

There were three things that could always cheer me up, no matter how sad I was.

The first of these three were my two best friends, Marissa Oakes and Kelsey Varner. Marissa and I have been best friends ever since she asked to use my neon-colored markers in kindergarten. Kelsey and I met later, through Marissa. They always managed to put a smile on my face, whether by taking me out on girls’ nights or forming a barricade around me as we walked through the school hallways.

The second consists of sappy, happy, romantic endings. Movies like Tangled or Pride and Prejudice would always bring me out of my desolation, especially when paired with popcorn.

The third and most important of all is reading. Oh, reading. Reading takes me to an entirely different world, where I can pretend to be someone else for a moment. When I read, I’m not Allie Prescott. I’m Bella Swan with the boys of my dreams chasing after me, or Katniss Everdeen who is strong enough to face anything in her way, or just about any character that has it better than I do.

Books inspire me to go to school every morning and face what I know is coming. Books remind me that there’s a reason to be strong, that there is happiness out there just waiting for me to grasp onto it.

Books are my main savior. And it was my love of my books that led me to the coffee shop the next day.

That was when I met the love of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thank you thank you krystalclear74 and Twisted;;Symphony for the comments!

I do not own any of the books, movies, and characters mentioned in this chapter.