‹ Prequel: Trouble-Maker
Sequel: Summer Boy


Stars to Sun

After the show, Chance and I headed back to the earlier room to grab the sleeping little girl and then I followed him through the backstage door to where the band was cooling off. When they saw us coming, they cheered and then quieted instantly upon seeing the child in Chance's arms. He handed her over to Andrew and the single dad gently set her on the couch behind them before rejoining the group with an eager expression that matched everyone else's. Chance stepped around them to grab a water from the fridge in the back and offered me one.

"I really liked you guys," I admitted, thanking Chance as I took the drink from him.

They all cheered in whispers, causing me to laugh. "So, do you think we have a chance?" Will questioned, tapping his foot on the ground, "I mean, you don't have the final say, right? So do you think they'll like us enough to sign us?"

I nodded slowly. "Honestly, yeah I think so. With the sound demo you gave me and the footage from the show, I think Brett and Bruce will see that you guys have a lot of talent and a lot of charisma and stage-presence."

"Shit," Andrew murmured under his breath, his expression brightening. He looked around the semi-circle and met his bandmates' eyes. "We're getting signed," he said to them, "We're getting fucking signed."

They cheered again, louder, mostly forgetting about the sleeping child. Chance quickly hugged his friends and they all piled around me in a group hug. "Thank you so much, Atticus. So fucking much," one of them said from beside me and the hug tightened around me.

"It's not problem, you guys," I responded, "You deserve it. I'll definitely put in a good word with my father and he'll relay it to Bruce. I hope when I see you next I'll be baring good news."

"We hope so too," Evan said with a jerky nod of his head.

I jammed my camera back into my bag and closed it up, getting ready to leave. The band thanked me one more time and double checked that I didn't want to stick around for the after party. I explained that I'd ditched Ronnie at home, and hugged a couple more members when they thanked me yet again.

"I'll walk you to your car," Chance said when I was ready to go. He offered to take my bag and motioned for me to go to through door. "It's late and with a Cadillac Escalade, some people might get the wrong idea."

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I replied, checking the time on my phone after I fished it out of my pocket. I frowned when there was a missed call from Ronnie. "Is Jett still here?" I looked around the emptying bar for the singer's nephew.

"Probably somewhere," Chance said off-handedly, looking for the boy. He spotted another one on the far side of the room. "Elliot!" he called, catching the teenager's attention. "Where's Jett?"

The young bandmate pointed towards the door. "Thanks," Chance said back, shaking his head. "I bet the kid is standing outside, as close to the car as is possible without actually touching it."

"I highly doubt that," I stated in disbelief, "There's no way anyone loves Ronnie enough to sit and stare at his car. Plus, I just saw him a when the guys' set ended."

Chance grinned. "You'd be surprised," he said. We walked one after the other out of the glass door and Chance raised an eyebrow as we rounded the corner and my Escalade came into view beyond the other cars. "You were right," he said in a cocky tone, "They're not standing, they're sitting."

I covered my mouth as I laughed at the teenagers' infatuation with Ronnie. "I'm glad he's still here," I said honestly, tapping my fingers against my phone in the pouch pocket of my jacket.

"His mom's not," Chance replied, chuckling as the three boys stood up when they saw us walking over. "Jett, Finneghan, Zack, what the hell are you guys still doing here? It's almost one AM, I'm pretty sure your moms wanted you home after eleven." Chance glared at them through the darkness.

"Come on, Chance," Jett replied, shaking his head as he walked closer to us, "Do you really think I was going to go home when there's a chance that Ronnie Radke from Falling in Reverse could show up at any time?"

"Atticus already told you he wasn't coming," Chance stated, crossing his arms over his chest, "Now your uncle is going to make me take you home and explain to your mother why you weren't in bed on time. It is a school night, you know."

"Tomorrow's a Friday, Chance," one of the other boys replied, "It's not like we're actually going to do anything."

"Yeah, I remember telling that lie too," he muttered, shaking his head at the boys' scheming. "Well, you're lucky, Atticus wanted to talk to you anyway or else I'd stick your asses in the van and leave you there until everything is backed up and ready to go in three hours. If you suffocate, that's your own fault."

