Status: Active :D

Planning My Love Life

Chapter 7

I'm still trying to process the fact that I WAS ASKED OUT BY TOM HIDDLESTON! No big deal, I mean I’m just shaking because there's an earthquake only I can feel.
I feel the urge to talk to someone about this, but at the same time maybe I’m just overreacting.
But seriously, how should I take this? Are we just hanging out because we both needed dates? Or is it something else?
I didn't realise I was standing in front of my door like a freaking idiot until my neighbour was waving her hand in front of my face.
"Rory, are you okay?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.
I snapped out of my daze and just nodded my head, waved at her and closed my door. She's used to my weirdness, so its fine. I think. What happened today was really weird in an incredibly good way. I’m anxious, I really am! And I’m pretty sure I’ve never felt like this before! I should message Benneh, he always knows what to do. Dude I’m so paranoid and nervous right now. I need his advice! I reached for my cell phone and texted him…
R- I'm freaking out, he asked me out!!
After writing that message, I decided to have a shower, that should calm me down or I’ll just pass out from the excitement.
Fifteen minutes passed and I was ready, I got dressed in my favourite PJS and decided to settle down on my sofa for a bit watching TV. Grabbing my phone, I noticed another new message.
B- OMG! Congrats luv! Don't panic, just breathe...
I texted him back:
R- I don't know what to think of it, I don't know where I’m getting myself into.
I decided to watch 28 days later, nothing like a zombie movie to calm me down (yup, I’m that weird).
Benneh then replied to me and we texted for a while.
B- Relax, it's just a date, he's a nice guy.
R- He kissed me on the cheek!
B- I do that all the time and you’re okay with it! xD
R- Lmao, you don’t say? You know me for a year now, so it’s different!
B- True, but don’t worry, get some sleep :)
R- Yeah you’re right, thanks Benny :P
B- You’re welcome dear :) goodnight xx

He was right, I was worrying too much, what I needed was a good night sleep and a cup of coffee in the morning. Then it hit me…oh god! After the pain in the ass day I’ll probably have tomorrow, I’ll be in a huge social event…with my date! Oh god, I’m panicking again. Screw the movie! I’m going to bed.
Then, as if it was on purpose, my phone ringed! I jumped and I think a bit of my soul came out of my mouth! TECHNOLOGY REALLY IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!! I took my phone to my room and decided to check the message there.
“Ro, I arrived home just now :) Hope you’re feeling okay, sleep tight! Xx” Awww, so sweet! Tom sent me a message just to tell me he arrived safely at home!
Well I guess I have no other options but to sleep over the issue and see what tomorrow will bring. His message actually made me relax, for some strange reason.

My day didn’t start well. I fell of my bed when Carlie called me, because I was late! I usually get to work a little sooner than I’m supposed to. But who can blame me?? I was sleeping like a baby, dreaming with the BAFTA’s, dreaming with…okay, blame me.
Asides from that, I had to take a bus to get to work. I’m late, I’m recovering from a slight flu and now I’m stuck in a bus filled with people sweating all over the place. This is why I can’t have nice things!
Once I got there, I thought I entered the wrong building. The movement around there was huge! It looked like the Wall Street stock market in rush hour! Wait, do they have those?
I had to go back a little and check the name of the building. It wasn’t the first time I entered the wrong building and asked someone else’s assistance to bring the files for the day, might as well check that before I do something stupid.
But no, it was the right one. Holy hell! Where did all of these people come from?? Who are you all?! I tried to walk pass them, in a very awkward way. Penguin style, ACTIVATE! Some bumps and stuff but I managed to get to my office! Jesus, I felt like I was climbing the Big Ben!
My assistant was there waiting for me. Poor Carlie, she must’ve waited loads of time!
“Who are these people?! Jesus, it took me longer to get to my office than the bus ride!”
“They are all from the BAFTA’s committee.” She handed me papers with what was being done and what had yet to be done.
“I thought I had already talked to them, with the presentation thingy?”
“They’re here just to check on everything…” she patted my back and left as I sunk into my chair and turned on my brain.

By lunch time, the movement hadn’t slowed down…and I was starving. Even my freaking shoes were making me hungry!! Come on people! Feed me! This is not a drill!!
Unlike the other days, Benneh didn’t text me, because one: he knows I’m busy up to my hair and he doesn’t want to disturb me; and two: he was busy too.
I wanted to have some lunch but every time my butt lifted from the chair, someone walked in my office and asked me stuff or gave me stuff to do!
What happens if I take the chair with me?? I can roll it out of the office…(you know what they say, they see me rollin’, they hatin’!)
I was crazy enough to do it, but all of the sudden, a wild Carlie appears! (dammit, my brilliant plan, foiled!) Or at least I thought it was Carlie, because I don’t remember her being with jeans today. I looked up and it was Tom. Oh my freaking Lord almighty!! (send me and ambulance!) I almost slipped out of my chair! He was smiling at me with that cute face.
“Hey, I was nearby and I thought we could have lunch together? If you want to, I mean. I don't want you to feel strange about going with me.” he looked so cute, how could I say no?? If I did, the man would turn into sand in front of me! I couldn’t let that happen!
“Oh, thank you! I was actually thinking of getting lunch.” I got up and fetched my purse, he looked relieved by my answer.
“Great, I was worried you could’ve already done that.” I was blushing a little.

I noticed some of the looks people were giving us, they were staring at Tom Hiddleston and a random girl next to him, that’s suspicious sometimes, but this is a friendly lunch people! Friendly lunch!
His car was parked right outside (is that a AUDI TT???). Once we entered, he drove to the nearest restaurant.
During the ride there was a bit of a awkward silence but then he broke the ice.
“So Rory, what have you been doing? I noticed it was a little crowded back there.” He looked at me for a moment and then followed the rule: eyes on the road.
“I know, it’s the last day before the BAFTA’s event, so the whole committee is there helping.” I was looking at the street and I couldn’t really recognize this part of the city.
Then he stopped and parked the car and he was a real sweetie and helped me out of the car, just like in the movies! We entered the restaurant and my eyes nearly fell out, this was luxury to the max! It’s going to be the most expensive meal of my life!
We sat down and talked for a while; I was nervous as I could be, but with all of the talk I kind of forgot about it. Damn, he’s good at making me happy! We laughed a lot too, god that smile! For some reason I didn’t think about the date, or if this was a date!
When we finished, he made sure to take me back and as I got out of the car he got out too just to ask me this:
“Is it okay if I pick you up at 5 tomorrow? ” Time to panic. I didn’t even think about it, but yes, I needed a ride! And I have to be there a little sooner so…
“Would you mind? That would be amazing!” I was beyond happy! That means I don’t have to go on a bus with a fancy dress to the BAFTA’s! Wait, was I really going to do that?!
“Not at all, I’ll call you as soon as I get there.”
“Okay, thank you! Bye!”
“See you tomorrow then, dear.” And with the he blew me a kiss. got in his car and drove off.
And since I’m that awkward I just stood there for a while with a smile in my face. He blew me a kiss and also my mind!