Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 135.

I froze. My eyes stayed wide as I stared down. I didn’t know what to do. My heart was pounding. I was having the baby. It was time. I had to tell Kellin. I had to get to a hospital. But he was performing. How on earth was I going to do that. I stopped.

The sign. He saw the sign.

I quickly grabbed the closest paper and pen that I could find and viciously wrote out a sign. “Come here.” It read. I didn’t have to stand there long with me waving the sign and frantically waving my arms. I caught his attention soon enough. He looked at me and his eyes got wide as well, he finished the song and ran over to me.

“What is it?” He said, he was out of breath, and the beads of sweat were dripping down his face. Then, I was hit with a contraction. I clenched my stomach, and bent over.

“My water broke.” I said, finally able to get the words out.
“Oh my god..” He said “We.. we have to get you to a hospital.”
“You think!” I yelled. He looked out at the audience, biting his lip.
“Kellin!” I yelled. The pains were getting worse. He quickly waved Jesse over, telling him to inform the band he had to go.
“We’re in the middle of a show, Kel.” Jesse said.
“I have to go.” Kellin snapped. He took my hand, and quickly pulled me backstage.

With my other free hand, I gripped tightly onto my stomach. The pain was unbareable, I could only imagine what the actual labor would feel like. My heart was racing, and I felt tears come to my eyes. I bit down hard on my lip as he helped me into his car.

“Where’s Jenna?” I managed to say, he looked up at me, his eyes practically popping out of his head. “I need her!” I yelled. He knew how crunched we were on time, but he quickly ran inside and searched for her. It was only minutes before he pulled her out of the venue and helped her into the car as well. She sat close to me in the backseat and held my hand.
“You’re gonna be just fine.” She said softly. I gripped her hand tightly. I felt more and more tears come to my eyes.

“What if I can’t do it.” I said; the tears slid down my cheek. “What if I’m not strong enough, what if I can’t..”

“You are strong enough.” I heard Kellin say. I looked up at him, he peeked back at me from the rear view mirror. He didn’t say anything afterwards, but he gave me a look, telling me everything was going to be okay.