raised on Soteria and think of Elvs and Elvin itself as a sickness of maddness and Agonis]

[Agonis are those who were once Human but then gained magic, but cannot control it. They are created by Darcwins. They live on Elvin.]

[Darcwins are Daemons that were left on Elvin because they took human form and slaughtered many humans(before the creation of Soteria), they turn Humans into what Daemons call "Agonis" to try to destroy Soteria]

[Alphas are halfbreeds between a Daemon and a Human, they are rare to find and do not have a "Dae" form, but a human form only. They too posses magic and are more human than Daemon]

Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to comment on what you think of it. :)