Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

She's Mine!

~Lyla's Point Of View

The boys ran ahead of us like school children giddy to go play at recess. I walked through the gates with the girls, Morgan, Kate, and Olivia. The director of Warped had rented the entire park like he does every year for all the bands. All my favorites were surrounding me and I was trying not to fan girl.

"Guys, that's Kellin Quinn. How are you not freaking out right now?" I whisper shouted and starred at the lead singer.

"Yeah, and that's his wife and baby girl. Keep walking." Morgan turned my shoulders and directed me the direction we were supposed to be going. "Besides, you're with Vic Fuentes!"

"You're right. But we're not really together, it's only been a day. This is crazy! I hope it's real."

"Well if I know band boys, and trust me I do, this is real. They don't just give their heart to anyone, they have to mean a whole lot to them to settle down. How do you think all these great songs are written?" Kate flipped a flaming curl over her shoulder and raised her eye brows at me.

"I hope you're right!" At that moment Vic ran up and grabbed my hand.

"Sorry girls, she's mine for the day!" He winked and we took off through the park. We ended in a fit of laughter at the entrance to the Batman ride. "Let's ride this first!"

He kissed me right before the ride took off and held my hand the entire time. I almost had him crying because he was laughing at me so hard, I was screaming. We rode almost every ride twice. We kissed at the top of a coaster, something he had never done before, and I felt special being the first person to experience it with him. From the top of the rides I felt powerful, like nothing could bring me down. Nothing was terrifying and I could pretend like I wasn't slowly dying. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore what was happening to me. I wanted to cry and break down but I promised to myself I would stay strong, not only for me but for everyone else. All of these things ran through my head every second, I would look at Vic's face and feel comforted again.

The sun was setting and Vic said he had one more place to take me. We walked hand in hand through the park. Olivia, Tony, Kate, and Alan were sitting at a picnic table sharing a giant plate of french fries. Olivia made a kissy face at me before she wrapped her arms around Tony, I rolled my eyes. Mike was hitting on a few merch girls in line to ride the Goliath. I looked up and found where we were going, Vic couldn't contain his giggling, we were at the Tunnel Of Love.

"You do realize how cliche this is, right?" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I had to tilt my head all the way up to meet his eyes.

"Yes, but it's cute. Admit it." He gave me a million dollar smile and I couldn't help but smile back. Vic burst into laughter and looked at something that was over my head. I turned to see Austin and Morgan coming out of the tunnel, not realizing they were in public again. Their boat bumped the side of the river and they looked up from making out.

"Oops, sorry. Actually, I'm not sorry." Austin smiled and Morgan turned unbelievably red. They walked arm in arm toward the others, playfully hitting eachother's arms.

"After you, madame." Vic helped me into the boat and took a seat beside me in the bright pink boat. A giant swan head was at the front of the boat, dividing the rose petal covered water as we moved further down the dark tunnel. Vic slipped an arm around me and I shivered. "You cold, babe?"

"No, I'm excited." I didn't want to admit that every time we touched, it felt like an electric current was running through my veins. He pressed his nose to mine, teasing me. I closed the space and put my lips to his. I felt him smile during the kiss. He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

"I hope this isn't to soon to say this..." His words drifted off.

"Say what?" I breathed.

"I love you, Lyla."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is probably my favorite chapter so far!