We'll Both Be Heroes


My two mates and I sat comfortably in my music room, enjoying the cool air of the inside rather than the blistering heat that lay outside these walls. I was stretched out on the small couch, a guitar situated in my lap so I could easily play while laying down. My fingers moved habitually from fret to fret, each finger position sounding out a another note as my other hand strums over the strings. My mates laugh as I play, singing along to the song or tapping their feet.

Shay, one of my best mates since I moved to the States, pipes up and starts belting the melody. It's one of my own original songs but they have grown to love it and therefore I play it when they're around. Nate, another of my companions, stands and starts to dance. His dance is spastic and awkward. With a laugh, I choke the sound and sit up. As soon as I move, Shay stands and takes a seat next to me.

"We really should be doing something productive, you know," warned Shay. I cocked my head and gave the girl a curious look. "You should be working on songs for your next album. Or at least trying."

I sighed and looked down at my guitar in dismay. A new tune hadn't come out of this retched thing in nearly four months. I'd become quite the success in the last few years, or at least I thought of myself that way. I'd only been eleven or so when I moved out here to this blasted country and since then -along with my regular school work and social events- I had been working on my music. Eight years have passed since then and I've become quite the musical artist. Three self released albums, hundreds of gigs at school talent shows, concerts at the park, festivals, and finally, a record deal with some indie label. Since then, I've been living my dream- enjoying life and making my music.

"I've tried," I replied. It was the truth. I had tried desperately to force out new songs but no inspiration had come my way. I could barely write a simple riff without getting frustrated and giving up. The label wanted at least twelve new songs by this December, and it was already June. I was running out of time. If I couldn't do this simple task, they'd drop me. Not like it would matter anyway. I was famous and all but not at all very well known. "I just can't."

"Fin, we all know you can do it. You just need something to inspire you first," chimed in Nate. I looked over at the boy. Tall and thin, tangled brown hair and green eyes. I sighed heavily and adjusted myself on the couch to hang my head over the arm of the chair. Using one arm, I carefully lay my guitar on the floor.

"Like what?"

"A trip to the city?" Shay asked, excitement written in her voice. I snorted in laughter. Shay always wanted to take a shopping trip to the city mall. We had the money but I had a feeling that a new outfit wasn't going to get those songs written any faster.

"Maybe we could-" Nate started to suggest but was caught off by the sharp ring of my cell phone. That boy always had terrible timing. I laughed and pulled the small rectangle from my pocket. The name read in all caps across the screen. PARKER.

"Sorry Nate, gotta take this. It's my manager." I clicked the answer button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, you're never going to believe what just happened and where you're going to be spending the rest of your summer," the older man's voice was riddled with happiness and I had to admit that it was infectious. I then asked about what he said and he proceeded to tell me the most wonderful thing I've heard in months. Before I had moved to the States, I had lived in Mullingar, Ireland next to the coolest little boy. We had been best mates back in the day. We'd run through the yard, dare each other to do humiliating and disgusting things, and end our days with a hefty snack. We'd had a great friendship until my father's job as an architect moved him here -though we chose to stay after his project was finished- and after that, we fell out of touch. A year ago, I'd heard that he'd went into music as well and was now part of a successful boy-band.

Lucky for me, he'd recently heard that his own childhood friend -ahem, me- had risen to a small bit of stardom. And like any great mate should, he had requested that I open for them for nearly every show on their Summer Europe Tour. As Parker and I talked over details, I stood and moved away from my friends. When we were done arranging the final details -or what I could manage at this point in time- I hung up the phone and let out a girlish squeal.

"What's going on?" Nate asked with a chuckle.

"Well, looks like we might need a shopping trip after all," I assured my pair of friends. "There's no way my current wardrobe is suitable for this."

"For what?" Shay inquired, leaning forward intently. I smiled, the corners of my mouth pulling into a large, ecstatic grin.

"Oh, you know, when I open for this band during their summer tour," I joke, putting my hand to my chin in mock thought. "Hmm, now what was that band again?"

The two faces just stared at me in wonder, eyes filled with awe and curiosity. I could tell that they were dying to know but didn't want to suck the joy away from me. I laughed, not being able to subdue my smile. I buried my face in my palms for a moment before glancing at them one more. I gave out a shrill squeal once more.

"One Direction!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this author's note is extremely important for several reasons. First, I want to talk about the story itself for a moment. This little prologue was just a bit of insight on Finley Collins (the main character) and her career and how she came to be with One Direction on their tour.

Now, to adress the main things: please, no hardcore fans get mad at me. This is my first attempt at a One Direction story, so forgive me if I get something wrong here or there. I am not writing this to be extremely accurate. I am writing this because I love the band. However, I haven't watched as many interviews as I'd like and therefore don't fully know their personalities- but I will do my best, I assure you.

Also, I am not British, and therefore I do not know any of the slang or lingo. I know some and will use what I have in my brain, but I'm sorry if I don't get it right all of the time. Also, I will be making up London and other cities based off of pictures seeing as I've never been to them and cannot accurately describe them.

Okay, with that out of the way, I just wish that you give me some feedback. I am a little shaky about this chapter and may rewrite it later. However, until the next update, please enjoy.