Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

How does it feel? Well, it feels like I'm on fire.

The words rang in my head as I walked out of the hospital, in the silent car ride home, when Olivia walked me into my house and made sure everything was going to be okay. It felt like I had giant ear muffs on, I couldn’t even hear myself cry. Only my shaking shoulders told me I was still leaking hot, heavy tears. Olivia left after two hours; I curled into a ball and screamed. The doctor had explained they could remove the cancerous spots on my ovaries, but having kids would be out of the question.
Starting a family and having kids had been my dream: having the perfect family with the white picket fence. Now that dream was crushed, just like that. I could see it slip from my hands like a balloon that slowly floats away towards the sky, never to be seen again.
It was dark before I could manage to stand on shaky legs. The house was dark and empty, like always. There was no one else to tell about my misfortune. No one else cared. No siblings. Mom and dad were too consumed with their drug obsession that consumed their lives; they had probably forgotten they had a daughter. I had moved out on my own when I was 16. I was used to loneliness.
I walked to my CD player on the kitchen counter and put in Pierce The Veil’s CD. Yeah Boy and Doll Face drifted through the house, making it come alive with melodies. I laid flat on my stomach on the kitchen floor, the linoleum cool on the side of my face. The only good thing in my life was music. It had saved me many times before and I didn’t doubt its powers to help me again. I pretended Vic was singing to me, if I closed my eyes I could just imagine him standing there; holding my hand as he sang this song to me. I sighed. In three days I would be meeting him, it seemed impossible. Surprisingly, I smiled. I never thought I would smile again.
‘See what you’ve done to me, Vic?’ I thought.’ I’ll be able to smile again, one day. And hopefully you’ll be the reason why.’


The sun beat down on my back; I could feel my skin burning on my naturally tan skin. I had already gained a few freckles and it was only 10 in the morning. I twisted my dirty blonde hair a few times until it was in a low bun on the nape of my neck.
“Lyla! C’mon, Tonys going to take us back to the buses. Maybe Vic will be there!” Olivia bumped her hip with mine, catching me off balance. I smiled at her and we locked eyes. She knew how I felt about Vic.
“Okay! Lead the way.” I couldn’t contain my smile as I walked through the maze of buses. We rounded a corner and I smacked right into something, falling flat on my backside in the dirt. The other person stumbled and dropped papers.
I stuttered an apology and haphazardly began to pick up papers. My finger grazed across something smoothed and I stopped, I had grabbed a shoe. I looked at the pair of Vans in front of my face. My eyes slowly worked my way up the owner of the shoes, up a pair of skinny black jeans, a geometric patterned button up, shoulder length hair, and into a pair of gorgeous brown eyes. My mouth fell open.
“I’m so sorry! Let me help you.” The person stuck out a hand and helped me up. “I’m Vic by the way!”