Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 59.

It was quiet in the car for a while.

“You know..” I said. “We still haven’t graduated” I laughed. “And.. we’re planning our wedding.” He smiled.
“I didn’t know love had an age limit.” he said.
“I’m just saying.. Are you sure you’d want to marry me?” I asked. The idea of marriage scared me. Especially after what happened with my parents. How my father walked out on us. Marriage is supposed to be a promise. A promise that you’re going to stay together forever. And it’s kind of hard to believe that when you see it all fall apart right before your eyes.
Kellin was quiet.
“Are you sure you’d want to marry me?” He asked. If I was to get married.. He would be the only one I would be sure of.
“I’m just.. We’re young. We should be out having fun.”
“We can’t be married and have fun?” He asked. I sighed.
“It’s not that.. I just.. I don’t know.” He scrunched his face.
“Why would you want to marry me, anyway?” I asked. He held my hand tighter.
“Is that a serious question?” He sighed. I nodded.
“Well..” He said. “You’ve been my one and only everything.. It’d only be right to be my one and only wife.” I blushed. He went on.
“You’re also my best friend. I’d trust you with my life. Every day I’m with you, I’m happier than I could ever be. You were the only one who showed up that day in the hospital. You’re the only one who would drop anything in the blink of an eye, just for me. You’re mine, and I’m your’s, and I want it to be this way forever. You’ve always believed in me, and you still do believe in me, even when I don’t believe in myself. You’re my everything.” My heart was racing.
“W-wow..” I said. He bit his lip.
“It’s true..” He said quietly.

So, maybe all marriages didn’t work out. Not everything does.
But with Kellin.. I felt a little more confident about the idea.