‹ Prequel: A Time of Gods


The Choice

The intense light and stiff bed were bottom of the list of reasons as to why Felicia found it damn near impossible to sleep for more than an hour at at any one time. The fitful bouts of rest were never peaceful, never free of images painted in red. She saw Coulson and the faces of the terrified civilians on the street that day. She had told them to run, but some had frozen, rooted to the spot, unable to comprehend what was happening to the world around them.

Felicia squeezed her eyes shut and when she was bold enough to open them again she found she wasn't alone. Her company was no longer limited to the humourless Nick Fury, whom had been her only visitor for three days. A proud figure stood in the corner of the small room, dressed in a beautifully woven cloak of white and gold which cascaded to the floor, creating a stark contrast against the bleached hospital floor. The hood was pulled up to conceal the identity of Felicia's guest.

Felicia would have scrambled up in bed and looked around wildly for something to defend herself with. In her mad state she could have had the raw strength to break the restraint keeping her prisoner - the rail she was handcuffed to was made from reinforced steel to match her super-strength. Felicia didn't react, an odd sense of calm enclosed her as she took in the sight of her new visitor. When the hood was pushed back Felicia was confronted by an ethereal goddess.

"I am Frigga of Asgard," the beautiful woman smiled.

Felicia remained silent. For perhaps the first time in her life she was awestruck to lose her ability to speak. "I have been watching, I can see why he chose you," she approached, "You have the strength of will to match his nature. Your latest actions have been called in to question, but I truly believe they were the actions of a conflicted young woman."

Felicia was listening respectfully, but the burning question had given power to her speechless tongue. "Is Loki alive?"

The Goddess gave another small smile. "Yes, Loki is alive."

Felicia emitted a release of tense air. "I was told -but I believed he many have been..."

"He is awaiting the punishment to be chosen by our court."

Now that she was viewing Felicia without the confines of Odin's glass orb, Frigga took the opportunity to examine the woman capable of capturing the Trickster's heart. Frigga knew there was something more in Loki's soul, she had witnessed a spark of the emotions he felt for this woman when he was shown her fragile image. If Loki was as cruel as some claimed, as violent and despicable, why would he have allowed himself to become attached to a mortal woman?

"You are in love with Loki?" Frigga asked. "What would you sacrifice for that love?"

This time Felicia chose to remain silent, the truth being evident. Asgardians were known for choosing a relationship based on power rather than emotion. Love didn't come so easily for them and most considered it a weakness. Frigga was kind-hearted in comparison and only wanted happiness for her step-son and adoptive son.

"I was fine before. I believed I was happy, looking after only myself and relying on only myself after my fathers death. I kept under the radar, I was left alone," Felicia began. "Then Loki came along and I foolishly got mixed up in this whole mess. It should be so easy for me to hate him," she glanced up at the intimidating Goddess. "I have given everything I have. I can sacrifice nothing for love because I have nothing left."

"Loki needs you."

"Loki doesn't need anyone, and he will hold true to that belief until the bitter end."

Frigga took the usually unflappable Felicia by surprise when she grasped her hand in desperation. "He needs you Ms. Hardy. You are his last chance to prove his humanity."
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There's a dancing alien in the comments section and it's hilarious. Props to silk tea. :)