Rebel Love Song

Nothing But A Shadow

Ashleys POV

"Ashley? Baby where are you going?" Andy looked up from his phone, his blue eyes sparkling with worry. "Its nearly midnight."
I sighed, getting my jacket and sneakers on.
"Just going out for a walk. Don't worry, I'll be back before 12:30, I promise." I tried to reassure him. Before Andy could respond I shut the door behind me, walking down the wet sidewalk. It had been raining on and off all day.
I couldn't do it anymore. Looking him in the eyes day after day and lying. I just couldn't do it. And the worst part is, he always believed me. I need to fix this before it gets out of hand.
Hesitantly, I knocked three times on the apartment door.
"Hey Ashy-poo." A drunk voice slurred as a man opened the door. I don't even know his name. We had met at a bar a few weeks ago after tour ended; as usual I was drunk. Thats all I remembered when I woke up in this apartment. But I knew that something had gone on and I wasn't proud of it.
"We need to talk." I frowned and let myself in, looking around the small living room. It smelled strongly of alcohol and smoke, the wall paper peeling slightly at the edges.
The man followed closely, trying to pull me close to him, but before he touched me I quickly scooted to the other side of the wine-stained sofa.
"Couldn't stay away from me, hm?" he grinned, scooting closer again.
"No. I plan on staying away from you as long as possible. I made the biggest mistake of my life that night, okay? I'm happily married to the love of my life and I'm done with this. Leave me alone."
The man was silent for a brief minute, before laughing hysterically.
"You won't be for long. I've seen this type of thing happen before, and once this husband of yours finds out whats been happening he'll leave you just like my wife did."
I shook out the thoughts of Andy ever leaving from my head, and stood up abruptly.
"You're wrong. He'll understand. He always does." I scowled and stormed out. "Now just leave me alone."
Once I was half way to my house, the words still buzzed in my head.
What if he's right? What if Andy does leave?
The poor kid has enough to deal with, and now his own husband cheated on him.

Andys POV

Tense silence hung in the air ever since Ashley left. Peeking at the clock I realized it was well past 12:30. Where is he? He said he would be back by now! He promised me he would...
Somethings wrong, something is very wrong.
"I'm back." Ashley called from the kitchen, entering the bedroom and flopping face first on the bed.
"I missed you." I pouted and kissed him softly, smiling.
"I missed you too, blue eyes." He whispered, pulling me close to his chest. I smiled bigger and nuzzled my face into his shoulder, taking in his scent. I wrinkled my nose and frowned, slowly sitting up and observing Ashley curiously. "Whats wrong?" Ashley frowned.
"Ash, you smell... smell like booze and cigarettes."
Ashley tensed up slightly.
"Where were you tonight...?" I whispered.
"I can't tell you."
"No I can't." He quickly snapped.
"Yes you can... Please... Why can't you?" I frowned more.
"Because... Because if I do you'll be heartbroken and you'll leave me..." Ashley whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Thousands of thoughts popped into my head, as worry pooled in my stomach.
"Its not like you cheated on me." I laughed, only half joking. "Right?"
Ashley didn't respond, instead remained staring down.
"Oh my god... You..." Tears burned my eyes. I got up, grabbing a small bag from the closet and rushing to the door. Ashley followed.
"Andy please just let me-" He reached his hand out, but I quickly slapped it back.
"Don't fucking touch me!" My cry came out as a broken hearted scream as tears spilled down my cheeks. Ashley backed away, watching me leave; he knew he couldn't stop me. I won't let him.
"Where are you going..."
"I don't know."
"Will you come back?" he choked, his brown eyes blurred with tears.
"...I don't know that either..."
I sat on the same hill Ashley I had been on after he proposed to me on that night.
That night when I thought my life would be forever perfect as long as I had him by my side.
Now I don't know anymore.
I glanced at the bag, pulling out the old blade. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you..." I cried, cutting once. "I'm sorry I asked too much of you..." I cut twice. "I'm sorry that you hate me..." and I cut three times.
Rain began to pour, soaking me as blood trickled down my arm. The pain numbed my body, but my heart still ached.
"Andy!" oh no please no. not now. "Andy please..." Ashley knelt beside me, grabbing the blade and throwing it far away from my reach.
"Get away!" I whimpered.
"Please, let me explain.." He pleaded.
I pondered for a moment and bit my lip. "Fine."
Ashley helped me up, leading me to his car and drove me home, explaining on the way.
"So... you were drunk...?"
"Yes... and its a lame excuse but I didn't know it had happened until the next day I swear!" Ashley said.
"I'm sorry."
"for what?"
"For walking out on you. I should've listened to you first." I sighed.
"No, I would've done the same thing. Its okay." He sighed as well. "Do you still love me?"
"Of course I do." I frowned.
"Good.. because I love you too." Ashley smiled slightly, kissing my forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
weird place to end the chapter i know .-. but i have to go to class now. so. uh. yeah.

Hi I'm alive. xD
Oh title credit; Part II by Paramore