‹ Prequel: Cold Gin

Cold Gin 2

Chapter 1

It’s 1978. Disco is at its height, but I’m one of the few who’ve stayed true to hard rock. It’s been more than a year since I saw Ace (in person I mean- I was following every album and buying the magazines), and the autographed bottle of Cold Gin sat proudly on my mantelpiece in my apartment. Their next concert was going to happen minutes away from my New York City place, and like a true fan I wasn’t going to miss it for the world. Now, I had only been with only one guy since the liaison with Ace, and truthfully, the whole time I had pretended it was him. That was nearly 8 months ago, and ever since, I’ve been acting like a lovesick puppy. The only way I guess I’m going to cure this is by following KISS. Every time I go to bed, I relive the hours with Ace, and pray that we’ll meet again. Like hell was I going to let him know this.

Concert day arrived, and I knew I had to get backstage somehow. I loitered round a secret exit that I knew about from working at the theatre located at the back of the venue, and tried to get a glimpse of every car that sped past. Eventually, a black limo pulls up, and I know that it’s them. Paul emerges from the car first, in full costume and full of confidence. He’s followed by Gene, who’s already working his “appendage”. They’re followed by a roadie, who shuts the door. I keep looking out for Ace or Peter, but it’s evident they’re arriving separately.

“Paul!” I yell, chasing after him and Gene. Both of them spin around, and smile, but it’s obvious neither recognises me.

“It’s me, Roxy!” They both continue to stare at me blankly. “I watched one of your publicity shoots about a year ago...I was with Ace.”

“Well, honey, that’s nice, but we’ve got a show to do.” Paul answers politely before walking off. I feel like I’ve just been kicked in the stomach...I had tricked myself into thinking I was memorable. I was just one of hundreds...

“Hey, I remember you,” Gene says to me, interrupting my stupor “You’re the gin girl. 1977. Cobo Hall, right?”

“That’s me...” I say incredulously.

“Well, Ace is bringing his wife along tonight, but she’s leaving after the show. Give me your hand.”
Gene whips out a marker, and signs my hand.

“Show this to the roadie. He’ll bring you backstage.” I watch as Gene strides away to join Paul, but I don’t quite believe what he’s told me. I stick around the exit for a little longer, just to witness another black limo pull up. The back door opens and a female leg is the first thing I see. She has long brown hair, and is in typical seventies clothing. Lydia Criss. Sure enough, she is followed by the Catman himself, who playfully grabs her bottom and howls. He brings her towards him and kisses her on the lips. Both of them ignore me. I brace myself for what is about to come next. Another female leg appears from the vehicle, this time wearing boots. It was Jeanette Frehley.

“C’mon Ace!” She laughs as she tugs her already wasted husband out of the back of the vehicle.
Then I see him, and my heart soars as the same seventeen year old feelings come rushing back once more. The outfit has changed, but he’s still the same charismatic joker I met a year ago.
I calmly walk over to them, and I know I’ve got to do this. I've got to take the chance.

“Hi! I’m a huge fan, I was wondering if I could have an autograph, Ace?” I ask, mouthing a ‘sorry’ at Jeanette, and handing Ace a random receipt and Gene’s pen. Jeanette smiles at me and without looking up, Ace begins to speak.

“Who should I write it to?”


He freezes immediately as realisation dawns upon him. For a second he looks panicked.

“Ace, honey, what’s the matter?” Jeanette asks, looking back and forth between us two.

“Nothing...” he says slowly, without breaking eye contact with me “It’s just a little odd how she looks exactly like...your sister!” He manages to lie through his teeth.

“Oh, yeah, I can see that now that you mention it!” Jeanette agrees, saving the situation, and we all laugh politely at the observation.

“Enjoy the concert Ginny. I’ll see ya real soon.” And with that, Ace puts his arm around her waist and leads her to the stage door. I feel like an awful human being, but with any addiction, getting your next fix is your only concern.