Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

Pretend Like I Don't Entice You

~Vic's Point Of View

It was dark when we walked pinky-in-pinky back to the bus. The moonlight shown on Lyla making her blonde hair shine like white silk and her eyes sparkled. Her skin looked white; she looked just like an angel. My angel. She covered her mouth and stifled a yawn. It seemed like a thousand days had passed since I had first met her, or knocked her over, but it had only twelve hours. I had never felt this way before, I wanted to write a song for her but it felt like none of my words would be good enough for her, no words could express her beauty. Was this love?

"Oh! Hi everyone." Lyla gasped as we walked into the tour bus, which was full of people. Jaime, Tony, Olivia, Morgan, and Austin and Alan from Of Mice & Men with a girl I had never seen before were all piled into the living area of the bus. They all greeted her with smiles.

"This is Morgan, she's Austin's girlfriend and the OMM merch girl. She helped us take care of you when you passed out earlier today. This is Austin and Alan from the band." I introduced everyone to each other, the other girl was Alan's girlfriend Kate. They were both ginger, and adorable in my opinion.

"Thank you for your help, I just keep getting weaker and weaker everyday." Lyla explained and looked at the floor, rubbing the toe of one dirty Van against the heel of the other. "If you guys don't mind I would like to go to bed. Goodnight." She looked at me and I led her to the back of the bus.

"I hope you don't mind but we'll have to share a bunk, there's limited space on tour." I bit one side of my lip, trying to cover a smile. I was thrilled she was going to be sleeping next to me.

"I don't mind at all. Are you going to hang out or are you coming to bed?"

"I'll go to sleep, we have another full day tomorrow."

We crawled into my bunk, the lowest one in the very back of the bus. She kicked off her shoes then climbed into bed fully clothed, while I was only in boxers. After a few seconds of squirming her shorts flew onto the floor of the bus. She looked at me with apologetic eyes before burrowing her head into my chest. We chatted for a few minutes before her eyes became heavy and her breathing slowed. I drew hearts lightly on the small of her back with the tips of my fingers, barely touching her. If this was a dream I had no reason to wake up, I had everything I needed right here in my arms.


The smell of eggs and bacon woke me up and my heart skipped a beat. My bed was empty, had Lyla been a dream? Was she not real? I darted down the hall and there she was in a long button up plaid shirt, pant less, making breakfast in the kitchen. She danced around the stove and hummed the wrong tune of a song. I slowly raked my eyes from her toes up her bare legs to the shirt that barely covered butt, leaving much to be imagined, to her long, messy blonde hair that fell over her shoulders like a golden waterfall. I loved everything about her: the freckles on her toes to the dimple on the left side of her mouth. I even loved her knees. I grabbed her waist from behind and kissed softly down from her ear lobe to just before her lips and stopped.

"Ew! Gross guys!" Mike grumbled and slid into a chair at the table. Lyla giggled and slid a plate of eggs in front of him. "How you feelin', little one?"

"I've already told you, I'm not little. But I feel much better now." Her smile made my heart flutter.

She insisted I sit and loaded a plate full of food for me. Jaime and Tony had gone to look at new sets of guitars. Lyla went to shower and me and my little brother were left alone.

"Damn dude, you seem to really like this girl." He said through mouthfuls of eggs.

"I really do, it's crazy. I've never felt about anyone like this, and I've barely known her for a day. I hope it's not too good to be true."

"Well if it doesn't it's going to make a hell of a song. But... She has cancer. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to hold her hand through it all, she'll always be beautiful to me."


~Lyla's Point Of View

I sat in the floor of the shower with my head between my knees, razor in hand. I hadn't cut in four days and I was craving. But I don't need it, I told myself. I was happy. It was a strange feeling, having plastered on smiles for so many years I forgot what it felt like to have the corners of your lips turn up involuntarily. I dropped the razor. I was stronger than this, I didn't need this. I sat like that for a few more minutes before getting out and getting ready for the day.

"Lyla! Get ready! The entire tour is going to six flags!" Vic ran into the room and ran right back out with excitement. I laughed freely. That felt good too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Freckle toes. ♥