Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

Dreamless In Early Graves

~Lyla’s Point Of View

I leaned my head against the window of Vic’s hospital room. After waking up, the doctor had required he stay for two more nights. Vic was sleeping right now with his head turned away from me and his hair falling across his face. The glow of the TV cast an eerie green light across the room.

I turned back to the window and could see the tour bus at the edge of the parking lot where the rest of the band slept, and then past that a small shopping center and a park. They always say that when you’re in love you’re supposed to see things differently, but actually I saw nothing but Vic. I didn’t just see a park, I saw a park that Vic and I could go to and a shopping center that the two of us could shop at. I didn’t think of anything for myself, he was always there in the back of my mind.

“You’re so beautiful.” Vic murmured. He was awake now and looking at me. “I’ve missed being able to actually look at you, I never would’ve thought I would have to say that.” He scooted over and motioned for me to come lay with him.

I sighed as I got up and absentmindedly pulled on my short, pixie hair. I pulled the covers back and crawled into the bed, instantly enveloped in Vic’s warmth. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his shoulder, something I had missed, and tried not to fall asleep. We sat there in silence, just enjoying the moment.

“You’re the only thing I thought about.” I almost couldn’t hear him speak as he talked into the top of my head.

“I was always, always here. I only left you for short periods of time when I couldn’t bear to see you hurting.”

“I knew you were hurting, too. I wanted to badly to wrap you up in my arms and calm your sobs and kiss away your tears. You were at the tips of my fingers but I couldn’t find the muscles to make them work and touch you. I felt so helpless. The sound of you crying broke my heart over and over again until I thought it couldn’t be broken anymore, then it would happen again and prove me wrong.” He squeezed me tighter.

“Don’t you ever leave me again. I don’t know what I would do. I was tip toeing along the edge of my depression again but I only kept my balance for you. I knew you were going to come back to me.” I wasn’t ashamed of admitting how weak I was, how much I needed him. I needed him like I needed air.

“That ring on your fourth finger right there, that’s my promise to you. And this,” He pointed to his chest where his heart was. “Is the biggest promise of all. This is yours for the breaking.”

“I could never break your heart, Vic. But you are more than capable of breaking mine.” I trailed my fingers up and down the side of his rib cage, across his stomach, and back of the other side.

“That may be true, but I would never want to. I love you too much, beautiful.” He kissed me on the nose and then on my lips. The fact that he still found me beautiful after all the ugly scars, inside and out, that I had was amazing to me.

When the conversation seemed to be over and I thought he had fallen asleep I turned my back to him so we would be in the spooning position. I let my eyes drift in and out of focus and starred at the street lights outside the window.

I felt warm fingers on my neck as Vic pushed my hair out of the way and a shiver went down my spine. He lightly kissed my neck and stopped right next to my ear. “I can’t wait till we can sleep in our bed again.” He continued to kiss me and I turned around to face him. He greeted me with one of his award winning smiles and a wink. There was no way to say no to him.

“Oh yeah? I’ve missed that a little bit myself.” Wrapping my arms around his neck I threw myself into our kiss.

His hand trailed from my shoulder down the side of my breast and torso where it hooked around my thigh and brought it across him. I rolled so I was on top, never breaking our kiss. This continued for minutes, maybe hours, until I heard the heart rate monitor start to increase. I pulled back and looked at his eyes. He looked ashamed and I giggled.

“The doctors will be in here if that gets too high. We’ll continue where we left off when we’re home tomorrow.” I held up one little pinky and he held up one too.

I laid my head on his chest and as I was almost asleep I heard him start to sing: “I love you, I love you with all my heart / There’s never a day that we’ll be apart / In the day or in the night / You’ll bring me home in your shining light.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Very short, I know. Sorry about it. Probably can't update tomorrow but I promise one the next day. :) enjoy.