I smiled at his light anger and walked over to the boys. "I have to call Ronnie back before I leave, I figured you could say hello while I've got him on the phone. Maybe when I come out to tell your uncle the news about his band, I'll bring him with."

The boys were stunned quiet as they looked between each other. Finally, Jett spoke up. "Won't it be weird for us to talk to him on the phone? Don't you think he'd mind?" He glanced back at his band, trying to hide his grin and compose himself.

I shook my head and pulled the phone from my pocket. I didn't have to scroll far because, like always, Ronnie was at the top of my recents. I posed my finger over his name and answered the younger band, "Nah, it's me calling so he'll talk to you. He's wrapped around my finger."

The teenagers chuckled nervously and nodded, unsure of what else to say. "Yeah, do it," Jett encouraged after a second, grinning wildly as one of his friends playfully punched him in the arm.

I dialed the number and held it to my ear as it rang, not wanting the boys to hear Ronnie's answering machine if he didn't pick up. "Atticus, are you okay?" Ronnie answered, sounding groggy. I checked the time again on the phone and then put it back to my ear, chuckling at the boys' anxious looks.

"Hey, babe, I'm fine. Were you sleeping?" I questioned, surprised by it. In the months after Warped tour, he'd outgrown going to sleep early and instead we spent the night awake together.

"No, just watching a movie," he replied, shifting the phone, "You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, I promise," I answered, listening to him shuffle on the other end, "I'm just about to head home, but I met some people who were kinda bummed that I didn't let you come tonight." I quickly put the phone on speaker and held it out in front of me so that everyone could hear his reply.

"Fucking told you so," he said simply, "Who are they and why are you calling me about it?"

"They're actually standing right next to me," I explained, glancing up at the boys' shocked faces. I couldn't imagine what it was like to hear your idol on the phone, having an everyday conversation. "I was hoping you'd say hi and you could come out and meet them when I bring the band back some news."

"Yeah, sure, put 'em on," he responded.

I nodded towards the boys, who were silent. "Come on guys, just talk to him. He's not even here to stun you." I laughed and moved closer so that they'd speak and hear better.

"Hey Ronnie, I'm Jett," the singer said, "I think you're fucking rad, man."

Ronnie chuckled on the other end. "Thanks, Jett. How old are you? You remind me of me, staying out watching bands perform all hours of the night." He laughed adorably. "I'm sorry I couldn't come out tonight. You can blame Atticus for that, completely."

Chance shot Jett a look when Ronnie mentioned the time. Jett glared back and answered the singer. "My uncle owns it," he explained, "and my band opened for them tonight."

"We were still hanging around because we were hoping you'd show up, actually," another boy said, "I'm Zack. I play drums." He stepped up next to Jett and they took the phone from me so that I didn't have to hold it out for them.

"I'm sorry I missed your set," Ronnie said genuinely, "I haven't been to a local show and I would've loved to come by and hear you play. I definitely won't listen to Atticus next time she heads that way."

I huffed and glared at the phone and the man speaking from the other end of the line. "Thanks, babe," I muttered, rolling my eyes as he laughed at my comment but otherwise ignoring it.

"I'll definitely be there sometime," he suggested to the three nervous looking teenagers, "We'll have to make sure it's a night where you can play so I won't miss it again."

"That would be so awesome if you could come," Finn said, shaking his head as he quickly introduced himself to the singer, "I mean, I hope we could even play. Jett might be too nervous to even sing. And you might be too busy so we'll understand."

Jett shoved his friend. "I'd be fine," he said to Ronnie, "but you have to come see us now. It would be so cool."

"Then I'll come out with Att," Ronnie promised, "It shouldn't take too long for Epitaph to make a decision on your uncle's band, so I should be here."

"We heard that you're playing Warped Tour this year," the last boy, Finn, said into the phone, "Are you playing shows around here first or last?"

"I haven't really looked at the schedule yet, to be honest. Atticus was usually the one who wanted to know the specifics. I'm just along to sing."

