Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

Break The Barricade

~Vic's Point Of View

I had just been given a stack of posters to take to the meet and greet, and I was hurrying to put them back on the bus until we had to go. Atlanta had got to have been one of the hottest days on the entire tour and I was ready to be back in the bus. I rounded a corner through the maze of buses and smacked straight into a petite, tanned girl. She mumbled something I couldn't understand and began to frantically pick up the posters.

“I’m so sorry! Let me help you. I’m Vic by the way!” I stuck out my hand and helped her up. She didn't say a word as she stood and dusted herself off. I couldn't help but notice she was stunning. The most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. Her blonde hair was tied back, only a few strands blew around her freckle dusted face. Her stormy grey eyes were wide open in shock, but I didn't care. They were beautiful. She had long, full lashes and the kind of face that didn't need make up, which I loved. She had on black Vans, ripped denim shorts, and a flowy black tank. My kinda girl, I thought.

I tore my eyes away from her, I wanted to just stand there and look at her all day. Tony and another person had come around the corner with the girl. I recognized Olivia, Tony's new girlfriend, was there. "Sup, Tony?" We fist bumped and I said hey to Olivia.

"Vic, this is my friend Lyla, she's a huge fan of yours and was dying to meet you!" Olivia spoke up, pushing the girl, Lyla, closer to me.

"Uhh, hi. I'm Lyla, wait, she just said that." She stuttered and stuck out her hand. Cute.

"Nice to meet you, sorry about knocking you over! So you're a big fan?"

"Uh, yeah. I've listened to you since the beginning!"

"That's so cool! You should come hang out in the bus with the guys!" I smiled at her and she became less nervous as we walked through the maze of buses and band members to the PTV bus. Tony and Olivia took off somewhere, doing who knows what.

The bus was empty so I turned on some music and we sat down on the couch. Lyla pulled her feet underneath her and faced me. God, she was beautiful. We talked about music mostly, this was her fifth time coming to Warped, and her third time seeing me in concert. She seemed to know more about music than I even did. I was impressed, and she was adorable. She would look down every time a giggle escaped her lips. She constantly played with the braided and beaded bracelets that decorated her small, fragile wrists. They looked worn and little bit faded, like she hadn't taken them off in years. I didn't even know this girl's last name, and I already didn't want to leave her side.

~Lyla's Point Of View

I couldn't believe I was in a tour bus. Let alone the PTV bus! Vic Fuentes sat a few inches away from me, having a conversation. Please, no one pinch me. We talked like we were old friends, about music, movies, and Warped.

"Wait, so your pants actually came off while you were crowd surfing?!" Vic was laughing uncontrollably, barely able to speak.

"Yes! I had to go buy the boy shorts from the merch table!" I laughed with him, it felt so good.

"That's hilarious! You have the best stories, Lyla." He sounded so genuine and looked right into my eyes when we spoke. He said my name so often in conversation and I loved the way it sounded coming out of his mouth. The door opened and Mike and Jaime came in. They stopped their conversation as soon as they saw me, then quizzically looked at Vic. "Hey guys, this is my new friend, Lyla. She's Tony's girlfriend's best friend."

"Wussup, little girl?" Mike said a plopped down on the other side of me.

"I'm not that little." I blushed and pulled my knees to my chin, but my smile didn't skip a beat.

"Ignore him, I'm Jaime, it's nice to meet you." Jaime leaned against the table opposite the couch and crossed his arms. Vic explained the story how I lost my pants and insisted I recount it to the guys. I soon had them rolling on the floor with laughter. I laughed freely with them, momentarily forgetting the terrible news I had received just a few short days earlier. I stopped laughing and bit the inside of my lip until I tasted blood, refusing to let myself cry. I didn't want to spoil the moment.

"Hey what time is it? Damn, we have to find Tony! We go on in 20 minutes!" Vic jumped to his feet and started picking up a few things. "Do you want to come hang back stage while we play?"

"I would love too!" I smiled and we walked out of the bus into the heat. His pinky kept grazing mine as we walked, I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw him beaming. Every time he touched me a tingle would run through my body. We met up with Tony and Olivia, both had the goofiest smiles plastered across their faces and I didn't bring up how Olivia's hair was ruffled. They were so in love.

The entire main stage vibrate has the band fired up the show and the crowd went wild. I jumped and danced and sang my lungs out, all my troubles melting away with the music. For a moment I was free. Vic kept looking my way, even winking once, making my heart skip a beat every time. This couldn't be good for my health. The last few cords from Jaime's bass pulsed through the air and the crowd went wild. The stage began to spin and my stomach churned, soon everything was black.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is for you, Liv.