Status: First time writing fan fiction, please leave feedback! There's more to come (:

Love Like A Tidal Wave

I Hate This Flavor With A Passion

~Lyla's Point Of View

It was the last day of Warped tour and I had been with Vic for a week. It had been the best week of my life, he was good for me. But I was bad for him. I couldn't help but have a constant guilty conscious; I was dying and he would be left alone. I had accepted that I was dying, I could feel it. I was weak, and always tired. My body was shutting down, I could tell in just the past couple days my condition was worsening. My hair had lost its shine and my skin was no longer rosy and warm, but pale a cold. Yet he still found me beautiful.

The death may be painless, but the ones left behind feel endless pain. I didn't want him to feel anything, I wasn't worth it. That's why when I woke up that day I knew what I had to do. I went through the motions of getting ready and put on a half-hearted smile on my face as Vic kissed me on the cheek.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, his always smiling face had fallen and three little lines appeared on his forehead as he crinkled his brows together.

"Just tired." I explained and looked at my feet. He nodded and held my hand as we walked to his set. My hand was limp in his.

"Vic, I really need to talk to you." I stopped walking, jerking him back.

"Can this wait? I have to be on in three minutes."

I had to do it now, just twenty seconds of insane courage. "No, it can't wait."

"Okay what is it?" People were wrapping wires around him and getting his mic hooked up. He draped a green guitar around his shoulders. He looked at me like a helpless puppy, his big eyes open with curiosity. People were pushing him onto the stage, carrying me along with him and suddenly I was in front of the crowd. Before I my brain could process what was happening, my mouth was taking control and my words were broadcasted for two thousand people to hear.

"I don't want to be with you anymore."


~Vic's Point Of View

Those were the words I never wanted to hear in my life. I loved her, I was in love with her. I looked at Lyla as she stumbled over cords and off stage, running to I don't know where. I looked to my right and Jaime was trying to calm the crowd down.

"Hey, I bet this was just a joke and they'll get right back together after the show! How bout we play a song?" Jaime pleaded and looked at me helplessly. I began to strum.

Somehow, I managed to finish the set, blinking back tears the entire time. The verses of songs occasionally interrupted by sniffles. I waved to the crowd and thanked them, all the emotion drained of my body; I was numb. Hands gently guided me off stage and through the dirt. Whoever was directing me stayed silent. I didn't ask anything because I wasn't sure I was capable of it. Tears blinded me and I couldn't control it anymore.

"Step." A girl told me and I stepped up, I was on a bus. I wiped the tears from my eyes just enough to recognize the Of Mice & Men tour bus. I was with Morgan.

"Why am I here?"

"I thought you could use someone to talk to." She sat down on the couch and patted the space next to her. I sat but stayed silent. "You really love her." It was a statement, not a question. Everyone knew.

"Yeah. I did. I thought she loved me too. I don't know what I did wrong. This past week has been the best of my life, I didn't know she was unhappy. I thought this was what she wanted."

"She does love you. She's trying to cope with something that's so much bigger than she is, she's battling herself and she's losing. She's going into chemo tomorrow, do you understand how much stress this is? I'm positive she's in love with you. Give her time, go see her in the hospital. Be there for her."

I nodded. I wasn't going to give up on her, she was the love of my life and i was sure of it. I couldn't see a future without her, Tony was right. I needed her, just as much as she needed me. I shuffled my feet and looked at the ground as I walked back to our bus. It was dark by the time me and Morgan had finished talking. Everyone looked up as I walked in but didn't dare say a word. I walked to the back lounge and picked up my acoustic. I was going to win her back no matter what.
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I'm not very happy with this chapter.