The boys chuckled and kept the conversation going with the singer. I looked up and met Chance's gaze, confused by the intensity. I would've taken my phone back from the young musicians, but I didn't want to cut their conversation short, especially since Ronnie seemed to be keeping it going as well.

I turned my eyes back to them to look away from Chance after a little while. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye and he folded his arms over his chest. "Sorry, guys, but I've got to get going," I said at twenty after, "I promise I'll bring him 'round when I find out about your uncle's band."

The boys groaned softly and Ronnie said goodbye to them from the phone. When they'd copied him, I turned it off speaker phone and held it up to my ear. "Alright, Ron, I'll see you in a little while."

"Okay, Atti, love you."

"I love you too," I replied, "Bye." I hung up the phone and slipped it back into my hoodie pocket. The boys said their goodbyes and thank yous and raced into the venue.

"Don't go too far!" Chance yelled after them, "If I can't find you in ten minutes, you're walking the hell home!"

They all called back undecipherable answers and disappeared inside. Chance scoffed and shook his head at them. He followed me over to the driver's side of the Escalade and peaked inside when I unlocked and opened the door.

"Man, that really is nice," he said, catching a view of the built in touch screen and the sheer amount of buttons and digital information screens along the side of the dash.

I grinned over my shoulder at Chance. "Yeah, it's Ronnie's and he hardly ever lets me drive it. I swear sometimes he would rather marry this car instead of me."

Chance chuckled. "Can you blame him?"

"Guess not," I said as I tossed my bag to the passenger's side and shut the driver's door. "Thanks for hanging out with me tonight. I was a little worried about you trying to influence my decision, but the band made it for me."

"Yeah, I knew they would," he replied, running his palm over his short hair, "They really are incredible. I don't know why they never got noticed before."

"They didn't put themselves out there enough," I replied, "They found me, I didn't find them. If they would've reached out to someone a lot sooner, they probably would've been discovered a long time ago."

He nodded. "I told them that before plenty of times." He cracked his knuckles nervously and stepped back a bit. "It was nice to meet you, Atticus. You're a cool girl. It's not too often you meet a girl who appreciates good music and who makes a career out of it. Hell, you're my age for Christ's sake. I work in a bar, you have a fiance and a career."

"I'm older than you," I corrected before adding, "Plus, remember who my dad is, it's not like I got this job on my own. Between working at Epitaph, I was working daycare and restaurants."

"Yeah, I guess," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders, "but you're engaged and planning your future already. That's impressive on its own."

I shrugged too and leaned against the black door of the car. "When you meet the right person..." I trailed off, "Speaking of, I should be getting back. He's probably waiting up."

"Yeah, right," Chance agreed with a nod, "Well, I hope we see you around soon."

I smiled and rested a hand on his shoulder. "You'll be here when I bring the news, won't you?" He nodded. "So I'll see you then."

He stepped back as I opened the car stood and climbed in. He stepped up to the window without touching the car and smiled. "I had a good time tonight," he said, "Thanks for making the guys comfortable. Seen you soon."

"You better start planning your friends a kickass singing party," I suggested. I smiled and offered a little wave through the window. "I'll see you, Chance. Maybe when you find that girl, the four of us can go out for a night or something."

"Sounds fun." He nodded. "I'll keep an eye out."

I chuckled and nodded. "See you." I backed out of the space and waved goodbye through the front window as I pulled out of the rapidly emptying parking lot.

I just wanted to get home and crawl into bed next to my man. My head was spinning and I was beyond ready to close my eyes for the night. I parked Ronnie's baby in his usual spot and climbed the stairs of the apartment quickly and quietly.

"Ronnie?" I called as I unlocked the door and pushed it closed behind me. "You awake?"

"In bed!" he called back.

I slipped out of my shoes and ditched them at the door. I dropped the keys into the kitchen counter as I cut through and grinned at the side of a shirtless Ronnie laying in bed, half consumed by sleep. "There you are," I murmured, crawling in over him and laying my head on his chest, "I missed you tonight."

