Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

The Chemicals Will Bring You Home Again

~Lyla's Point Of View

I stared at the white porcelain of the toilet bowl waiting for the next wave of nausea to hit me. I had been here all day. The injections from chemo had left me weak and unable to keep anything down; I was throwing up water now. I heaved and was left shaking, tears fell down my face. I was pitiful. After the injections the doctors told me since my cancer was in the first stage they would only have to remove my left ovary, I would still have one functioning ovary but the chances of being able to have children were very slim. The thought of this made me cry all over again. Olivia patted my back and held my hair. She helped me into bed.

"Do you need anything?" She asked.

"No I'm fine." I weakly smiled. We said our goodbyes and she left for the night. I lied, I did want one thing. But I couldn't have him, I ruined that.

I felt stupid. I had decided my fate and jumped to conclusions and ruined the greatest thing in my life. I wished he was here, cuddling my freezing body that any number of blankets couldn't fix. I wish he was the one holding my hair back, as disgusting as that is. I just wished he was here, his warm smile warming my heart and the warmth slowly spreading through my body as I regained my strength. I burrowed deep into my blankets and just the thought of him made me smile. I slowly and shakily reached for my phone. I typed a message, then deleted it, rephrased it, deleted it, and then eventually put my phone back without sending anything. I had no more water in my body left to cry, but my shoulders still shook in desperation.

I wanted to see him, but he would never take me back.

~Vic's Point Of View

I wanted to see her, but she doesn't want me back.

I sat staring at a plate of eggs with Olivia, Tony, and Mike in a local diner. Tour was over and I had stayed in town in case Lyla miraculously changed her mind and wanted to see me. It had been four days since I had talked to her, but it might as well have been one hundred years. Every time I closed my eyes her shining face was starring back at me. Her gray eyes sparkled like the ocean in the middle of a storm, such a dangerous thing that brought so much beauty. Her hair shone like gold, and her skin was warm and rosy. I could even imagine the chill bumps that ran up her arms every time we touched, I got them too.

"Man, just go see her. You heard what Livi said, she misses you too, dammit. Get up and walk out that door, drive six blocks, and go get your girl." Tony said, stabbing his fork in the air with every word.

"I can't, she said she doesn't want to be with me. There was a reason." I held my head in my hands and groaned. I wanted to hold her so bad.

Olivia grabbed my hands from my face and they smacked against the table. "You listen to me right now, that's my best friend. I know her better than anyone and care about her just as much as you do. She's in love with you. She broke up with you because she didn't know what was going to happen to her after chemo. She thought she was dying, well she was but she didn't think chemo was going to work. She didn't want you to have to mend a broken heart when she was sitting in a box. But she's alive, she may be in pain but she's alive. She has the rest of her life, her life with you. But that life is never going to take flight unless you man up and go see her. You can't expect her to do it, she can't walk, she can't sit up, she can't do anything because she's so weak. Now go be with her, please. I'm begging you." Olivia had tears in her eyes and was squeezing Tony's hand so tight you could see pain in his face.

"C'mon bro, you can do this." Mike spoke up.

I nodded, my hands in fists as I got out of our booth and walked out into the cloudy, muggy day. The air was thick, almost suffocating me as I walked to the car. I pulled on my collar. I sat in the driver's seat for at least five minutes, stumbling over the right words in my mind. I smashed my hands into the steering wheel, blaring the horn. Olivia flicked me off through the window. I fumbled with the key, jamming it into the keyhole and backed out. I drove the speed limit for once, stalling for time and before I knew it I was in front of her house.

It was light gray, like her eyes without the sparkles. The shutters were dark green and little purple flowers climbed up the wall on the left side of door, curling around the windows like a winding staircase. All the blinds were closed and I couldn't imagine how dark it would be inside. I stood staring at the front door, my hand raised inches away from it. I was frozen. Subconsciously, I heard two solid knocks echo through the house. Shit.
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Probably one of my favorite chapters so far. Enjoy.