Status: progress

Past Praying

Don't You Feel Bad, Don't You Feel Bad?

Alex. Sierra said the name over and over in her head, as if testing it out. She flushed as she felt her exhaustion take over, and Alex seemed to take notice. "Well, there is always tomorrow too" he said. Sierra felt guilty, here was this complete stranger helping here as she bleed all over his furniture, and she was falling asleep.
Alex stood and outstretched his hand "C'mon, you should probably get some rest." Sierra would normal refuse such offers, like sleeping in a strangers house but her head hurt and she was just so tired. Although she didn't need him for support anymore now that her head had cleared and some of the drugs evaporated, she took his hand anyway and he lead her up the stairs. Alex pushed open his bedroom door and turned on the side light.
"You really don't have to do this, I can just go home..." Alex turned on his heel and looked Sierra in the face.
"No! You're not going home, not until you get better at least!" Alex snapped, and Sierra felt shivers run down her spine at Alex's change in tone. "Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you." Sierra smiled and stepped toward Alex. She reached out and patted his hair, smiling softly. "It's okay Alex, I know you would never hurt me after tonight." And the moment those words came out of her mouth she felt safe. For the first time in a long time, she felt safe with someone. Even if it was someone she just met, she knew there was something special about Alex.
Alex pulled open his closet door and found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for Sierra. "You can put these on, the bathrooms over there." Sierra was surprised, but found the gesture kind. That was a word to describe Alex, kind. Sierra smiled as she pulled off her clothes and her when she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her body was a road map of colors as fresh bruises began to bloom over her body. Carefully, so she wouldn't she touch her bruises she slid on the clothes Alex handed her.
When she came back into the room, Alex had settled himself on the floor. "I'm not going to take your bed, that would be rude, and after everything you've done for me and..." Sierra could sense her ranting and sighed. "Well, if I'm sleeping in this bed so are you." Alex grinned like a kid in a candy shop and clambered into bed. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, she began to drift and right before she went into the depths of sleep she told him "I'm Sierra."
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don't like ok