He smiled drowsily and pressed a kiss against my forehead. "Knew it," he murmured, brushing my hair out of my face, "You can't live without me."

"Unfortunately," I accepted. I wrapped my arm over his waist, fully clothed, and closed my eyes.

"How'd it go tonight?" he investigated, "Were they any good?"

I nodded against his skin. "Really good," I mumbled, "They're definitely going to be your label mate soon."

"Another band is never bad," he empathized, "but you know FIR will always be number one on Epitaph."

"And in my heart," I giggled, pressing a kiss against his chest tattoo.

He chuckled. "You really are tired, aren't you?"

I just nodded.

"Change your clothes," he suggested, "you can't sleep in jeans." As I got up and unbuttoned my jeans, he sat up on his elbows and trailed his eyes over my skin. "Who was that guy who was in the background on the phone tonight?" he inquired.

I frowned and kicked my pants off. "You mean Chance? He's a friend of the band. He stuck by my side tonight and helped me get around. He's a sweetheart, really."

"How old is he?" Ronnie asked, laying back down as I crawled in next to him in just my shirt.

"Like early twenties, I'd say. I didn't ask." I fanned my hair out over Ronnie's arm as I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my tired eyes, ready for sleep. "Why?"

I felt him shake his head. "No reason. I thought maybe he was in the band."


Ronnie snuggled into the bed and I stretched out on his body, my head on his shoulder, my arm around his waist, and one leg tangled between his two. It was the most comfortable I'd been in awhile. It lasted for another seven hours, the two of us just sleeping in bed. At almost nine AM Ronnie's phone rang loudly from the side table, startling both of us awake.

I groaned and rolled over, peaking my eyes open against the sunlight that was streaming in through the uncovered windows. Ronnie liked to sleep with the blinds open to the stars at night, but we always regretted it when the sun made it back to our sky.

"Answer your phone," I complained, rolling over to press my face into a pillow as he rubbed his eyes and blindly reached for his cell.

"Hello?" he answered, not bothering to sit up or open his eyes. "Arch?"

At the name of the little boy I cared so much about, I sat up and tried to grab the phone from Ronnie, who wouldn't let me. "Give it to me, Ronald," I demanded, trying to take it from his hand, "Let me talk to him. Is he okay?"

Ronnie shot a look at me and turned the phone on speaker, holding it out between us. "Arch, where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm with Ms. Lyla," he said, referring to his social worker, "We're at the hospital."

I was scared instantly. "Where's Olivia and Will? Are you okay? What happened?" I sat up and folded my hands together, wanting nothing more than for him to be okay, both mentally and physically. I didn't know why he was calling me and not his guardians. Was he okay? Were they okay? What happened?

"They're with Tommie. We were playing at the park, waiting for Will to get done with his meeting and he fell," the boy explained, talking about his one year old foster brother, "I don't know what happened and everyone is worried about him."

"Then why are you calling us?" Ronnie asked, remembering the question that I neglected.

"I'm scared," Arch said after a pause, "Miss Lyla said I should call you." He stopped and there were some words exchanged with him before the phone was taken and another voice came over the line.

"Atticus?" she asked, shifting the phone, "I'm sorry to bother you and your fiance so early but I was wondering if it is possible for you to come get Arch for a little while."

I glanced at the time on the phone and looked up to Ronnie. He nodded just once, solemnly, and I nodded quickly. "Yes, of course," I replied, "We'll be there as soon as we can. We're going to leave in just a few minutes."

Ronnie and I got up hastily, having no idea what could be going on with Will and Olivia Harris or why we were needed to take Arch off their hands. In the pitt of my stomach, I knew something wasn't right and I hoped to god that it wasn't what I feared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that chapter took a turn, didn't it?

I really need some, please.

I've been trying to fall back into love with this story and honestly, it's working. I've been writing bits at school, planning the rest in my head, working out the kinks. I think I'm getting it planned out pretty well. Haven't quite thought about the ending yet, but that's pretty far away.

So comment if you're excited to see what's coming!