Status: enjoy.

Postcards and Polaroids

Chapter 79.

“So, are you ready?” I asked, shielding Kellin’s eyes. I didn’t want him looking until we were inside. I lead him through the door, and moved my hands away.

“It’s not much, but it’s our home now.” I said softly. He sighed
“Jess.. it’s perfect.” He said. He gently grabbed my waist, pulling me onto our bed. I climbed over him, now staring into his eyes. He was beautiful. I looked over at my ring, shining brightly on my finger. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. Especially the fact that he was finally home. I kissed his forehead.
“Nowwwww..” He said. “Don’t forget about your end of the deal.” He said, gently touching my cheek.
“What do you mean?” I asked. He smirked.
“You said, if I put a ring on your finger, we’d talk about having a baby..” He said quietly. His face was burning. He gently pushed the hair out of my eyes, staring back at me. I sighed. He was right.
“Fine..” I said. “We can talk about it..” He smiled.
“Well, I would want a girl..” He said. I smiled. He’d be a great dad. I pictured him singing to her to sleep, gently rocking her until she’d stop crying. I pictured a beautiful baby girl, with his eyes. I’d only wish she was lucky enough to look just like him.
“I’d.. I’d like that.” I said. He smiled. He rolled over, now lying over me. He kissed my forehead.
“You’d make a great mom..” He said. He kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks burning.
Suddenly, the phone rang. I jumped. He laughed, slowly getting out of bed to answer it. I patiently waited as I overhead him talking in the next room.
He came back, his face blank.

“Kellin?” I asked. His expression didn’t change. “Kellin.. what’s wrong? Who was that?” I asked. He walked over and sat close to me on the end of the bed. He looked down.
“They’re accusing me of killing my mother..” He said. “I’m being called in for questioning tomorrow.”