Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 2.

The light shown brightly into my eyes. I was still unsure if that’s what had woken me up, or the fact that I had fallen asleep with my headphones on again.

“Home, home, where I wanted to go..”

I looked out my window. Just as I suspected. The snow had melted on the streets. I had school. I sluggishly arouse from my bed, and made my way to my mirror. I took a minute to stare at my reflection. Dark brown eyes, black hair, mediocre face. Nothing special. And would never be. I had always been mediocre. And I’ve gotten used to it.

Rummaging through my closet, I finally pulled out a large black sweater. Seemed appropriate. Quickly pulling on a pair of jeans, and throwing my bag onto my back, I was out the door.

Ready for another day of being ignored, put down, and judged. But that was high school, and if you had ever attended one yourself, you would know. Unless you were one of the lucky few who decided to give up their lives to the acceptance of others. I didn’t know that feeling. I preferred to be ignored. It gave me more time to think. Something I was good at. Thinking.

The cold air seemed to pass right through me; right through the thick fabric of my sweater, throughout my bones. But I was quickly felt the fire in me egnight. My heart began to beat faster than usual, and I could feel sweat forming under my bangs. Lovely. This only happened when he was around.

“Hey, Jess” he said. It sounded more like a song. That song you could listen to over and over without getting tired of it; only appreciating it the more you listened. Kellin was my song.