I Have A Confession To Make

Fifth Confession

Anything for mother...

I wouldn't let myself think about what i was about to do. I wouldn't tell myself it was wrong. That might change my mind. And I couldn't have that.
My mom deserved this. Right? She needed to get away from the man I used to call father. We both needed to get away. This was just what we could use to get away. To finally run from him.
I took a deep breath and let the nervousness seep out of my pores. The rough sack flew in the breeze, the knot tieing it to my handlebars being the only thing keeping it from soaring in the rapid winds. I told my feet to keep moving, bringing me closer and closer to the local grocery store.
I finally reached the crowded parking lot and hopped off the shiny bike in one motion. I untied the bag and stuffed it in my backpack. I let the bike flop over and rattle as it hit the cold ground. I quickly dragged it behind an oak tree and shuffled into the store.
I let the door swing close behind me and walked towards a aisle at random. My heart beat seemed to beat through my clothes. I stole several glances towards the many cashiers as I pretended to be interested in some sort of scandalous magazine featuring all the new teeny-bopper stars.
I took in one shakey breath and headed towards a middle-aged woman at the counter. Her face was buried in a corny romance novel and her feet kicked up, resting on another chair. She looked up at me and noticed my empty, sweating hands. "Can I help you?"
Oh crap. I hadn't thought of this part. What was I supposed to say? Give me your money? Wasn't that just a little overused these days?
I settled on a simple, "Um...nothing at the moment, thanks." I rolled my eyes at my own cowardliness. I looked down at the rack of different gums below. I shuffled a little before turning back to the employee. "Excuse me?"
She looked up at me with tired grey eyes. The irritation showed on her face. Well if she thinks her day is going bad now, I almost feel bad for her.
I opened my backpack. Her eyes followed my hands as the bag dropped to the floor and a glistening gun was revealed. I held it in my right palm. It took all the guts I had not to drop it and run. My hand wrapped around the metal like a vine.
The woman jerked back quickly, her mouth open in shock. Her eyes were wide and she held her arms outstretched in front of her as if to protect herself from me.
This was completly new to me. I have never been feared before. It was good.
"W-what do you want?" The cashier stuttered as she backed into the wall of lottery tickets.
A grin spread across my face. "Money. Now."
She stumbled around, pressing several buttons on the register, probably wishing she wasn't the only one working today. She finally started to load cash onto the counter.
I flung the sack towards her face and it landed on the counter. "Put it in," I demanded as I remained holding the gun inches from her forehead.
She stuffed the bills into the bag, trembing. Once she was finished she stood stiffly and looked at the ground. "Alright you have what you want. Get. Out."
I smirked. "Your lucky I just need fast money. Or else you'd be seriously screwed." I threw the gun at her feet. She jumped back and immediatly started shouting on nearby a phone frantically. She bent down to pick up the gun and point it back at me. "Don't move," she managed to spit out.
I walked towards the door and tilted my head sideways, challenging her.
She scowled. "Try me." Her grip on the gun grew tighter.
I placed my hand on the doornob and smiled just as the gun went of. A small low sound clicked. Not loaded.
"Idiot," I laughed as I skipped out the door and towards the road, leaving my bike to stay abandoned behind the thick tree. My legs propelled me forward and up the dirt road, sack tight in my hands.
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