Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 3.

His smile was breath taking. His eyes lit up when he smiled, and it made it that much harder to concentrate on him without smiling back. But I did my best.

“What?” I said, slightly laughing. The smile was escaping.
“Do you need a ride?” he asked. I sighed. He unlocked the door, still smiling. He must have some idea of the effect he had on me, and if not, then I’m disappointed in how clueless he truly was.
“My stop is right down the road, I don’t mind waiting.” I really wanted nothing more than to sit in the car with him on this freezing morning. I’d go with him anywhere. I’d love to be by his side; just holding his hand. He was all I ever wanted, and all I really had, if you can say that I ‘have’ him. He was pretty much my only good friend, so there was no way I was going to risk losing that over some stupid crush. But those eyes..

“Get in” he insisted. His smile only making me melt even more. I felt the sweat under my bangs again. I’d have to wipe that away before he noticed. I hesitated, but eventually got in the car.

It was warm, and I was smacked in the face with the strong smell of car freshener. He must of sprayed it before he pulled around the corner. Was he expecting me?

Kellin liked to smoke a cigarette in the morning, but didn’t want me to know. Little did he know, I already knew, and I’d known for a long time. But I played along to make him feel better.

He looked over at me.
“I don’t know why you always feel the need to fight me when I want to give you a ride. Why would you take the bus when you don’t have to.”
I shrugged. I really didn’t mind it.

I looked back at him. His eyes shone brighter in the morning light. I could see the small wrinkles around his mouth from smiling. His baby face and that gaze made my heart beat faster. I quickly looked away. He laughed.

“What’s the matter?” he said. Nothing was the matter, that was the problem. Kellin was perfect. From his large, hypnotizing eyes to his angelic singing voice that he never let anyone else hear but me. He was a man of many talents, he just chose to keep the talents hidden. Why, I have no idea. He could easily have anyone or anything with the flash of that smile and a bat of those eyes, but he didn’t. He kept to himself. And me. And I enjoyed that. He had me, and I had him. Just not in the way I wanted.