Take This To Heart

Being a wild and out of control bachelor, I had everything going right for me. Nice apartment, well paying job, lots and lots of girls. Yeah, I had it all. About once or twice every few weeks I would get complaint notices from my neighbor on the right side of me, he was sick of my parties and always having girls over, like I give a fuck. This guy is probably some old man, I wouldn't know, I've never met the guy.
And you know, I was hoping that we could stay strangers forever, not knowing who each other were, but I think fate had something else planned. One morning, I stepped out of my apartment and was gonna go downstairs to get my mail, when I saw a skinny looking guy with long black hair leave his apartment dressed in an old ripped Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and tattoo's covering almost every inch of his arms. He turned in my direction, smiled, then went back to lock his door.
I walked towards the elevator, figuring there wold be nothing to this chance encounter with him, but he followed after me, getting in and standing on the opposite wall. “Going down?” I asked.
“Yeah. First floor please.” I didn't need to hit the button, we were going to the same place. Shit. We stood in an awkward silence for a while. He wanted to talk to me, I could tell by the way he kept eying me.
“So. You like Avenged Sevenfold, huh? What's your favorite song?” I asked eying his shirt again.
“I guess it would have to be 'Unbound', what about you?” He smiled at me. His eyes were a piercing shade of blue, I couldn't look away from them.
“I like 'Beast and the Harlot', the guitar riffs give me chills.” I laughed. “Can I tell you something? And please don't take this the wrong way, but for a guy, you have really pretty eyes.” I smiled.
“Thanks. I don't usually get that a lot. My name is Andy Biersack.”
“Ashley Purdy.” He eyed me suspiciously.
“Is that your real name?” he laughed.
“Yeah. It's not all that strange where I'm from. I know other guys named Ashley, Shannon, Casey, etc.”
“No, not your first name, I mean your last name. It sounds like some kind of weird stage name.” he chuckled.
“No. It's my real last name. It's Irish. It means 'Fidelity'.”
“OK, that makes more sense than what I was thinking. You sure are 'Purdy' though.” He laughed at his own stupid joke as the elevator dinged and we reached our stop. We both walked out slowly. “Hey Ashley, I was wondering, d-do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?”
“Sure, I'd love to.” Nothing wrong with making friends in an elevator. He was kinda cute, for a guy I mean. I wonder if he would be into that. What am I thinking. He could have a girlfriend or something. Still, it wouldn't be bad if I at least tried, right?