Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 11.

Just as I imagined, Kellin didn’t say a word the entire drive home. So neither did I. I looked out the window, watching the sun rise and the trees quickly pass the window. He was driving fast.
“Are.. you okay?” I ask. He looks over at me. I look back.
“Jess..” He said. His tone had changed from before. “Um.. what happened back there..” He trailed off.
“Wh-what about it?” I could feel my face get red.
“Um.. w-what exactly.. I mean.. we both.. but we said..” He stopped.
“I don’t know.” I sighed.
We finally get back to my house. He pulls up the drive way, and as I’m about to get out, he pulls the door closed again.
“So.. where do we stand now?” He asked.
“I.. I don’t think we should complicate what we have.” I say. His face drops.
“So.. you think we should stay friends?” He was looking at me weird now. “After that? You think we should just be friends after you kissed me like that?” I could feel my cheeks burning now.
“You said so before, you don’t think we should jeopardize anything.” I got out of the car, slamming the door. I heard his door open.
“Jess!” he said, following after me. “Jess!” I kept walking inside. Finally I felt him grab my arm. He turned me around so I was face to face with him.
“After that.. I can’t just leave things the way they are.. I..” He sighed, now looking down.
“I don’t want to just be friends..” He said softly. This is what I’ve always wanted. Why wasn’t I taking it? Why didn’t this seem like a good idea anymore?
“Kellin” I said. He looked back up. “I just..” He cut me off by gently taking my face in his hands, pulling me closer and kissing me hard on the mouth. My heart started beating faster and faster the more he kissed me. I moved my hands down his chest, gently grabbing onto his jacket, pulling him closer to me. Finally, I backed away. Kissing him had to be the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt.
“Well..” I hear from behind me. I quickly move away from Kellin. The voice was my mother’s. “What’s going on here?” She snaps. She was never a fan of Kellin. I don’t know if it was the dark clothing, the long hair, or the tattoos that told her he wasn’t a good choice for her daughter. And all those years of convincing her he was only a friend just went down the drain if she saw that kiss.
“Just friends huh?” She asks sharply. Yep. She saw.
“Mom, it’s not what you think..” I say.
“Oh, so you weren’t just making out with this boy in my driveway.”
“His name’s Kellin, mom.” I say. She rolls her eyes. “I’ll be right in, Mom, okay?” She waits a couple of seconds before going back inside.

“You see what you did!” I shouted. He looked at me.
“I don’t think I did anything wrong. I kissed you.” I sighed.
“Yes, you kissed me. I’ve been trying to convince my mother we’re just friends for as long as I can remember so I can actually spend time with you, now she thinks we’re dating and she’ll never let me hang out with you.” His face started getting red.
“I don’t regret it, you know. Even if you do.” His face dropped again.
“Kellin.. I don’t regret it.” I softly say. “I just don’t think.. we should.. become.. involved like that.” He looks at me for a little, and sighs, still frowning. He gently pushes the hair out of my face.
“Just think about it” He says “Just.. give me a chance.” He gently kisses my lips again, more gently than before, then walked back to his car. I watched him the entire time. He looked back at me once more before getting in, then finally drove off.