Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

I Kissed The Scars On Her Skin

I awoke but didn't open my eyes, I had the worst migraine in the world. I lay they there, I guessed I was back in the tour bus, listening to the people around me talk.

"She's been, uh, really sick lately. She probably just got to hot." I heard Olivia stumble over her words. She was covering for me, not wanting to ruin our day. I didn't want anyone to know, I hated when people felt bad for me.

"Oh, well let's hope she wakes up soon..." A voice said that I didn't recognize, it was a girl.

"Me too. Thanks again for helping Morgan. Do you need to get back to work?" It was Vic that spoke, he was close to my head. I felt a strand of hair being wiped away from my face. He was so close.

"Oh, Jacob probably has it under control but Austin is probably looking for me. I'm gonna come back later and check on her, if that's okay." The unknown girl said.

"Yeah, come by anytime! See you soon." I heard a few people's footsteps shuffle around the bus, but Vic didn't move. I heard him sigh. I chose then to open my eyes, slowly. I ended up looking at him upside down, from the way we were positioned.

"Lyla." He breathed my name, relieved. "I was so worried about you." I couldn't speak, I didn't want to lie to him, but I couldn't possibly tell him what was wrong with me. I hadn't believed it myself, how were other people supposed to? I raised myself onto my elbow and my entire body ached. I groaned and he helped me into a sitting position, supporting me. "Lyla, what's wrong."

Tears welled in my eyes. "Three days ago I went to the doctor, and they gave me some really bad news. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer." My tears were silent as they fell down my face, they slid off my cheeks and onto my legs. They made tracks in the dirt that covered my body, a consequence everyone faces from attending outside music festivals. "Next week i'm going into chemo, they'll be able to stop it but I don't know what I'm going to do."

I poured my whole heart out then, how I would lose my hair, how I could never have kids. I even told them about my parents, or more importantly, my lack of parents. I told him what I was afraid of, spiders and loneliness. I took off my bracelets and showed him my scars, some fresh and some fully healed. Each one of battle wound of the past 23 years of life. The thin white lines predominant against my sun tanned skin littered my fore arm. I remember every one, the guilt, the relief, and the shame that each one included.

Vic was quiet through my entire speech. He held my hand and starred into my eyes like he always did. After it was over, he kissed my wrist. He told me not to worry, and that I was beautiful. That he was always here. That made me cry even harder, not because I was sad, but because I finally had some hope.


Later that night, me and Vic sat on a grassy spot that looked over the the crew folding up tents and taking down stages. They looked like little ants hurrying through the dirt, kicking up dust with every step they took. The sun set in the distance, the sky a kaleidoscope of pinks, oranges, and yellows. I folded one arm behind my head and laid back, leaving the one closest to Vic by my side. He laid back too and hooked his pinky with mine. I closed my eyes and smiled, I didn't want to think about going home.

"Lyla, I know we just met today, which seems crazy. But there's only four more days left on the tour, do you think you could come with me? I really can't think of just leaving and never seeing you again. It's been one of the best days I've had in a very long time." He lifted up onto one elbow so he could look me in the eye. I couldn't believe what he was asking.

"Oh, oh my god. Yes, of course i'll go with you! We just have to be back by next Friday for my... appointment." I didn't want to think about what next week would bring.

And then he kissed me. He leaned down and kissed me. His lips were soft and I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. I couldn't tell if it had been a few seconds, or many days without the sun. I could've stayed there for years and never wanted anything more in the world. He was then on top of me, but never let his weight touch me. He supported himself and still managed to run his fingers through my hair. How he did that, I would never know, but I didn't care as long as he kept doing it. I gasped for breath and he pulled away. My lips parted but couldn't form words and he gently pressed his lips to mine for a second more. "Stay."
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Hope you like. :)