Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 21.

What did Taylor know about Kellin? Nothing. Taylor knew nothing. He had no clue what Kellin dealt with, what he was going through, how what he was like. He has no clue what he was talking about, with his perfect family, his perfect reputation, his perfect life. I just got angry, and began climbing down the tree.
“Jess?” He said. I ignored him, and kept climbing. He quickly followed. “Jess, what’s wrong?” He asked, still following. I finally got to the bottom.
“You don’t know anything about Kellin, okay?” I said. He just looked at me.
“I’m sorry..” He finally said. I sighed and looked back at the sun. It was higher now, the wasteland had lost it’s orange tint.
“I think I should be getting back.” I said. Taylor scrunched up his face.
“Just one more place.” He said. He gave me the puppy dog eyes, ones I’m sure worked on every one he used them on. I sighed.
“Fine.” I said “But not because of your eyes.. because I really don’t feel like going home just yet.” What I really meant was, I didn’t feel like going home, and seeing that I still hadn’t heard from Kellin since our fight. I hated fighting with him. I was used to talking to him from the moment I woke up, to the moment I fell asleep, whether it was texting him, calling him, or just being with him. I was always talking to him. So I felt strange now that we weren’t.
Taylor smiled and got back on his bike. He held out his hand for me. I gently took it and climbed on, tightly clinging onto Taylor like I had before. He took off into the woods. I was going to ask Taylor where he was taking me, but there was no point. There was no way he would be able to hear me over the engine. So, I waited.
Eventually, he pulled up to a small lake, surrounded by trees. The entire place was filled with an overwhelming smell of pine needles and fresh water. It was just how I had remembered it. This is where Taylor and I would always be during the summer. Swimming, climbing trees, and practically spilling our hearts out to each other, as much as you could in middle school. Our parents swore one day we’d get married. At the time, I could see why. Taylor and I were inseparable.
“Do you remember this place?” He said. I smiled.
“Of course I do.” I got off the bike and walked around. Just as I remembered. He smiled, then taking his shirt off. Of course, perfectly chiseled chest, with it’s own complementary six pack. I suppose that’s what playing sports nonstop did you to after puberty. It looked good on him.
“What are you doing?” I asked, I blushed at the sight of his bare chest. It was of course more muscular, and tanner than Kellin’s.
I still preferred Kellin’s.
“Going for a swim.” He said, jumping into the lake. I sat near the edge. “Aren’t you going to join me?” He asked “Like old times?” I laughed, shaking my head.
“I think I’ll pass this time.” He sighed.
“Suit yourself.” He did a few laps around the lake. I watched.
And as much as I enjoyed hanging out with Taylor again, the only thing that was on my mind all day was Kellin.