Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

God, You Vulture

~Lyla's Point Of View

Warm September wind blew the sheer scarf that was wrapped around my hairless head and into my face as I sat on the back porch. I pulled it away so I could take a sip of the tall glass of red wine I held in my right hand. I tilted my head back as the cool, rich liquid made its way down my throat, electrifying my body. I closed my eyes and when I opened them minutes later what had been remaining of the sun had now slipped down beneath the water, the only light being the soft glow of the kitchen through the glass doors. It was silent except for the crash of the waves against the shore line.

The glass door slid open and Vic emerged, carrying his guitar. He sat down on the porch floor at my feet. He had on loose black skinny jeans that were rolled up a tad and soft, faded plain red t-shirt.

“Hi beautiful.” He said softly, I was barely able to hear him. He then looked down at his guitar and began to strum. The air was suddenly filled with life as the notes filled the silent spaces. He closed his eyes as he sang, I wasn’t sure if with passion or to fight back tears, maybe both.

I kissed the scars on her skin
I still think you're beautiful
And I don't ever want to lose my best friend
I screamed out "God you vulture,
Bring her back or take me with her"

The last notes drifted off into the night and Vic’s eyes starred straight into my heart. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t even move. Vic pulled me into his lap and we sat silently holding each other. His fingers traced the scars on my arms like he often did; his touch warmed my heart and gave me chills at the same time.

“I started writing that song the day after I met you and I’ve rewritten in more times than I can count. I wanted it to be perfect for you, and no words can describe how I feel. When I found you broken and bleeding on your bathroom floor I thought I had lost you forever and I thought about a lot of things. I can’t imagine living life without you and I don’t even want to, okay? Never scare me like that, never leave me. Just stay with me, forever. You’re all I need. I could live in a box with no shoes for the rest of my life if waking up next to you every morning was promised.” He pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on the top of my head, speaking into my hair.

“I won’t ever leave, I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. Vic, I’m in love with you.” I pulled back a little so I could look into his eyes but left my torso still pressed against him.

“I’m in love with you too, Lyla.” His eyes sparkled and his pearly white teeth glowed in the moon light.

And in that moment I saw more than just a person, I saw a soul mate. I saw more than tanned muscled skin but I saw his heart. His heart beat for two and pulsed to make me happy. I woke up every morning hoping to see his face and he stayed awake every night to make sure I could. Loving me was work but loving him was effortless.

I tried to imagine where I would be if I had never met him. I would be lying in a hospital bed hooked up to machines with bloody gashes on my wrist. What if I had gone too far one day and no one had been around to save me? I may still have been lying in the bathroom floor, my blood lone run cold. He was what kept me strong, what kept be fighting through this disease. He was the only reason I got out of bed every day. Without him I would’ve given up my fight long ago.

“Darling, why are you crying?” He cradled my face softly with his hands, searching my eyes for an answer.

“Because I’m happy. I’m happy you found me, you saved my life without even trying. I could never thank you enough, Vic.” I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks and he kissed them away.

“You saved me too.”

~Vic's Point Of View

“Man, how long have you even known her?” Mike blew smoke out the window as we sped down the street, the car periodically illuminated by the glow of a street light.

“A little over three months, but guys, I can just tell. She’s the one! I can feel it.” I leaned forward in my seat, the seat belt clicked once I had pulled it as far as it could go as I tried to get closer to the front seats.

“We don’t doubt that she’s the one, just wait a little while. If you know you’re going to be together forever then what’s the rush to get married?” Jaime looked back at me from the driver’s seat while we stopped at a stop light.

“It’ll just make it seem more real. Right now I still feel like she could slip between my fingers at any moment and lose her just as easily as I did before. This will solidify it.” I put my head in my hands as they rested on my knees. I starred at the carpeted floor mats and wondered how a diamond would keep her in my arms but hoped my words would do for now.
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Hi Josh.