Love Through Snapshots


Annabel backed away, completely horrified. Before her stood her boyfriend, the love of her life, except it wasn't him.

No, there was only a beast in his place, snarling and ready to snap at her. The only sign of it being her darling Isaac was the cerulean eyes that stared viciously at her.

She took a shaky breath, feeling her back hit rough bark. She was suddenly regretting her decision of going for a late night run.

She was snapped out of her worries by hot breath in her face, a low growl resonating in her ear. She felt her stomach drop, this was the end. 

Annabel couldn't help but let herself relax as she came to this realization. It was Isaac, her Mr. Darcy, her Ron Weasley. She couldn't think of a better place to be taken from.

Her chocolate eyes snap open, he was her Isaac, and she was sure that he was still in there, and even if he wasn't, well then she went down swinging.

Annabel propelled herself forward and collided into the monster, her full lips capturing his chapped ones. Her nose wrinkles as she feels the hair on her cheeks but she presses on, he had stopped growling, he was coming back to her.

She sighed as she felt his features morph back beneath her, fingers shaking she pulled back. 

Isaac looked back at her, his eyes pools of sadness. She ignored his look and kissed him once more.

"I'm not afraid" a melodic voice rose up and caressed his ears and he couldn't believe it even if he tried. "You saw me, how could you love me?"

Annabel smiled at him, pushing a few muddy tendrils away from his face. "I told you it was you and me Isaac. I meant that, and I still do."

She kept her eyes on his, willing him to believe her. She watched as the sadness melted from his features and he sagged into her, his head resting on a freckled shoulder.

She held him close and smiled, triumphant. He may have been a monster, but he was hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
So another snapshot! They are going to be out of order sometimes but they should be pretty easy to follow. So comments! Those things are really lovely and I'm perfectly happy holding the next snapshot hostage if I don't get a few silent readers to speak up!