Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 133.

Weeks turned into months, and soon, my stomach was visible.

I woke up every morning to feel the baby moving inside me. It was my daily ritual, to sit up in bed, and talk to it. The doctors said that babies would get used to the sound of their mother’s voice if you talked to them during your pregnancy. I decided to give it a try, and soon, it was habit.

Then one morning, Kellin came in, crawling onto the bed, and cuddling close next to me. I sighed.
“”Good morning” He said, gently rubbing his hand across my stomach. I giggled.
“Good morning, daddy.” I said. He smirked.

“So, Jenna was talking about a baby shower for you.. but.. she won’t know what theme to run with.. if we don’t find out what it is.” I sighed. He’s been at this for weeks.
“Why don’t you want to be surprised?” I said. He looked up at me.
“You know I’m terrible with surprises, Jess.” I smiled, nodding. It was true. Every christmas he’d venture off, trying to find his gifts, he found out about every surprise birthday party we tried to give him, and he always asked what was going to happen during movies.
He was terrible with surprises.

”..We can go today, if you want.” I said softly, placing my hand over his, gently kissing it. He looked up at me, his eyes wide.
“Really?” He said. His smile grew. I nodded, giggling at his excitement.
He kissed my forehead and got up from the bed.
“I’ll go get ready.” He said, as he walked out the door.

He was adorable.