Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

It's Not Her Time

~Vic's Point Of View

God, I'm such an idiot... I thought as I drew circles on the small of Lyla's back as she slept. With every revolution of my index finger I would mutter stupid into the down pillow under my head. Lyla rolled over and buried her face into my collarbone, she sighed and her warm breath spilled onto my skin. Her long lashes cast deep shadows on her face in the early morning light. I tore my eyes from her and starred at the blades of the ceiling fan.

I couldn't believe I didn't ask her. I knew she was the one, so why couldn't I just do it? She was the only girl in the world for me. When she walked into my life it was like I awoke from a dream, and I fell in love. From the moment I bumped into her on the first day, to the way I held her in my arms at this moment, I was in love. I was in love with the girl in the hot sun, and the one who's eyes shown in the moonlight. The one I saw broken and fragile on the bathroom floor on a sea of red and the one in a hospital bed. I was hers and she mine, and if it ever changed I would be alone.

I pressed my fingers to the bruises that were beginning to form on her hips and thought of the night before. I felt guilty, but she didn't complain, so I wasn't complaining either. Laughing quietly to myself I kissed her head. Her lips were moving in her sleep and I wonder what she dreamed of. Her left arm clutched her right wrist like she always did when she was dreaming bad, but her small hands couldn't hide her scars. The pain in my chest when I looked at them was almost unbearable and I couldn't imagine the pain she felt. She didn't wear her bracelets anymore, but proudly wore her scars like badges, proclaiming to everyone she's won the hardest battle.

Lyla suddenly jerked up right, breathing heavily and whirling around to look at me. Her eyes looked scared and her bare chest was falling up and down to fast.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I sat up too and wrapped my arms around her and she began to cry.

"I had a... Had a dream I relapsed..." My heart broke at the words. "You left me, and I cut. I cut so much. I was back in the hospital and you weren't there when I woke up..."

"No, Lyla. Never say that. I'm always going to be here. I will never leave, even if one day you start to hate me and can't stand the sight of me, I'm still going to be here. I love you more than you can imagine. You put the stars in my sky and you're what's keeping my heart beating right now."

"I love you too, Vic." She looked up at me with tear filled eyes and I finally realized why I was here. I was here to keep her safe and keep her warm. I was here to comfort her from her bad dreams and to give her hope. I was here to promise laughs and kisses and brighter days. I was here to watch movies together and call her snowflake, to spoil her and make her feel wanted. I was here to keep her here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope someone feels this way about me one day.