Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 63.

Kellin’s P.O.V

“You.. you’re serious?” I said.
“What is it?” Jess mouthed to me. I heard the guy over the phone laugh.
“Yes, we’re serious. My name’s Justin by the way. Yes, we want you to come back down whenever you can. We want to start as soon as possible, and we can’t do anything without our new singer.” My heart pounded. My hands were sweating. I did it. I actually got it. They wanted me.
“Oh.. oh my god.” I said “Th-thank you!”
“Hey, you’re talented, kid. We’d be stupid not to sign you.” I couldn’t believe this was happening.
“Thank you so much” I said “I’ll stop by first thing tomorrow.
“Sounds good, kid. See you then.” He hung up.
“Who was that? What did they want? What’s going on, Kell.” Jess was hounding me with questions. I was in shock. I didn’t think I did that good. I sat back in my chair, running my fingers through my hair.
“They want me for their band” I finally said. Jess’ face lit up.
“Baby!” She yelled. She jumped over into my seat, wrapping her arms around my neck. My heart beat faster. Like always, she would always be the most supportive. I held her tight. I didn’t want to share this moment with anyone else.
“I’m so proud of you!” She yelled. She kissed me. ”I can’t believe this!” She expressed her excitement in between kisses. I wasn’t complaining. Finally, she sat back and just stared at me. She was smiling. She gently pushed my hair out of my face, and sighed.
“You did it..” She said. I gently grabbed her hand and kissed it. I felt like she was happier for me than I was for myself; one of the many reasons why I loved her so much.
I was speechless. Everything was finally coming together. My music, getting my own place, and Jess. All I could do was sit there and smile.
“You should be proud of yourself..” She said quietly. “You did it. Because you’re talented. Just like I said. And I couldn’t be any more proud of you.” I just smiled at her. I wanted nothing more than to purpose to her right now. She was perfect. If only I had a ring. And I wasn’t going to be that guy who just asked without it. I sighed. But.. I did have something.
“Jess..” I said. She stared at me. Her face dropped a little.
“Yeah?” She said softly. She gently took my hand.
“I love you, and I..” I bit my lip. I felt my heart beating faster. I gently slide the necklace off from around my neck. I always wore it under my shirt. It was my grandmother’s engagement ring. I wore it on a chain. My grandmother and grandfather had a love so passionate, and so true, I was inspired to find one of my own one day, and I did. With Jess. I promised myself I would give this to the girl who I wanted to spend my life with.
“Now..” I said. She looked down at the necklace. Her eyes got wide.
“Kellin, I..” I cut her off.
“Now, I know you said nothing too soon.. And I want you to know, this isn’t an engagement ring, not just yet. I want to get you your own ring. This.. is a promise ring. My grandfather gave it to my grandmother when they were 18, when he purposed to her. I have never seen a love like theirs and I swore to myself that I’d find someone one day, someone to share a love like they did, with me.” I could see tears in her eyes.
“Oh, nononono..” I said. I gently wiped them. She giggled.
“No.. no, it’s fine.” She was beaming. Beautiful as always. I sighed.
“Jess, I promise to always be there for you like you’ve been there for me. Like you’re here for me right now. I promise to love you, I promise to support you, I promise to be the best husband, and dad, when the time comes to you, and to our family..” I bit my lip. I gently placed the necklace around her neck. She wiped her eyes again, still smiling. My heart was pounding.
“This ring is my promise to be your’s forever.” I said softly. I looked up at her. She was looking at the ring, crying more than before. I wiped her eyes.
“Please say something..” I whispered. She sighed, now looking up at me. She gently placed the ring under her shirt like I had worn it. She took my hands, still staring into my eyes. She went to say something, but caught herself. More tears filled her eyes. Finally, she just wrapped her arms around me. She hid her face in my neck.
Finally, she caught her breath. She looked at me again.
“Kellin, I love you..” She said. “This is.. beautiful.” I bit my lip, now leaning my forehead against hers. Please, just say it.
She sighed deeply.
“And I’d love to be your’s forever..”